View Full Version : The Honeymoon is over - So do you still feel the same ?

31st August 2009, 03:34
The Honeymoon is now over - time has moved on - do you still have the same butterfly feelings of excitement being with your girl ?

Its an interesting subject, I wonder what your feelings are about your own relationship, for some, you will feel like me, I suspect the vast majority, for others it may not be the same again, maybe you wish you had stayed at home.

But if you are like me, and I hope you are, because I genuinely wish every guy on this forum, the very best in life with their relationship, I bet you still get that great buzzing feeling in your stomach when the day comes along, when its time to get in your car, or get the train, or get on a bus, or get a taxi, to the airport whether it be LONDON airports, Manchester, Birmingham, Glasgow, wherever you may be, to make that last and final journey, and that is to meet your girl flying in from Philippines for first time.

Some of you guys came over with your girl, I believe a great experience to bring her with you, and present your country to your new fiancee, or spouse, I bet that was also a great feeling.

But let me say in my case, I did collect my girl from London Heathrow, some 5 years ago, it was an exciting day, the day I had been waiting for, for several weeks.

Every day in the last week was agony, how much longer I used to think, and the hours just seem to take so long, I was up at 3 am, just going around the house, cleaning up, getting everything ready, making sure it was all presentable, I had notions of showing her around, saying, this is your kitchen, this is your lounge, and here is your closet, and this is yours etc etc, I wanted to share everything with my new love.

And of course show her around the town, and present my country to her, in a way, that only each of us can do in our own way.

Well you may laugh, call me a sentimentalist if you want, I am of one of those guys, who really believes in romance, and why shouldn't we, lest we all not forget, that these girls, well agree with me lads, these girls are special are they not.

Filipino wives are not ordinary wives, nope they are the simply the best !, and there is something about them, that makes you feel this way, well guys, its only 3.29 in the morning when I am making this post, and I have a special reason for being up this early.

My Girl is coming home this morning, she is on BA026 from Hong Kong, (wonder if anyone here has a girl on this flight, let me know, its a special day for me and you if its the same flight).

This is not the first time my girl is coming home, she comes home for the first time to UK as a BRITISH CITIZEN, something of which she is immensely proud, but the feelings I have in anticipation, are just the same as when this first happened 5 years ago, its not changed one bit.

I still have that feeling of excitement, still have that butterfly feeling we boys secretly get, that we rarely tell others about, yes, I am excited to see her again, its only been a short time, that we are separated, but yet the separation is unbearable at times, we cannot bare to be parted.

I am leaving shortly to jump in my car, and I just wanted to share with you, my thoughts, and say that when the honeymoon is over

Will you still have those feelings of a first timer, whose girl is just coming in with a new visa in her passport, will you still have that when the honeymoon is over, and the real life begins, I hope you all do, and if so, am I not right when I say, its not the end....its the beginning of a lifetime adventure, bless you all guys....and good luck with your Girl.

31st August 2009, 03:50
It's still the same for me Pete. Hanna and I have been married for 2 years and 2 months now and I wouldn't change a thing!!

Actually, yes I would. I would love to be able to take her back with me when I return later this year - but, of course, I can't.

Meanwhile, I am still deeply in love with her.

Nice post again.


P.S. Congrats. on your reunion.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

31st August 2009, 04:10
:rolleyes: Excellent post Pete, and I hope my future with my mahal is as Rosey as yours :xxgrinning--00xx3:

trader dave
31st August 2009, 13:09
dont remind MRS T we have not had a honeymoon yet :Erm::Hellooo:

31st August 2009, 13:13

trader dave
31st August 2009, 13:44
Dave,you two look so good together I think every day your beside each other is a Honeymoon :xxgrinning--00xx3:

it works many comment that we are so close :icon_lol:it just works we both have a very strange sense of humour 100% open honest i could go on but i won't :omg::omg: im 53 going on 25 that helps as well

we are both not the type that fall in love in 2 mins a lot of thought and discussion was undertaken before any commitment was shown 100% OPEN HONEST all cards on the table ....what do expect from me .....what do i expect from you ? rules ,boundaries get it sorted we was friends also before we started dating :xxgrinning--00xx3: we never met online

it works for us and thats all that matters :icon_lol:

back to the thread ......does the honeymoon ever stop ........ we hope not :cwm24::icon_lol: :Cuckoo:

31st August 2009, 13:51

31st August 2009, 23:10
The Honeymoon is now over - time has moved on - do you still have the same butterfly feelings of excitement being with your girl ?

Yes, I feel my first few months in the UK with my new wife gets better and better.
Sometimes I look at her and can't help but feel so happy that this perfect lady is in my life every day.
Occasionally, a "tampo" throws a spoke in the wheels but we get happier all the time and I had no idea of how her lovely personality would keep me captivated.
She greets me with a smile and a kiss when I come home from work, and the reality of life together is far better than I had imagined.
I can't wait to get back home to see her when I am out and going back to work after being with her for a day or day is really bad.

I don't feel butterflies, just a tremendous sense of being complete.

31st August 2009, 23:12
I don't feel butterflies, just a tremendous sense of being complete.

Same here :xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st September 2009, 07:59
Nice post Pete, I spent a year in Dubai with Mel and 3 years in the Philippines, Jeeewiz I haven't been to the UK in 4 years now, starting to miss the fish n chips and haggis, but hey I am crazy for my wife and daughter, can't wait to get them over to the UK. My honeymoon never ends but it will be even greater when I get the three of us to the UK

1st September 2009, 09:54
oh how sweet of you..... Your wife is so lucky....

Stay happy inlove!!

Arthur Little
1st September 2009, 11:33
Well, WE haven't HAD a honeymoon as such ... YET ... even though we've been married for almost 9 months. We WILL have though, once I have my *ears syringed sufficiently for me to converse with staff at the French Embassy in Edinburgh and arrange this :censored: Schengen Visa to enable my wife and I to visit Paris.

An *odd thing to mention, I guess, but my hearing difficulties are proving to be quite a handicap at the moment :23_111_9[1]:... and I need to keep dispensing Almond Oil into my lugholes each night to soften the earwax before they can be cleared out enough for "normal service" to be resumed.

But luckily, my eyesight hasn't been affected. :icon_lol: And I must be thankful that I can always rely on waking up each morning to my good lady's beautiful, radiant smile :) ... and lip-read the words "Maayong Buntag, Mahal!

1st September 2009, 18:01
In our marriage, it's me that's normally out of the country for as long as 6 weeks at a time (to visit family in PI). I also go away on Mother's Day and some organised girls holidays abroad :xxgrinning--00xx3:

And everytime my husband collects me at the airport (when I'm not driving myself to the airport that is); I always get this giddy sensation inside me and as soon as I see my husband, I just can't wait to throw my arms around him and feel him next to my skin :cwm38: Then I hug and kisses my kids afterwards :icon_lol:

And we're now nearing our 20th anniversary :Rasp:
