View Full Version : A nudda awful joke from dat Nigel...

10th August 2009, 21:34

A stammering man goes to a speech therapist:

Man: p p p please c c cure my st st stammer!?

Therapist: Certainly sir, I'll just put this wooden spoon on your tongue.:)

Man: Wow! I can speak perfectly now! :) I can't thank you enough!:xxgrinning--00xx3: How much do I owe you?:)

Therapist: £500

Man: b b b bloody how mu mu mu much?!:angry:


10th August 2009, 21:37
:NoNo: Sorry Nigel,that one is relegated to the bin :NoNo:

10th August 2009, 21:40

A stammering man goes to a speech therapist:

Man: p p p please c c cure my st st stammer!?

Therapist: Certainly sir, I'll just put this wooden spoon on your tongue.:)

Man: Wow! I can speak perfectly now! :) I can't thank you enough!:xxgrinning--00xx3: How much do I owe you?:)

Therapist: £500

Man: b b b bloody how mu mu mu much?!:angry:



10th August 2009, 23:12
:NoNo: Sorry Nigel,that one is relegated to the bin :NoNo:

LOL, i find this comment funnier than the joke, sorry nigel, lol :D:D:D:D

11th August 2009, 02:50
Thought that was quite funny Nige... For one of yours..

31st December 2009, 18:34
Another stammerer j j j joke! :Hellooo:

A bunch of guys are asked to go door to door selling bibles! They really don't sell much but there is one guy who manages to sell a lot of them.

Whats even more interesting is the guy has a stammer! So they ask him how he manages to sell so many bibles, he says...

"It's q q q quite simple really...I j j just ask them would you like to b b b buy this b b b b b would you like to b b b buy this b b bible, or would you like me t t t t to would you like me t to r r r r read it to you?"


Apologies to any stammerers! But hey you know you'd make good door to door salesmen! hehe