View Full Version : Found the real friend...

22nd August 2009, 19:19
Well just want to share with you all that I am very happy and same as blessed that I have found a real friend. But the odd thing here is that she is my husband's ex partner. I am very proud that though she is an ex and have a daughter with Kevin, she became a very good friend of mine.

It all started few years ago, this is when Kevin had introduced me to his young daughter who is at same age as my eldest. Then I was as well introduced to his ex (only through YM), then since then we constantly chat with each other. Sharing our thoughts about the children and same as plans for the future. We became very close last May when Kevin was arrested as she was the first person I even contacted.

Since then no days that would pass without us chatting and calling each other. She is the one helping me get through with the FCO to get help and same us to mediate between me and Kevin's family (as we are not really in good terms). Everytime I need someone to talk too she is the first person I know I can relay on...same as her, every time she is having short-comings I am the first person she looks for.

I am proud and happy that though Kevin and her had a past the three of us became good friends and she is a real friend to me and same with her.

Just wondering...how many of you there are lucky to be in good friendship with your husband/wife's ex?:Erm:

22nd August 2009, 20:00
Well just want to share with you all that I am very happy and same as blessed that I have found a real friend. But the odd thing here is that she is my husband's ex partner. I am very proud that though she is an ex and have a daughter with Kevin, she became a very good friend of mine.

It all started few years ago, this is when Kevin had introduced me to his young daughter who is at same age as my eldest. Then I was as well introduced to his ex (only through YM), then since then we constantly chat with each other. Sharing our thoughts about the children and same as plans for the future. We became very close last May when Kevin was arrested as she was the first person I even contacted.

Since then no days that would pass without us chatting and calling each other. She is the one helping me get through with the FCO to get help and same us to mediate between me and Kevin's family (as we are not really in good terms). Everytime I need someone to talk too she is the first person I know I can relay on...same as her, every time she is having short-comings I am the first person she looks for.

I am proud and happy that though Kevin and her had a past the three of us became good friends and she is a real friend to me and same with her.

Just wondering...how many of you there are lucky to be in good friendship with your husband/wife's ex?:Erm:

My wife gets along very well with my ex-wife. Because my ex-wife and I have 2 grown up children, there are of course lots of social and family occasions where they both attend. Life's to short for petty jealousies and my ex-wife and I have been divorced for 27 years.


22nd August 2009, 20:06
Its always good to have a rock to reciprocally lean on in times of hardship,its never a bad thing to have someone in your corner :xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd August 2009, 04:42
Well just want to share with you all that I am very happy and same as blessed that I have found a real friend. But the odd thing here is that she is my husband's ex partner. I am very proud that though she is an ex and have a daughter with Kevin, she became a very good friend of mine.

It all started few years ago, this is when Kevin had introduced me to his young daughter who is at same age as my eldest. Then I was as well introduced to his ex (only through YM), then since then we constantly chat with each other. Sharing our thoughts about the children and same as plans for the future. We became very close last May when Kevin was arrested as she was the first person I even contacted.

Since then no days that would pass without us chatting and calling each other. She is the one helping me get through with the FCO to get help and same us to mediate between me and Kevin's family (as we are not really in good terms). Everytime I need someone to talk too she is the first person I know I can relay on...same as her, every time she is having short-comings I am the first person she looks for.

I am proud and happy that though Kevin and her had a past the three of us became good friends and she is a real friend to me and same with her.

Just wondering...how many of you there are lucky to be in good friendship with your husband/wife's ex?:Erm:

Wow very good BD. :xxgrinning--00xx3: it is really good to have a support system u know..im impressed that u manage to make friends with Kev's ex... I just hope that someday u would be friends with Kev's family too :BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy: Family and friends can be a real life saver in times of troubles. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd August 2009, 04:47
Its always good to have a rock to reciprocally lean on in times of hardship,its never a bad thing to have someone in your corner :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Precisely :xxgrinning--00xx3: im lucky to find my hunny who is my bestfriend, my everything .....

23rd August 2009, 09:24
The last thing I'd call it is LUCKY!!! :omg:

We dumped them for a reason! Usually along the lines of; we :censored: hate them! :Erm:

23rd August 2009, 10:18
I admire the friendship you have with your husband's ex, you're very lucky. You're one of those few I've met who are friends with the ex. It wouldn't have worked in my situation and I am sure it will never work.

For instance my husband's ex is a Nigerian (I have nothing against them as I am never a racist and have a lot of close friends from Uni who are of the same race). She is a difficult person and was one of the reasons I almost walked out on Trev (thank God I didn't). She made life difficult for us when the relationship just started...she has now mellowed but occassionally screws up but I am used to it now. It took me a long time to adjust:bigcry: and looking back it was one of the hardest parts of my being in the UK.

She will always be a part of Trev's life as they have a son and is still young which I totally understand. And I think I will have to try and understand a bit more...it is never easy though, it requires a lot of patience and undestanding...

I really am happy for you, you know. You are one lucky woman!!!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

trader dave
23rd August 2009, 11:12
you are indeed lucky most of the storys i hear about exs are horror storys :yikes::yikes: :doh

i know for a fact that MRS T will not be interested in making friends with my ex's :icon_lol::omg:

23rd August 2009, 12:42
you are lucky BD.. you found the love of your life.. you got kids.. you are healthy.. what more can you ask for? There are a lot of things to be thankful for...

I just want to say though that Tawi's avatar is really disturbing... LOL

23rd August 2009, 12:45
I just want to say though that Tawi's avatar is really disturbing... LOL


LOL :icon_lol: i didnt notice it :D

23rd August 2009, 12:47
Is it?Sorry Florge,I will change it,its two insects being friendly,hold on :Erm:Decisions....decisions....what to replace them with :Erm:

23rd August 2009, 16:35
you are lucky BD.. you found the love of your life.. you got kids.. you are healthy.. what more can you ask for? There are a lot of things to be thankful for...

I just want to say though that Tawi's avatar is really disturbing... LOL

tawi2 always changes his avatar:icon_lol::icon_lol:

23rd August 2009, 16:37
you are lucky BD.. you found the love of your life.. you got kids.. you are healthy.. what more can you ask for? There are a lot of things to be thankful for...

I just want to say though that Tawi's avatar is really disturbing... LOL

Thank you Florge, i guess i am very lucky as i found Kevin and a good friend like his ex:icon_lol: (her birthday is same with me too):xxgrinning--00xx3:

Only one more thing I would like above all this...Kevin's freedom:)

23rd August 2009, 16:38
I admire the friendship you have with your husband's ex, you're very lucky. You're one of those few I've met who are friends with the ex. It wouldn't have worked in my situation and I am sure it will never work.

For instance my husband's ex is a Nigerian (I have nothing against them as I am never a racist and have a lot of close friends from Uni who are of the same race). She is a difficult person and was one of the reasons I almost walked out on Trev (thank God I didn't). She made life difficult for us when the relationship just started...she has now mellowed but occassionally screws up but I am used to it now. It took me a long time to adjust:bigcry: and looking back it was one of the hardest parts of my being in the UK.

She will always be a part of Trev's life as they have a son and is still young which I totally understand. And I think I will have to try and understand a bit more...it is never easy though, it requires a lot of patience and undestanding...

I really am happy for you, you know. You are one lucky woman!!!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Im sad to hear that...I hope she will then realise soon that better to be civil with you:rolleyes:

23rd August 2009, 16:40
you are indeed lucky most of the storys i hear about exs are horror storys :yikes::yikes: :doh

i know for a fact that MRS T will not be interested in making friends with my ex's :icon_lol::omg:

Mrs. T is still young, I think age will mature her too:xxgrinning--00xx3:

You are lucky though as you found a young and nice lovely wife Dave:xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd August 2009, 16:41
Precisely :xxgrinning--00xx3: im lucky to find my hunny who is my bestfriend, my everything .....

...and having that is more than winning the lotto:xxgrinning--00xx3::icon_lol::icon_lol:

23rd August 2009, 20:28
It's nice to hear your story Charlene, it's like Bruce Willis - Demi Moore - Ashton Kutcher.

23rd August 2009, 20:40
It's nice to hear your story Charlene, it's like Bruce Willis - Demi Moore - Ashton Kutcher.

Agreed, but without the weirdness, or the millions... Or the press in your faces... Or without the.. Joking:D It is good that you two get along and can support each other:xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd August 2009, 20:41
You mean Kevins going to run around barefoot in a dirty vest shooting abu sayaf and shouting "Yipee kayay mother****er" :Erm:and charlene is going to shave her head and apply to join the Navy Seals :cwm24:

23rd August 2009, 20:42
You mean Kevins going to run around barefoot in a dirty vest shooting abu sayaf and shouting "Yipee kayay mother****er" :Erm:and charlene is going to shave her head and apply to join the Navy Seals :cwm24:

It could happen:Erm:


23rd August 2009, 23:17
I am proud and happy that though Kevin and her had a past the three of us became good friends and she is a real friend to me and same with her.

Just wondering...how many of you there are lucky to be in good friendship with your husband/wife's ex?:Erm:

That's really nice that you'are getting along really well with kevin's ex and even struck up a close friendship with her :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:
You don't get that a lot these days i suppose, lol :D:D from what i've seen, most ex's specially ex-wives are not in good terms with the present wife, lol
or most of the time, they are just civil to each other and probably not going the friendship road or best of friends, lol
just an observation though, i cannot really talk from experience since my hubby has never been married before,
so no ex-wife for me to deal with, and no ex-gf's around the corner either.....
I guess hubby made sure he's got a clean slate huh :Erm: lol, so no ghost to hunt him or me, lol :D:D:icon_lol::icon_lol:
But on a serious note, i can say my hubby is such a gentleman and a good guy, so i'm sure his ex-gf''s can still speak highly of him....
The relationship with them may have ended, but it did not end badly...:)

24th August 2009, 17:51
Well just want to share with you all that I am very happy and same as blessed that I have found a real friend. But the odd thing here is that she is my husband's ex partner. I am very proud that though she is an ex and have a daughter with Kevin, she became a very good friend of mine.

It all started few years ago, this is when Kevin had introduced me to his young daughter who is at same age as my eldest. Then I was as well introduced to his ex (only through YM), then since then we constantly chat with each other. Sharing our thoughts about the children and same as plans for the future. We became very close last May when Kevin was arrested as she was the first person I even contacted.

Since then no days that would pass without us chatting and calling each other. She is the one helping me get through with the FCO to get help and same us to mediate between me and Kevin's family (as we are not really in good terms). Everytime I need someone to talk too she is the first person I know I can relay on...same as her, every time she is having short-comings I am the first person she looks for.

I am proud and happy that though Kevin and her had a past the three of us became good friends and she is a real friend to me and same with her.

Just wondering...how many of you there are lucky to be in good friendship with your husband/wife's ex?:Erm:


Danger potential accident black spot ahead.. !! :xxangry-smiley-038: