View Full Version : A new level of Trust

23rd August 2009, 17:13
Hi Everyone,

Well today was an interesting day for me. Spoke to Rizza as well as three friends from the phils, Rizza over text message and over the phone. With the others in yahoo - at the same time. Yes, it got confusing:Erm::xxgrinning--00xx3:

Anyway, we agreed to meet up with two of my friends for a double date in Cebu in October. :D When Rizza asked me to add the others to her friendster as friends:Erm: And so She texts me her password and I do as she pleases:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Ahhhh. Like everyone on this forum knows, my checkered past with the Philippines should have meant my trust for any Filipina would have been none existent. But luckily I found this genuine girl who simply wants the same things in life as most of us:xxgrinning--00xx3: :luv4:

And so my message to all who feel the lack of trust with their pinay sweethearts. Don't tar them all with the same brush! The Philippines is a diverse place with people of all different backgrounds. Some, are happy to scam the westerner and others are too honest and would feel shame to even think of such a thing.

Now just because I have Rizza's friendster details does not make me trust her more, it is the little things.. The slight moments where she lets her guard down and tells me something perhaps she wishes she had not. Things spoken by her Tita advising caution with me. And such... Some too sensitive to mention here:rolleyes: As we westerners are cautious with the Filipinas, they are just as cautious with us! And from the things I have read on this site I know there are many westerners (Americans:cwm3:) who do us all no favours, as I know there are some members of Rizza's family who might still think I am going to Cebu for one thing.. And it ain't Jollibee:icon_lol:

Some of the newer guy's to the forum have expressed some concerns and I really think you should all listen to your heart and take a healthy dose of "so what"! I am taking a gamble with Rizza just as she is taking one with me! And if the gamble pays off, a lifetime of companionship awaits. If not, another experience to live through..

I honestly do not regret my ex girlfriend. Sure she scammed me, and if it was not for her Tita I would likely still be with her not knowing she had a child:Erm: But she also led me along a path that would lead to Rizza. So all in all a good experience if you think the ends can sometimes justify the means.. But also, all I lost was money! I lose money all the time! I lose money every time I forget to buy food shopping but find the pizza hut flyer in my postbox, I lose money when I meet up with friends of people I hardly know for a drink:rolleyes: I lose money every single day... Big deal! I'm also a big boy who can handle a broken heart. Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt.. And if there is one thing I know it is no matter what happens to me, so long as I have my health, I will be alright:xxgrinning--00xx3:

The gamble of love is simple. You have far more to gain than to lose!

Come late November or early December I will have had three weeks of memories and photographs to scare my sisters half to death with (especially the racist one:devil-smiley-029:). Telling them about Rizza is not a problem and the snide comments I know I will get will be like water off a ducks back.


23rd August 2009, 17:57
Good luck northerner,,, if we stop trying then we might as well curl up and die,,

23rd August 2009, 17:59
Im happy for you Northerner:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Have a great time with Rizza

23rd August 2009, 18:11
wishing u and Rizza all the best Northener..:D Goodluck..

23rd August 2009, 18:14
Thanks guy's :D

trader dave
23rd August 2009, 18:27
:icon_lol: top man :censored:them its your life you win some you lose some

as for the racists :censored:them as well i dont know what yr age and your girls is but there will be knockers on that if its big like me and my wife :doh

terms like she is only after your money and british passport :icon_lol::icon_lol::action-smiley-081:

:censored:em all mate the doubters i mean :Erm::doh:icon_lol:

23rd August 2009, 18:54
:icon_lol: top man :censored:them its your life you win some you lose some

as for the racists :censored:them as well i dont know what yr age and your girls is but there will be knockers on that if its big like me and my wife :doh

terms like she is only after your money and british passport :icon_lol::icon_lol::action-smiley-081:

:censored:em all mate the doubters i mean :Erm::doh:icon_lol:

Thanks Dave, there is only 8 years between me and Rizza. I say only as it is about the same for some others I know who have dated only from the UK. And my father was 10 years older than my mother, so hardly anything anyone will pick up on. But I was reading one of my guide books to the Philippines in work the other day when one of the managers asked me if I was going "to buy a wife". So I can expect the same :censored: from people like her in future - and I know it!

There are a couple of friends I have told, as they are Asian they kind of understand as they too have followed a similar path:rolleyes: And when it comes to the snide comments and the haters. There will be one motto for them all....

Bring it on:D:cwm23::xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd August 2009, 19:09
:icon_lol: top man :censored:them its your life you win some you lose some

as for the racists :censored:them as well i dont know what yr age and your girls is but there will be knockers on that if its big like me and my wife :doh

terms like she is only after your money and british passport :icon_lol::icon_lol::action-smiley-081:

:censored:em all mate the doubters i mean :Erm::doh:icon_lol:

:censored:them all:Erm: Dave,something tells me your NOT refering to doubters :icon_lol:

23rd August 2009, 19:14
Good for you Northerener....sounds like things are going from strength to strength. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Just go with the flow & enjoy your time, until you fly out there.
Sounds like you'll have a good time, when you do get there. :)

23rd August 2009, 19:17
Good for you Northerener....sounds like things are going from strength to strength. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

It is mate, it is:)

Just go with the flow & enjoy your time, until you fly out there.
Sounds like you'll have a good time, when you do get there. :)

:D I expect to as well... :xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd August 2009, 21:10
You'll get a lot of the whole 'mail order bride' thing. People seem to think its funy even when they're don't really think its true anyway.
Ignore it, prove them all wrong :)

Its great being in love isnt it :)

23rd August 2009, 21:13
You'll get a lot of the whole 'mail order bride' thing. People seem to think its funy even when they're don't really think its true anyway.
Ignore it, prove them all wrong :)

Its great being in love isnt it :)


23rd August 2009, 21:18
I'm happy for you....you had found your real soul mate.........

23rd August 2009, 21:19
Goodluck Northener and have a brilliant time with your lady..:Hellooo:

and also ta for the rep:xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd August 2009, 21:20
I'm happy for you northerner :xxgrinning--00xx3: Looks like things are getting better and stronger with rizza :xxgrinning--00xx3:
i bet your visit to the philippines to be with her, would be great and so worth it :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd August 2009, 21:37
Thanks Guy's :D

trader dave
24th August 2009, 01:59
:censored:them all:Erm: Dave,something tells me your NOT refering to doubters :icon_lol:


24th August 2009, 13:38
Good luck Northerner and Best wishes with ur girl Rizza.
Hope u both enjoy ur meeting and time together:)

24th August 2009, 19:12
Good luck Northerner and Best wishes with ur girl Rizza.
Hope u both enjoy ur meeting and time together:)


24th August 2009, 22:14
Goodluck to you and Rizza,:xxgrinning--00xx3:
after you im next off to Philippines cant wait :Rasp::Rasp::Rasp::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

25th August 2009, 00:03
Goodluck to you and Rizza,:xxgrinning--00xx3:
after you im next off to Philippines cant wait :Rasp::Rasp::Rasp::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

Thanks tin:) 64 days to go.... :Erm: