View Full Version : Friends husband shot..........

17th August 2009, 12:39

17th August 2009, 12:57
I'm sorry about your friend's husband........was it a random attempt/mistaken identity or was he actually a target,
if he works in DAR then it may be connected to some land dispute issues,
specially by farmers who are fighting for some land they tended for so long......and believe the land should be rightfully theirs already....

17th August 2009, 13:28

17th August 2009, 15:58
Its cool,I have known a two people be shot in Pinas,the last one was a high ranking policeman,he was shot three times but survived,I asked him a year after the attack what happened to the guy who did it,he just smiled and said "We caught him and dealt with him":icon_lol: He was/is a copper in Davao so I guess to what "Dealt with" alludes :omg: The guy yesterday was aware people are out to get him,thankfully they were amateurs :) You know what some parts of pinas is like,the wild west,vengance is mine,I will repay,sayeth the lord :icon_lol:an eye for an eye is literal not figurative :icon_lol:

Oh well, sad but true......

17th August 2009, 16:02

17th August 2009, 16:04
Even the roses in paradise have thorns :icon_lol:

LOL, proven already :icon_lol:

17th August 2009, 16:30
Its cool,I have known a two people be shot in Pinas,the last one was a high ranking policeman,he was shot three times but survived,I asked him a year after the attack what happened to the guy who did it,he just smiled and said "We caught him and dealt with him":icon_lol: He was/is a copper in Davao so I guess to what "Dealt with" alludes :omg: The guy yesterday was aware people are out to get him,thankfully they were amateurs :) You know what some parts of pinas is like,the wild west,vengance is mine,I will repay,sayeth the lord :icon_lol:an eye for an eye is literal not figurative :icon_lol:

sad but many are like that...maybe because of how slow and impartial the law here in the Philippines:NoNo:

17th August 2009, 16:33

17th August 2009, 16:41
Look how many Brits have been shot the last few years,it happens,anyone remember the documentary on UK TV a few years ago?Web-designer set up some sort of broadcast/web company in Angeles,his wife was a bar-girl,she got her boyfriend to come over the house one night and finish him off even though he was the father of her children.Wasnt there a couple of brits shot last year or earlier this year?:Erm:

yeah Kevin and I had a friend in La Union but he was shot a year ago by his GF while dating another girl in a nearby bar. And when we contacted his family in the UK to inform his death we then found out that he was still married back in the UK and the wife was so shock as she thought bher husband was here just for a business trip

17th August 2009, 16:44

18th August 2009, 16:29
Pinas has a habit of doing that to some guys,its adult disneyland,mickey-mouse space-mountain and candy-floss rolled into one,its the ultimate mid-lfe crisis destination :icon_lol:

huwaaatttt??? oh boy... i hope my bf didn't come here to visit as his way of dealing with a mid-life crisis... :omg:

18th August 2009, 16:52

18th August 2009, 17:52
You prefer a cup of tea now, don't you Tawi.....I've just had a lovely cup myself :xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th August 2009, 18:01

18th August 2009, 21:15
I am drinking Xtra-strong chai at the moment,my grandmother always said tea should be strong enough to stand a spoon up in otherwise we might as well drink water :icon_lol: Thanks for the advice lola :xxgrinning--00xx3: Yeah,sadly my days of carousing and bacchanalian debauchery are memories from the past,my mid-life crisis now would involve naught more daring than honey on my toast or another sugar in my tea :NoNo:

Well look on the bright side, you're less likely to get shot. :icon_lol:

22nd August 2009, 08:09
Pinas has a habit of doing that to some guys,its adult disneyland,mickey-mouse space-mountain and candy-floss rolled into one,its the ultimate mid-lfe crisis destination :icon_lol:

It's funny, if you look at tourism web sites for Asia there is this big black hole in the South China sea, it's just not on the tourist radar, a shame really :(

I still like the kids disneyland, we used to live near Star City in Manila I liked that :)

You're probably right though :)


22nd August 2009, 10:42

22nd August 2009, 12:15
Look at the mainstream travel companies,they avoid the Philippines like the plague,its not marketed properly by the pinoy tourism authorities,they havent got a clue what westerners need,besides if I had a travel agency I would actually point tourists towards Thailand for most activities,the diving is better,you get more for your money accomodation wise,the Thais have invested heavily in tourists because they know how much money they bring into the country, there's loads of koreans going to pinas for language schools etc but thats not exactly tourism,if you want a decent disneyland in asia take the kids to Hong Kong,the disney there is great,cheap and convenient to get to from central :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I was using the word "Disneyland" metaphorically Tawi the same way you were :) I've never been to a DisneyLand although I would like to take the kids sometime.

I meant that I still like the innocent entertainments in the Phils, stuff like Star City, themed rides, games, I love air guns and target shooting, I missed that so much from when I was a kid, the gun sights are always terrible in carnies though :) Their are lots of other nice innocent entertainments in the Phils as well.

Never been to Thailand either, indeed never been anywhere other than a few business trips to Europe and a lot of visits to the Phils :)

Ana would like to see Hong Kong, maybe one day :xxgrinning--00xx3:

We've seen a lot of Korean's in the Phils they are mad keen on English lessons for their kids but the kids never seem to get very good at English, nowhere near as good as a reasonable Filipino English speaker, the English teachers in the Hangul's in Korea are often just overpaid child minders I wonder if the Phils = even cheaper child minding for the Korean's teenagers ;) joke lang.

I don't like to generalise but I'm going to, most of the Korean men I have met have a lousy attitude, they take the piss behind your back by hiding behind the language barrier while smiling so nicely at Mr Westerner, Ana speaks pretty reasonable Korean at least for day to day use, we've had a few nasty incidents with Korean tourists in the Phils.


22nd August 2009, 13:04

22nd August 2009, 13:28
Taking the mick behind your back while smiling to your face?I think thats whats called inscrutable orientals :icon_lol:Target shooting?Loads of Ranges in Pinas,I am a member of one,Golds at Agdao in Davao,they also have the outdoor combat pistol and tactical weapons range out on diversion road :xxgrinning--00xx3:I have a relative who owns a Korean language school,quite a decent sized one actually,so I know a bit about Koreans and their poor grasp of engwish :Erm: I did a TEFL years ago when I had a month off,never used it except to teach somali and ethiopian refugees for a few weeks,still worthwhile doing it though :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Thai tourism?Well,it brings the Thais in a massive amount of revenue,mind boggling so the Thais look after tourists,I have known a few people who visited both countries,Thailand and Pinas,they all to a man favour thailand even though some of their wives are pinay :icon_lol: Philippines doesnt even try with tourists to be honest,they hype Boracay night and day and thats it,the rapidly fading jewel in the crown,and even Bora(I hate it when the TV calls it that because bora to me is always borabora)is a pale shadow of the Thai islands it trys to model itself on :NoNo: Kick out the pinoy tourist minister and put me in his place,I will turn it around :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I don't find the backbiting so bad in the Phils it happens and I understand enough of the language to tell sometimes but the Koreans seemed more blatant about it and more likely to be enjoying their deception :)

Boracay is tiny and you're right it's rapidly fading :( lovely but very flawed now :(


Surely though there are a lot of unspoiled places in the Phils > 7000 island after all?

I've been to Cebu and been a good few places in Luzon but I do need to see a lot more.

Always wanted to see Palawan, is that not a much more unspoiled place?


22nd August 2009, 13:45

22nd August 2009, 13:52

22nd August 2009, 13:55
Don't know about the rape of a British lassie, last bad thing I remember hearing about on the island was the murders in 2004.


22nd August 2009, 13:57
I better add if you want to see an incredible part of pinas,totally different type of people and lifestyle,no pollution and a really relaxed laid-back lifestyle then go down to sulu and Jolo(when the conflict has ended) :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Yeah :) Ana would not let me go there just now maybe when I retire in 10 years time :)

22nd August 2009, 14:08

22nd August 2009, 14:13

31st August 2009, 12:02

31st August 2009, 12:13
its getting worse in some areas methinks :rolleyes:

As the rich get richer, the poor get poorer and employment becomes even harder to find, I think it's likely to get worse all over Phils.