View Full Version : Calais, France

3rd September 2009, 14:20
It is nice to be away and back from Calais, France!

It was quite an experience being on a Ferry. I've never been on something like it, nothing like it that I felt seasick. It was only a short while of travel but I really did, with matching sick bag ...
But there is no choice, what a way to go and experience!

While there, we got a moment with few of Filipinos in group - whose just out there on a day tour! They set out 4:00 am coming from London. Wow, what a way to explore!

There's nothing much spectacular there ... but we're glad we've been. Our way to escape!

trader dave
3rd September 2009, 14:27
So did you get my duty free :icon_lol::icon_lol::Erm: bit rough today :icon_lol::icon_lol::eek:

3rd September 2009, 16:32
So did you get my duty free :icon_lol::icon_lol::Erm: bit rough today :icon_lol::icon_lol::eek:

Hello trader dave! How I wish ... I don't think it was really that cheap. GBP hasn't got much value now. But I have to say, that it was worth it - great escape, great exploration and great experience. Am just a shallow little one ... :) .. anything different gives excitement!