View Full Version : chasing paperwork

2nd November 2006, 15:25
Can anyone help :Help1:
Jasmine and i got married in september and have been trying to sort out visa paper work we have been given to understand that with the application we must provide the original NSO marriage certificate..... and here is the problem even though we have sent off the copy provided at the civil wedding to the NSO office we havent yet received the NSO version does anyone know of a contact i can call to chase this up. my wife bless her :rolleyes: seems to worry about chasing up officials to get them to do their job ahhhh:NoNo:
i sure many of you know life over here without your honey is just :bigcry:
thanks in advance for any help you can offer:xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd November 2006, 22:52
I don't know of a contact but is there an Aunt, Sister, etc who is a little more forward when dealing with Officials?

The local muncipal office should be able to help and im sure a local offering some expenses to speeden the deal might help. Sadly that seems to be the way it works over in Phill.

It does take a while for marriage certs to be sent up to the main office.

From Memory the local narriage offices normally send them in batches up to the NSO office and then the NSO slowly process them. I guess they then pile up ready to be sent back as a batch. Unless they make a special case of a certficate.

We were helped by a distant realtive who worked in the local muncipal town hall. She chased up the right people and ours was send up earlier.

The nso now has a flash website (improved in look from when My Wife and I looked at it back in 2004) and also it has a contacts page.

LInk here


This maybe of use im not sure.

Last thing to bear in mind is it does take a couple of months well apriximatly to send off and get back from what i remeber.

Look at it this way while your waiting it gives you time to prepare all the other Paperwork so your Visa is sucessful:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Search though some of the other posts im sure Eljohno asked the same kind of question about a year ago some of the replies may be useful.

2nd November 2006, 23:07
got married last june this year...its a civil wedding....after the wedding we have to wait for a few days to get the original copy of our marriage certificate from the civil registrars office....we're lucky 'coz in our municipality, there is an NSO Office, where after receiving our original marriage certificate from the civil registrars office, we directly requested for a copy of our marriage certificate from the NSO Office, which we got the same day...

This might help..

How to obtain certifications
In Person
Applications made in person or by a representative will be received at the East Avenue office located at:
National Statistics Office
East Avenue (in front of SSS)
Quezon City
Documents* applied at the East Avenue office will be released at the EDSA office located at:
National Statistics Office
EDSA corner Times St.
West Triangle, Quezon City 1104

Vicinity map for the application and releasing areas: http://www.census.gov.ph/data/civilreg/crd_transfer.html

*NOTE: Results of authentication requests are issued at the East Avenue office.

By Postal Service
Please address all communications to:
The Civil Registrar General
National Statistics Office
P.O. Box 779, Manila

Through the web
Visit the e-Census website at http://www.e-census.com.ph.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

NOTE: If the request is done through conventional postal service system or through e-mail, the certification shall be sent to the requesting party through conventional postal service system.


4th November 2006, 00:20
Thanks guys
i will see what i can find out from those contacts the rest of the paper work is ready, we are just waiting on this so we can call ukvacs

5th November 2006, 19:12
:) :Hellooo: You're welcome dave.....goodluck...