View Full Version : Ambitions..................

19th August 2009, 23:08
What are your ambitions in life?I just spent an hour looking at light aircraft :rolleyes: I have been doing it for years,I always wanted one,I actually had the cash to buy one two years ago but it sort of evaporated away doing other things,I hope and pray I at least get my PPL within the next two years,whats your ambition?What have you always wanted to do,whats your dream?:Erm:

19th August 2009, 23:11
To travel around the world :xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th August 2009, 23:12
And to have a happy and successful marriage forever and a successful accounting career in uk :):)

19th August 2009, 23:12
ambition.... hmmmm... i have none:bigcry::bigcry: let me sleep on it will get back to you on this:icon_lol::icon_lol:

19th August 2009, 23:15
The world is an incredible place Soph,but to really appreciate it you have to travel overland and dont rush,several years should give you a taster :xxgrinning--00xx3: Everyones got a dream M&M,its what keeps the spark alive inside :)

19th August 2009, 23:19
ambition.... hmmmm... i have none:bigcry::bigcry: let me sleep on it will get back to you on this:icon_lol::icon_lol:

to get rid of your friend :xxgrinning--00xx3::icon_lol:

i often think of lots of things to do,when i get to do them i get bored but my next ambition is to get my wife to lose weight since she got here she asnt stopped munching!! :icon_lol::icon_lol:

19th August 2009, 23:25
Hmm. Things like a career do not bother me! I would like more money and so I am trying my hand at the promotional ladder. But I work to live, not the other way around:xxgrinning--00xx3:

I guess, I would like to raise a family who are happy and healthy. See more of the world and try to watch less TV (so far I gave my TV away so I could just go online or read:xxgrinning--00xx3:)

:) I think deep down I am simple in my tastes. I never buy branded clothes as I hate the idea of paying inflated prices for a name. I dislike the current trend for celebrity for nothing :Erm: I am the anti-Hello magazine guy:D


19th August 2009, 23:30
When my kids old enough to appreciate it I want to take him on a liveaboard to the Farallon islands to cage dive with the great whites got to be better than watching a football match right? :Erm:Loads of stuff I wanted to do when I was a kid but never had the money to do so,then when I got the money and did the things they werent as exciting as there was no one to share them with,empty experiences really.

19th August 2009, 23:52
ambition.... hmmmm... i have none:bigcry::bigcry: let me sleep on it will get back to you on this:icon_lol::icon_lol:

to get rid of your friend :xxgrinning--00xx3::icon_lol:

very funny but sensible suggestion from BAB :D
you could probably use this one maria, as a short term goal for now, since your friend is giving you too much headache :D:D:D

20th August 2009, 00:00
The world is an incredible place Soph,but to really appreciate it you have to travel overland and dont rush,several years should give you a taster :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I totally agree and i can't wait to experience and explore the wonders of the world :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:
My goal really is to hopefully travel and visit a different country atleast every 2 years, that would be really nice :xxgrinning--00xx3:
but if i do that until i die, i know i would still not cover the whole world, lol :D:D

20th August 2009, 02:45
i want to be with my husband for the rest of my life..and have 2 babies, boy and girl and live happily ever after

20th August 2009, 02:50
What are your ambitions in life?I just spent an hour looking at light aircraft :rolleyes: I have been doing it for years,I always wanted one,I actually had the cash to buy one two years ago but it sort of evaporated away doing other things,I hope and pray I at least get my PPL within the next two years,whats your ambition?What have you always wanted to do,whats your dream?:Erm:

i've no ambitions my self (did what i wanted to do at 18 :doh), but I have ambitions only for the misses now, for her to get as far as possible in her career :xxgrinning--00xx3:.

when we first chatted many,many years ago, my misses icq nick name was aurora borealis, and her dream was to see the northern lights, probably the most awesome sight in the world, maybe next year, or definitely the year after, me, the misses and kids will go and see the dream she has had all her life...:xxgrinning--00xx3:



20th August 2009, 05:58
What are your ambitions in life?I just spent an hour looking at light aircraft :rolleyes: I have been doing it for years,I always wanted one,I actually had the cash to buy one two years ago but it sort of evaporated away doing other things,I hope and pray I at least get my PPL within the next two years,whats your ambition?What have you always wanted to do,whats your dream?:Erm:

me, let me see.... :Erm:oh since i was 15 i really wanted to climb Mt. Everest. I told myself that before I die I can climb that mountain with somebody i love most.:)

then for my career i hope Kevin will let me practice my profession as a Psychiatrist!!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th August 2009, 06:16
To travel around the world :

Soph, we got the same ambition :xxgrinning--00xx3: i always dream to travel and see the rest of the world... and the outer space if possible :rolleyes::D:icon_lol:

20th August 2009, 08:31
When I was still small, I always dreamed to see CASTLES. I always wanted to see europe as they have loads of castles.

Dreams come true when I worked it out and more dreams and ambitions on my way. I want to see more parts of the world. Historical places like Italy, Greece, Egypt and many more.

I am happy I've seen Thailand, Taiwan, Bahrain, Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, France, Scotland, England, Dubai and soon Italy and Canada I hope.

I have also wanted to become a lawyer but cannot afford that time so just finished accountancy and studied some Laws. :D

Other ambition is to have a simple but happy life with hubby.

20th August 2009, 09:50
I always say there's a few things I want to do (before I die? :) )...:

1. Car racing
2. Kite surfing


20th August 2009, 10:09
Hmm. Things like a career do not bother me! I would like more money and so I am trying my hand at the promotional ladder. But I work to live, not the other way around:xxgrinning--00xx3:

I guess, I would like to raise a family who are happy and healthy. See more of the world and try to watch less TV (so far I gave my TV away so I could just go online or read:xxgrinning--00xx3:)

:) I think deep down I am simple in my tastes. I never buy branded clothes as I hate the idea of paying inflated prices for a name. I dislike the current trend for celebrity for nothing :Erm: I am the anti-Hello magazine guy:D


Those are some of my pet hates as well. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th August 2009, 10:32
me, let me see.... :Erm:oh since i was 15 i really wanted to climb Mt. Everest. I told myself that before I die I can climb that mountain with somebody i love most.:)

then for my career i hope Kevin will let me practice my profession as a Psychiatrist!!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

wow! your a psychiatrist? I am a psychology graduate myself! :xxgrinning--00xx3: :BouncyHappy: but more on industrial side as I my professional experiences is under HR Dept. :D

20th August 2009, 11:07
What are your ambitions in life?I just spent an hour looking at light aircraft :rolleyes: I have been doing it for years,I always wanted one,I actually had the cash to buy one two years ago but it sort of evaporated away doing other things,I hope and pray I at least get my PPL within the next two years,whats your ambition?What have you always wanted to do,whats your dream?:Erm:

as for me, I wanted to build a music school where even the less privilaged kids can enroll and learn music. Just like Coke Bolipata did in Zambales.
A lot of kids would like to learn music but sometimes they were not encouraged by their family because learning a musical intrument and enrolling into a music school is quite expensive. So yeah, a music school for all :D

and also, I always dreamed of watching a London Symphony Orchestra concert in Barbican :rolleyes: i'd like to see Sir Andre Previn (love him!)conduct :BouncyHappy:


20th August 2009, 11:09
........and her dream was to see the northern lights

There was a programme on the TV recently showing Joanna Lumley watching this.
She was crying with so much joy as she watched this in the sky, she fulfilled her childhood dream...........very emotional to see someone sob with joy :BouncyHappy:

20th August 2009, 11:46
What are your ambitions in life?I just spent an hour looking at light aircraft :rolleyes: I have been doing it for years,I always wanted one,I actually had the cash to buy one two years ago but it sort of evaporated away doing other things,I hope and pray I at least get my PPL within the next two years,whats your ambition?What have you always wanted to do,whats your dream?:Erm:

to be home eco-nanay::D:D:D

20th August 2009, 12:37
me, let me see.... :Erm:oh since i was 15 i really wanted to climb Mt. Everest. I told myself that before I die I can climb that mountain with somebody i love most.:)

then for my career i hope Kevin will let me practice my profession as a Psychiatrist!!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Never climbed sagarmatha(nepali for everest)but I have been to Namche Bazaar,incredible place the himalayas,viewed them from Nepal,India and China :xxgrinning--00xx3:I have seen the northern lights Joe,you can see them cheaply enough,I saw them in the Faroe Islands.The thing with an experience is it has to be shared with someone or whats the point of having it :NoNo:I have done loads of things but if you havent shared them with someone,and you cant tell people about them then they are empty experiences,they mean nothing at the end of the day :Erm:
Best be careful what we say in front of BD,she will psychoanalyse us all :cwm24::ARsurrender::icon_lol:

20th August 2009, 13:01
Soph, we got the same ambition :xxgrinning--00xx3: i always dream to travel and see the rest of the world... and the outer space if possible :rolleyes::D:icon_lol:


20th August 2009, 14:57
Never climbed sagarmatha(nepali for everest)but I have been to Namche Bazaar,incredible place the himalayas,viewed them from Nepal,India and China :xxgrinning--00xx3:I have seen the northern lights Joe,you can see them cheaply enough,I saw them in the Faroe Islands.The thing with an experience is it has to be shared with someone or whats the point of having it :NoNo:I have done loads of things but if you havent shared them with someone,and you cant tell people about them then they are empty experiences,they mean nothing at the end of the day :Erm:
Best be careful what we say in front of BD,she will psychoanalyse us all :cwm24::ARsurrender::icon_lol:

:icon_lol::icon_lol:since i met Kevin I wasnt able to practice it anymore:NoNo::NoNo:

20th August 2009, 15:07
Charlene :Erm:or is it Clarice :Erm: as soon as I read you were a psychiatrists this is how I envisaged your and Kevs visiting time meetings went,listen to the words :icon_lol:


20th August 2009, 15:11
Better apologise in advance for the words of "Multiple Miggs" at 0.03 :Erm: Now tell me Clarice,Multiple Miggs in the next cell,he hissed at you,what did he say? :Erm:

20th August 2009, 15:14
Charlene :Erm:or is it Clarice :Erm: as soon as I read you were a psychiatrists this is how I envisaged your and Kevs visiting time meetings went,listen to the words :icon_lol:



i like that movie you know silence of the lambs:xxgrinning--00xx3:

how i wish i can practice it again before my license expires:icon_lol::icon_lol:

20th August 2009, 15:18
Do you ever find yourself analysing people in every-day scenarios :Erm:or trying to second guess them :Erm: You could branch out a little,do NLP and start a new age therapy psychiatric retreat,charge celebrities a fortune,they all have inner problems,just feed them a load of gobbledigook,tell them they are cured and off they toddle happy as larry,Pyschiatrist to the stars :cwm24:(could you find out Penelope Cruz sexual fantasies for me please?Thats one of my ambitions but I was to shy to mention it) :xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th August 2009, 15:20
Better apologise in advance for the words of "Multiple Miggs" at 0.03 :Erm: Now tell me Clarice,Multiple Miggs in the next cell,he hissed at you,what did he say? :Erm:

i can smell your cuts/guts?:Erm:

20th August 2009, 15:22
i can smell your cuts/guts?:Erm:

Yeah,something like that :icon_lol:

20th August 2009, 15:24
Do you ever find yourself analysing people in every-day scenarios :Erm:or trying to second guess them :Erm: You could branch out a little,do NLP and start a new age therapy psychiatric retreat,charge celebrities a fortune,they all have inner problems,just feed them a load of gobbledigook,tell them they are cured and off they toddle happy as larry,Pyschiatrist to the stars :cwm24:(could you find out Penelope Cruz sexual fantasies for me please?Thats one of my ambitions but I was to shy to mention it) :xxgrinning--00xx3:

before yeah...i use it with Kevin:icon_lol::icon_lol:. I can ense whose lying whose not, guessing it a BIG NONO. never give any comment unless it is studied and analysed well. i handled trauma cases...such as rape, domestic violence, etc...

20th August 2009, 15:30
Thats why its always best to learn a little body language so you can block out your own signals even the unconscious ones become conscious if your aware of them :icon_lol:Everyone better be on their guard what they type from now on,good job you cant analyse Font :icon_lol::Rasp:

20th August 2009, 15:37
Thats why its always best to learn a little body language so you can block out your own signals even the unconscious ones become conscious if your aware of them :icon_lol:Everyone better be on their guard what they type from now on,good job you cant analyse Font :icon_lol::Rasp:


you are very funny... dont worry if ever i will be allowed to practice and set a new psychoneuroses clinic... i will give you a free session:xxgrinning--00xx3::icon_lol::icon_lol:

20th August 2009, 15:39
1. to travel the world
2. sky jump
3. fly my own plane
4. see outer space

20th August 2009, 15:40
Thanks for the offer,but since I joined this forum I have seen many who need a free session far more than myself,I actually consider myself one of the more normal members :xxgrinning--00xx3: Believe it :icon_lol:

20th August 2009, 15:42
1. to travel the world
2. sky jump
3. fly my own plane
4. see outer space

I have done 2 out of the 4 Florge,and I aim to do the 3'rd :xxgrinning--00xx3: as for outer space,well,there are actually firms at the moment offering space burials so who knows :Erm:

20th August 2009, 15:44
I have done 2 out of the 4 Florge,and I aim to do the 3'rd :xxgrinning--00xx3: as for outer space,well,there are actually firms at the moment offering space burials so who knows :Erm:

Lucky you.... number 1 is a bit difficult coz of limited resources... lol...

20th August 2009, 15:45
Thanks for the offer,but since I joined this forum I have seen many who need a free session far more than myself,I actually consider myself one of the more normal members :xxgrinning--00xx3: Believe it :icon_lol:

:Erm::Erm:one of the normal?:doh what sort of abnormalities others then:doh:icon_lol::icon_lol:

anyway you are very wise and well traveled man. Oh by the way have you seen the picture of my friends' ex fiance?:D

20th August 2009, 15:47
Number one and two were easy,you just got to get the right job and they pay for you :icon_lol: I actually had the cash for a cessna a few years ago,but it sort of evaporated :Erm:(maybe its down the back of the sofa)I will get it again though,but Now I am looking at Microlights,you can get a decent one for 15K and they can be stored in a large garage rather than a hangar,you can even take off from the beach or a sports field :xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th August 2009, 15:49
:Erm::Erm:one of the normal?:doh what sort of abnormalities others then:doh:icon_lol::icon_lol:

anyway you are very wise and well traveled man. Oh by the way have you seen the picture of my friends' ex fiance?:D

Wise?I fooled you easily enough :icon_lol:I thought you could read people?You should have had me triggered as one of the sites dumbos :Erm:Please....please....please dont tell me your friends ex fiance is penelope cruz :bigcry:?????

20th August 2009, 15:51
Wise?I fooled you easily enough :icon_lol:I thought you could read people?You should have had me triggered as one of the sites dumbos :Erm:Please....please....please dont tell me your friends ex fiance is penelope cruz :bigcry:?????

why does she looks like Penelope?:Erm::NoNo:

NONO i like Penelope Cruz

20th August 2009, 15:52
why does she looks like Penelope?:Erm::NoNo:

NONO i like Penelope Cruz

I like penelope Cruz more than you like penelope Cruz:Erm:You like Kevin remember :icon_lol:Wheres the pic of your friends ex fiance?Not the guy who looks like Noel Gallagher is it :Erm:

20th August 2009, 15:55
I like penelope Cruz more than you like penelope Cruz:Erm:You like Kevin remember :icon_lol:Wheres the pic of your friends ex fiance?Not the guy who looks like Noel Gallagher is it :Erm:

Oh its on the other thread...:doh:icon_lol::icon_lol:

20th August 2009, 18:00
There was a programme on the TV recently showing Joanna Lumley watching this.
She was crying with so much joy as she watched this in the sky, she fulfilled her childhood dream...........very emotional to see someone sob with joy :BouncyHappy:

yes, i watched it to :rolleyes:

for me its got to be the number one wonder of the world :xxgrinning--00xx3:

what ever the cost, me, misses and kids will go, maybe next year, but the misses wants to go and see her family in the phils :doh, so maybe the year after, and she wants to stay in the hotel made of ice :icon_lol:

many years ago, me and my mom watched the Perseid meteor shower til the early morning hours, it was a clear night, the best conditions for many years,i'll never forgot, we saw 100s of shooting stars :xxgrinning--00xx3:


20th August 2009, 18:07
Take her into a desert or the middle of a sea joe,away from light pollution,the sky is crystal clear and the stars are amazing.

20th August 2009, 18:23
Take her into a desert or the middle of a sea joe,away from light pollution,the sky is crystal clear and the stars are amazing.

Take her to dumaguete at night during a brown out.

they get plenty of them

20th August 2009, 18:33
Take her to dumaguete at night during a brown out.

they get plenty of them

Dumaguete would be perfect Jim,down on the pier looking over towards Siquijor,very clear sky.

22nd August 2009, 10:41
yes, i watched it to :rolleyes:

for me its got to be the number one wonder of the world :xxgrinning--00xx3:

what ever the cost, me, misses and kids will go, maybe next year, but the misses wants to go and see her family in the phils :doh, so maybe the year after, and she wants to stay in the hotel made of ice :icon_lol:

many years ago, me and my mom watched the Perseid meteor shower til the early morning hours, it was a clear night, the best conditions for many years,i'll never forgot, we saw 100s of shooting stars :xxgrinning--00xx3:


i'v seen the dark massive cloud that night lol

22nd August 2009, 12:21
:Erm:Loads of stuff I wanted to do when I was a kid but never had the money to do so,then when I got the money and did the things they werent as exciting as there was no one to share them with,empty experiences really.

That I can really understand!


22nd August 2009, 12:25
i've no ambitions my self (did what i wanted to do at 18 :doh), but I have ambitions only for the misses now, for her to get as far as possible in her career :xxgrinning--00xx3:.

when we first chatted many,many years ago, my misses icq nick name was aurora borealis, and her dream was to see the northern lights, probably the most awesome sight in the world, maybe next year, or definitely the year after, me, the misses and kids will go and see the dream she has had all her life...:xxgrinning--00xx3:



Me too Joe, a personal ambition is to see the Aurora.

As for other ambitions, like you mine are for my partner not so much for me anymore.


PS no apologies for Quoting your post in full that photo deserves repeating! :)

22nd August 2009, 12:40
Take her into a desert or the middle of a sea joe,away from light pollution,the sky is crystal clear and the stars are amazing.

My (Scottish) daughter's mum lives in Orkney they moved there from England a few years ago, you'll not get much better skies than there :)

She txt'd me the other night to tell me she was watching the Perseid shower in Orkney, last time I saw it was 1989 in Argyll when my wee lassie was 3 year old we camped out in the back garden in Minard Argyll and watched the meteors and satellites go by, absolutely magnificent.


22nd August 2009, 17:22
we camped out in the back garden in Minard Argyll and watched the meteors and satellites go by, absolutely magnificent.


i know what you mean, i think i seen them maybe 12yrs ago, me and my mom spent hours thru the early morning hours watching them in the garden, we must have seen 100 of them :rolleyes:

23rd August 2009, 10:28
It was never my ambition to travel, it came naturally and I am sure I would still be travelling as often as health, time and money permits.

I've always wanted to become a Lawyer, I may be too old for it now but I am working on it. Hopefully, one day before my hair gets all silvery white I'd be able to achieve that dream. Cheers!!!!

23rd August 2009, 10:32
Gracy,I think everyone from that little corner of Polomolok is going to become a lawyer :icon_lol:Corporate lawyer I think :Erm:Some ambitions are unachievable if we are realists,we aint going to walk on the moon for example at this stage of the game,but one small step for man one giant leap for mankind yeah,we can all take our own personal private steps :xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd August 2009, 10:39
Gracy,I think everyone from that little corner of Polomolok is going to become a lawyer :icon_lol:Corporate lawyer I think :Erm:Some ambitions are unachievable if we are realists,we aint going to walk on the moon for example at this stage of the game,but one small step for man one giant leap for mankind yeah,we can all take our own personal private steps :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Thanks Tawi, that's what I strongly believe too!!! It isn't as easy compared to when I was much younger but I'm really hoping I'll make it one day.:D

23rd August 2009, 10:50
You have to conceptualise to realise and actualise(today is "ise" day):xxgrinning--00xx3:your dreams :)Whats the old song lyrics:Erm: Dreams can come true,if you believe they do :xxgrinning--00xx3:Obviously not dreams about marrying jennifer Lopez AND penelope Cruz in britains first legal Menage a troise polygamous love pact(with Salma Hayek on sundays),but realistic achievable dreams :xxgrinning--00xx3: