View Full Version : changing... the process of change

11th August 2009, 14:45
I am writing this post to share with you the process of change i am going through.. not simply physical change as I am getting older :yikes: But changing in the way I think , decide , or understand things and events around me , such as:

1) before, I was more critical to comment on cost, expenses, income and savings, Now, I am rationalizing the necessity to spend or to save the meager income

2) before, i am worried if my kids got low marks on their report cards, now , i am telling them , Don't worry anak, you can do more next time, just dont be complacent;

3) before..... and now......at iba pa.................

What's yours? :Erm:

11th August 2009, 17:27
I am writing this post to share with you the process of change i am going through.. not simply physical change as I am getting older :yikes: But changing in the way I think , decide , or understand things and events around me , such as:

1) before, I was more critical to comment on cost, expenses, income and savings, Now, I am rationalizing the necessity to spend or to save the meager income

2) before, i am worried if my kids got low marks on their report cards, now , i am telling them , Don't worry anak, you can do more next time, just dont be complacent;

3) before..... and now......at iba pa.................

What's yours? :Erm:

Hi...maybe these are the changes that my family and even myself noticed:

1. before im afraid to face my problems...but now I learned to be strong and to fight.

2. before i met my hubby im a loner and dont want to deal with anyone...now i learned how to trust and to get along with others


11th August 2009, 17:52
before i was evil... now i am ever so good!

11th August 2009, 18:24
now i am ever so good!

at being evil :D


11th August 2009, 18:27
Never used to worry about a thing,nothing,always game to have a go at most things,I think having a child changes your perspective,you cant always do what you used to do in case something happens to you because now you have a dependant it changes the rules of the game :)

11th August 2009, 19:12
at being evil :D

Oooohhhh.......no Maria's special cherry pie for Uncle Joe :rolleyes:

11th August 2009, 22:05
before im a baby now a lady

11th August 2009, 22:48
before i was evil... now i am ever so good!


Now I am brat, but because people around me and people who I am asking advice are really kind enough, that makes me cool and patience :D:xxgrinning--00xx3:

And people getting old they, I, We, became being understanding and patience :rolleyes:

11th August 2009, 22:52
:xxgrinning--00xx3: changing from evil to good:xxgrinning--00xx3:

I think having a child changes your perspective When we are still single we are carefree, but now having kids to take care of, we became more extra cautious..

12th August 2009, 08:58
at being evil :D


exactly what my husband said:icon_lol:

12th August 2009, 10:30
Before, I was independent
Work hard to save and to spend
Can go anywhere, anytime
Alone, with family, friends, whoever!
It was a happy life for me enjoying my singleness

Today, it's almost the same
Hubby gives me independence financially and going other places
There's only some restrictions.
He said you can look but do not touch
Financially still the same, it is to save or to spend?