View Full Version : Is it really possible to fall in love online?

30th August 2009, 15:41
I've been toying with this question for awhile now. I guess it's in part my own feelings and also reading/hearing stories of guys who have made that journey for a girl they've met online, some succesfull, some not so.

I was just wondering how it was for the folks here? Did you fall totally in love before you even met in person, or was it something that built over a number of visits.

Just being a nosey bugger really :Erm: Tell me to go mind my own business if you like :D

30th August 2009, 15:45
Is it really possible to fall in love online?

Of course it is...happens in seconds...... :love: just look at NakedPhilippineBarGirls.net

30th August 2009, 15:46

30th August 2009, 15:47
Of course it is...happens in seconds...... :love: just look at NakedPhilippineBarGirls.net

Pluggin another one of your sites. Eh, boss?


trader dave
30th August 2009, 15:56
dont believe in love at first sight so no to your question :xxgrinning--00xx3:

i believe in lust at first sight :icon_lol: lets not confuse the 2 lust or

love Rasp: i would love.... to eat that pair of papayas :Rasp::Rasp::cwm24:

30th August 2009, 16:02

30th August 2009, 16:08
my answer for that question is YES! coz that's what exactly happened to me and my husband before we decided to meet each other in person....

trader dave
30th August 2009, 16:12
We sing from the same hymn sheet Dave :icon_lol:

we will have a papaya each then :icon_lol::doh:Cuckoo:

30th August 2009, 16:19

30th August 2009, 16:31
I've been toying with this question for awhile now. I guess it's in part my own feelings and also reading/hearing stories of guys who have made that journey for a girl they've met online, some succesfull, some not so.

I was just wondering how it was for the folks here? Did you fall totally in love before you even met in person, or was it something that built over a number of visits.

Just being a nosey bugger really :Erm: Tell me to go mind my own business if you like :D

Hmmm.. my answer is Yes but don't give all your love to the online person just make it 50-50 so you have time to know her better on your daily talk or chat and she can know you better too then you can add 10% or 20% when you meet each other in person then built with trust, understanding, and respect to each other if you want your relationship get strong until you will fully be one in life.Well, it is not the end of falling in love as it is the beginning of love when you are husband and wife then full trust is needed but I am sure you are the only one can decide things on how you work your relationship with the woman.. just some tips as I meet my bug online too and for now a long years so far I trusted and love my bug so much :xxgrinning--00xx3:

30th August 2009, 16:33

I think its up to each individual as one is different from one another, some people need to see a person to fall in love first, but some are falling in love by knowing the persons personality first.

but i guess a lot of people here know their hubby/wife personality first and then fell-in-love :D .... :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3: the good looks are just a BIG PLUS :D:icon_lol:

30th August 2009, 16:33

30th August 2009, 17:00
But surely true love is all or nothing rather than 50% .....
It is 100%......I get 0%, wifey get 100% of everything :Erm:

30th August 2009, 17:16
It is 100%......I get 0%, wifey get 100% of everything :Erm:

You need to fire the lawyer who drew up that prenup:icon_lol:

Seriously, getting back to the topic at hand. Love is an emotion felt through a number of ways. Men and women have fallen in love with people they have never met for years. I am the product of such a relationship, my parents were pen pals!

So I know it to be so:xxgrinning--00xx3:

30th August 2009, 17:17
I've been toying with this question for awhile now. I guess it's in part my own feelings and also reading/hearing stories of guys who have made that journey for a girl they've met online, some succesfull, some not so.

I was just wondering how it was for the folks here? Did you fall totally in love before you even met in person, or was it something that built over a number of visits.

Just being a nosey bugger really :Erm: Tell me to go mind my own business if you like :D

yup it happend on me when i meet my hubby online,when i see my hubby on the webcam,i fall in love :cheeky-smiley-024::cheeky-smiley-024:
and when he see me on webcam he is falling inlove so i believe it on love at first sight

30th August 2009, 17:29
Is it possible? In my opinion, not quite :rolleyes:

30th August 2009, 17:43
interesting question...

my husband and i first met online as well. i won't say we fell in love whilst chatting online, but the internet certainly became an avenue for us to know more about each other before meeting up for the first time. There we sent a few photos and it helped to check if there's physical attraction atleast. I believe too that through emails, we learned more about each other's personalities. :)

30th August 2009, 18:29
Is it possible? In my opinion, not quite :rolleyes:
Well I spent 23 hours yesterday staring at your profile :) ..... althoughit was because my computer hour was up just as I landed on your page so the missus handcuffed me back to the chair for the next 23 hrs :rolleyes:

30th August 2009, 19:32
Good question :xxgrinning--00xx3:Interesting to see individuals responses :xxgrinning--00xx3:I think its certainly possible to fall in LUST online,but falling in love involves pheremones,non-verbal body language,sparks,electricity,like when you first meet someone and you see it in their eyes,I dont know how you can replicate that online :Erm:This is after all an artificial man-made communication medium.

Are you saying partially sighted or blind people can't fall in love or those who already know one another and then seperated cant fall in love due to phone calls and written media?

30th August 2009, 19:37
interesting question...

my husband and i first met online as well. i won't say we fell in love whilst chatting online, but the internet certainly became an avenue for us to know more about each other before meeting up for the first time. There we sent a few photos and it helped to check if there's physical attraction atleast. I believe too that through emails, we learned more about each other's personalities. :)

amen to that!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

30th August 2009, 19:42

30th August 2009, 20:34
interesting question...

my husband and i first met online as well. i won't say we fell in love whilst chatting online, but the internet certainly became an avenue for us to know more about each other before meeting up for the first time. There we sent a few photos and it helped to check if there's physical attraction atleast. I believe too that through emails, we learned more about each other's personalities. :)

In my own experience phone calls also are essential, sometimes the pitch of a Pinay's voice can sound surprising for a western ear, and in the case of my GF, the impact is tremendous! :Rasp:

30th August 2009, 20:40
From convos I have it seems many relationships even between brits are held almost text based (sms,im facebook, email) for the majority of time some seem to speak on the phone less during work than i did to my Wife when she was in phill..

30th August 2009, 20:52
I think its easy to become very fond of a person you meet online, but for me the notion of real love is going to far, and to dangerous. Long live real life contact!!

30th August 2009, 20:57
the internet is just another way to meet people,im not sure if you can fall in love just by chatting on ym and webcam?

but you will be surprised just how much you can get to know another person by chatting online and by what each other says it possible to be attracted to each other but until you meet in person and you both click,you will never know?

30th August 2009, 21:21
Hmmm.. my answer is Yes but don't give all your love to the online person just make it 50-50 so you have time to know her better on your daily talk or chat and she can know you better too then you can add 10% or 20% when you meet each other in person then built with trust, understanding, and respect to each other if you want your relationship get strong until you will fully be one in life.Well, it is not the end of falling in love as it is the beginning of love when you are husband and wife then full trust is needed but I am sure you are the only one can decide things on how you work your relationship with the woman.. just some tips as I meet my bug online too and for now a long years so far I trusted and love my bug so much :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Good answer :xxgrinning--00xx3::D

You can definately be attracted to personalities online....you wouldn't fly half way around the world if you didn't....But being together in person, is very different but so much better. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

30th August 2009, 21:50
Well I spent 23 hours yesterday staring at your profile :) ..... althoughit was because my computer hour was up just as I landed on your page so the missus handcuffed me back to the chair for the next 23 hrs :rolleyes:

LOL, boss you should think about getting a spare key to the handcuffs :D:D:D:D:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

30th August 2009, 21:56
i won't say we fell in love whilst chatting online, but the internet certainly became an avenue for us to know more about each other before meeting up for the first time. There we sent a few photos and it helped to check if there's physical attraction atleast. I believe too that through emails, we learned more about each other's personalities. :)

I agree with you olivia, getting to know each other, discovering each other's personalities and developing physical attraction online is definitely possible,
but falling in love online is remotely possible, but that's just my opinion :D:D

30th August 2009, 22:13

30th August 2009, 22:27
True Love is 100%,its all or nothing,its a willingness to sacrifice yourself for another should the need arise,its unconditional,can any of you say hand on heart you found that online looking at someone halfway around the world on a PC monitor?Because thats the true defenition of love,lust,affection,attraction are totally different,they dont even approach true love on the scale :NoNo:

i agree :xxgrinning--00xx3:

30th August 2009, 22:28
Totally agree, Tawi, and everybody else who says it's impossible to feel love online. Easy to build up an infatuation, but true love only comes about when you've shared the experiences you only can in person. As Born says, it's a great way to get to know somebody well. Thank God for the interent!

30th August 2009, 22:33

30th August 2009, 22:44
its deeper than that.

deep enough for you? :action-smiley-081: :icon_lol:

31st August 2009, 02:30
fall in love online, i agree..:iagree: but some people cant understand that, i think because they have'nt experienced to fall in love online..:love18:

31st August 2009, 03:17
in my own experience phone calls also are essential, sometimes the pitch of a Pinay's voice can sound surprising for a western ear
An excellent point, most people who knew me at this forum, knows about my courtship with my Gina, it went on for a while, but we chatted for 3 months online from October until December, and by that time, I was quite happy to confess my feelings to her, in true Filipina courtship style, she was playing cool, and pakipot, but confessed she felt same, although she told me, she was surprised to say it so soon after meeting me.

The first phone call I made back then, (before skype was prevalent) and VOIP was so popular, was on Orange and cost me £45.00 I wont forget the cost of that one, and we always joke about it.

The sound of her voice made all the difference, and finally put the finishing touches to my feelings, when she spoke back then, I melted and was weak at the knees, thats how it was, now 5 years on, I have to put up with her reklamo, and yes its still the same voice, although I don't go weak at the knees, I go weak from doting on me..ha haha.
which leads me to a new thread, I will start on this very subject it will be entitled,

So after the honeymoon is over, do you still feel the same way as you did the first time, you left for the airport to collect her, (or come back with her to UK accompanied)>

31st August 2009, 03:20

There should be a subforum just for your articles:xxgrinning--00xx3: Excellent reads, thanks for taking the time to write them.

31st August 2009, 04:05
I've been toying with this question for awhile now. I guess it's in part my own feelings and also reading/hearing stories of guys who have made that journey for a girl they've met online, some succesfull, some not so.

I was just wondering how it was for the folks here? Did you fall totally in love before you even met in person, or was it something that built over a number of visits.

Just being a nosey bugger really :Erm: Tell me to go mind my own business if you like :D

Everything is possible, you have the moment of truth after you tried, but nothing is for sure.

31st August 2009, 11:44

31st August 2009, 15:51
Everyone of us has a unique experiences and thoughts in terms of love but for now adays net is one way to communicate people and the person you will like someday through this you learn how people in the other side talking each other... Yes, you don't see them in person just only talking and seeing on cam live but it is the things we should learn too that in a day or night talking, we can shared our thoughts, we can do laugh with them, smile and cry or can say anything what we feel ... it is mean that from day to day, weeks, months or years to come we always knowing and learning the person we are talking.. through online person if you are feel comfortable to him or her you are free so say anything right? and it is one on how you felt confidence to your self with him/her ... i didn't mean that knowing person in a time, or just for a week or one month is enough, knowing the person you want is for everyday in life when you are together it is not mean for physical but for what deep inside of their selves is the most important ... but still we need to be careful on falling in love online because net so far is lot of lies some uses for fun, for businesses, and they didn't mine they hurting others.. so if you fell in love online make sure that you control things and make sure that you have left something for you so when time come or if you know that she / he is not good to be still you can hold your self mean it is not too hurt for you to let go ... hmmm i learn lots of things but only my bug i can trust and love for now and forever even we are still far from each other but soon it is our big day to go in our life ... cheers and smile :) to all!!

31st August 2009, 16:35
well, it is possible to feel attracted to someone online... but love is a decision.. and should be done with much thinking and logic.. and feeling of course.. and can only be made when you finally meet...

Arthur Little
31st August 2009, 17:43
:Erm: I suppose it IS ... after a fashion! At least, Infatuation is! But a great deal will, undoubtedly, be influenced by the amount of time and effort two people are prepared to expend in getting to know one another sufficiently well in the process ... so as to be able to build up a mutual trust and rapport BEFORE "diving head-first" into a situation that COULD, in all probability, affect the lives of each "for better or for worse"... as the 'institution' of marriage infers.

It goes without saying, however, that NOTHING should be taken for granted UNTIL the couple [ANY couple] concerned have actually MET IN PERSON and spent enough time doing things TOGETHER (N.B. I'm NOT referring to :Sex:) and/or *in the company of others ... *which, ideally, will include their respective families and friends.

When all is said and done, that is PRECISELY the reason why the British Embassy makes such a big "stooshie" about the prerequisites for couples applying for Fiancee and Settlement Visas ... to actively discourage - and hopefully forestall - any marriage that is likely to be seen as having taken place for the sake of "convenience".

So, in conclusion, I would urge any budding 'Don Juans' to tread warily, prior to committing themselves. :rolleyes:

31st August 2009, 17:52

Arthur Little
31st August 2009, 18:01
Most guys have don more than Juan arthur :icon_lol:( I just realised,thats a Nigel sort of joke).

YOURS or Nigels ... it's a good 'un! :icon_lol:

31st August 2009, 18:13

31st August 2009, 23:27
well, it is possible to feel attracted to someone online... but love is a decision.. and should be done with much thinking and logic.. and feeling of course.. and can only be made when you finally meet...

I think you're right in your comment, Florge.
I think there is nothing that can be compared to loving your partner when he or she is next to you.
So, for all of you "internet lovers" look forward to how it will feel when you are together.
If you feel in love now "bbbbbbaby, you ain't seen nnnnnnothing yet" :love18:

31st August 2009, 23:50
i dont believe on love at first sight...Attraction or lust at first sight is a big YES...coz LOVE grows in my opinion...

1st September 2009, 00:35
I fell in love online

As long as the other person shows their true side, and doesn't hide behind an "internet persona", I don't see why it can't happen. Other than little quirks which might not be possible to see online, you can get to know about 99% of someones personality online. Problems occur when the person has just been flat out lying about who they are, and obviously can't keep this lie up in person

1st September 2009, 04:51
Yes i believe that you fall in love through online only. That is mostly happen now because of a cell phone or computer.

3rd September 2009, 16:04
i think you can fall in love with someone online but maybe its because you want them to be the perfect person &that illusion can last longer online than if you do meet.i used to be online every sunday for about 5-6 hours .then when i actually went to the philippines heide was very quiet @first,but we got on fine in the end.i wouldnt hesitate to travel if you think you love someone what can you lose?only money @worst you will have seen a very different country.if it doesnt workout."we been together"for over two years now.i would never have thought that possible

4th September 2009, 00:55
then when i actually went to the philippines heide was very quiet @first,but we got on fine in the end

That's a good sign :xxgrinning--00xx3: I would not expect otherwise, how many pretty blind (it still is if you have only met online) dates have you ever been on in the UK? :icon_lol: that is not an easy game to play I only did it once and that was 25 years ago :)

Good that you are still together after a couple of years, sounds like a good start!


4th September 2009, 11:14
In my view the answer is, "it depends". It depends on how we individually define falling in love. I had a strong belief that I had found the lady I wanted to marry way before we had met in person. That's because she ticked all the major boxes I was aware of as well as many others I had not even considered. I was extremly concerned about her joys, health, well being long before we met, yearned for her and considered her in all key things - is that not love. Our first meeting only added to that.

5th September 2009, 14:31
wife and i met online. got to know each other first but i honestly think that i was in love with her before i went over to meet her.Wouldn,t change her in anyway

20th September 2009, 13:36
wife and i met online. got to know each other first but i honestly think that i was in love with her before i went over to meet her.Wouldn,t change her in anyway

I agree Badrock I fell in love with my bebe on-line...If I had of been told this is what would happen to me before it happened, I would of never believed it.

Yes, it's all very easy to look at your dictionaries for meaning of words and such but, 'love' is so complex. I think most people on here of advancing years do have the experience of life and relationships will agree.

For a start when I was looking I had no questionaire to hand ticking boxes! Joke! so settle down.

I just knew that as soon as we met and saw each other on cam, that was it for me yes, I was smitten first but, within 5 days we confessed our love for each other.

Some people play there whole life playing safe, afraid to make mistakes, too ashamed to say to there family and friends, 'yes, I messed up' These are the folk who generally get bitter and resent others for 'having a go'.

We are what we are and we can't change ourselves, you take risks or you don't, yes, life is that simple. :D

20th September 2009, 13:46
I agree Badrock I fell in love with my bebe on-line...If I had of been told this is what would happen to me before it happened, I would of never believed it.

Yes, it's all very easy to look at your dictionaries for meaning of words and such but, 'love' is so complex. I think most people on here of advancing years do have the experience of life and relationships will agree.

For a start when I was looking I had no questionaire to hand ticking boxes! Joke! so settle down.

I just knew that as soon as we met and saw each other on cam, that was it for me yes, I was smitten first but, within 5 days we confessed our love for each other.

Some people play there whole life playing safe, afraid to make mistakes, too ashamed to say to there family and friends, 'yes, I messed up' These are the folk who generally get bitter and resent others for 'having a go'.

We are what we are and we can't change ourselves, you take risks or you don't, yes, life is that simple. :D

i agree to my gWaPito..:love18:

" anyone who has never made a mistake
has never tried anything new".:luv13::luv13::luv13:

20th September 2009, 13:47
the internet is just another way to meet people,im not sure if you can fall in love just by chatting on ym and webcam?

but you will be surprised just how much you can get to know another person by chatting online and by what each other says it possible to be attracted to each other but until you meet in person and you both click,you will never know?

sounds right to me bornatbirth.

20th September 2009, 13:52
i agree to my gWaPito..:love18:

" anyone who has never made a mistake
has never tried anything new".:luv13::luv13::luv13:

I'm still laughing about your 'pig sick' :icon_lol:

20th September 2009, 16:07
well it worked for me, fell in love with her webcam, meeting in person just confirmed it!!:) was enough to get married the next time we met.

20th September 2009, 16:13
well it worked for me, fell in love with her webcam, meeting in person just confirmed it!!:) was enough to get married the next time we met.

We both the same :xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th September 2009, 16:47
You fell in love with her webcam? :Erm::D

20th September 2009, 18:37
Yes i believe that you fall in love through online only. That is mostly happen now because of a cell phone or computer.


20th September 2009, 19:32
I cant say that much about this topic as im only hoping to find my other half too....but i believe that if someone has proved herself or himself enough that he or she is sincere and serious to that online relationship, i believe like others it will come true and indeed a successful relationship from online to real world....

22nd September 2009, 07:20
I cant say that much about this topic as im only hoping to find my other half too....but i believe that if someone has proved herself or himself enough that he or she is sincere and serious to that online relationship, i believe like others it will come true and indeed a successful relationship from online to real world....

I agree :xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th October 2009, 15:44
me desperate? :censored:me, i think i will hold fire on making a comment for fear of being banned!!!

James Hubbard
4th October 2009, 17:37
I've been toying with this question for awhile now. I guess it's in part my own feelings and also reading/hearing stories of guys who have made that journey for a girl they've met online, some succesfull, some not so.

I was just wondering how it was for the folks here? Did you fall totally in love before you even met in person, or was it something that built over a number of visits.

Just being a nosey bugger really :Erm: Tell me to go mind my own business if you like :D

My answer is a reserved yes.

In that, it depends on the depth of the individuals involved and their own maturity level and it is also contingent upon meeting with the right person with whom you gel.

So on this level, I'd say there's more than just a single Yes or No answer to that question.

In my experience, it's YES, I fell in love with my wife before I met her in person. Although, it's NO, I didn't fall in love with other girls I met before her online.

On that note, there are a huge range of opinions ranging from "you can't say for def you love someone online" to those who say "you can't say you love someone until you have sex with them".

Or ... ranging from the deep, thinking types to the . . . shallow, carnal types.

All, of course, in my HUMBLE opinion :) :ARsurrender:

James Hubbard
4th October 2009, 17:39
I guess how desperate you are and what standards you have... You really need to be with the person to know them, they could have terrible habits like picking there toes, or a skin disorder, you never know until you spend some time with them,,,,.. but as i said it all depends on how desperate you are

But look, maybe someone likes it when you pick your toes? Who knows?

Also, please read my above post for more info :)

4th October 2009, 17:41
Ah emails and text cannot show everything about a person. i think you fall for the personality, first in typing and seeing each other in cam. Both of you have something in common.Develop the conversations about life, attitudes and morals from there.

But when face-to-face and real happen, then you check if the chemistry works. That's the most important. How do you get along in the real situation.

James Hubbard
4th October 2009, 17:54
Although, the sheer volume of conversation that you have in a LDR is much more comprehensive than if you are together.

I mean, if you have a 3 hour convo on the phone of a saturday afternoon with your GF who's on the other side of the world . . . you actually talk for 3 hours.

Most couples who are together don't actually do that. We get sidetracked, distracted, or occupied with other things.

We go to the cinema together, then to a concert, all the time being performed to, we converse shallowly for 20 mins to end the evening, followed by ... boink,


We talk, non-stop for 3 hours, ... as we know each other longer and deeper, the convo gets more heart to heart . . .

I think that actually LDR's (long distance relationships) are more strong and stable, in terms of knowing the other person, than close-by relationships!

4th October 2009, 19:30
Does it stop tampo? How to stop that?

4th October 2009, 19:47
I've been toying with this question for awhile now. I guess it's in part my own feelings and also reading/hearing stories of guys who have made that journey for a girl they've met online, some succesfull, some not so.

I was just wondering how it was for the folks here? Did you fall totally in love before you even met in person, or was it something that built over a number of visits.

Just being a nosey bugger really :Erm: Tell me to go mind my own business if you like :D


4th October 2009, 19:48
Although, the sheer volume of conversation that you have in a LDR is much more comprehensive than if you are together.

I mean, if you have a 3 hour convo on the phone of a saturday afternoon with your GF who's on the other side of the world . . . you actually talk for 3 hours.

Most couples who are together don't actually do that. We get sidetracked, distracted, or occupied with other things.

We go to the cinema together, then to a concert, all the time being performed to, we converse shallowly for 20 mins to end the evening, followed by ... boink,


We talk, non-stop for 3 hours, ... as we know each other longer and deeper, the convo gets more heart to heart . . .

I think that actually LDR's (long distance relationships) are more strong and stable, in terms of knowing the other person, than close-by relationships!


4th October 2009, 20:24
Although, the sheer volume of conversation that you have in a LDR is much more comprehensive than if you are together.

I mean, if you have a 3 hour convo on the phone of a saturday afternoon with your GF who's on the other side of the world . . . you actually talk for 3 hours.

Most couples who are together don't actually do that. We get sidetracked, distracted, or occupied with other things.

We go to the cinema together, then to a concert, all the time being performed to, we converse shallowly for 20 mins to end the evening, followed by ... boink,


We talk, non-stop for 3 hours, ... as we know each other longer and deeper, the convo gets more heart to heart . . .

I think that actually LDR's (long distance relationships) are more strong and stable, in terms of knowing the other person, than close-by relationships!

Spot on in the UK on a rountine night we are busy doing our own thing or both knackered from work only when we are seperated due to one is away from home or what not do we chat fully for hours..

16th October 2009, 21:23
Speaking as a man, my answer is yes and no. Like any relationship, you don't fall in love at first sight, you fall in lust. But lust only makes you look, and maybe approach, it's not enough to make a relationship. Getting to know a person, the similarities, the differences, that's when love is born. You dont need to be in the same room for that, you can be anywhere. But at some point, you have to go to the next level and make love real. So get off the internet and go meet her.