View Full Version : Awesome...............

4th September 2009, 16:15
The same guy who sent me the worlds worst eastern-eruopean pop "Song" :Erm:Also sent me this so all is forgiven :xxgrinning--00xx3:Watch the speed,the tunnel scene and even better when he passes the motorbike,being so low to the ground must have accentuated his feeling of speed,its incredible,I want a go :icon_lol:He is a Human Transformer,whats that guys name...Optimus Prime?Leader of the autobots?This is him in reality!!!


4th September 2009, 19:35
my motor bike was more fun than that and you can go up hill too!

this is more fun http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-oQ--U-WaQ&feature=fvw

4th September 2009, 19:46
BAB that looks like the limited-edition silver Buzz Lightyear :Erm:

4th September 2009, 19:55
yep,didnt he jet across the across the channel a while back?

much better than rolling down a hill.

4th September 2009, 20:11
Its not exactly just "Rolling down a hill" like jack and jill is it?Bit more technique to it than that,the bit where he overtakes the bike is classic :xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th September 2009, 20:27
Looks uncomfortable, but yes....impressive

4th September 2009, 20:31
Its not exactly just "Rolling down a hill" like jack and jill is it?Bit more technique to it than that,the bit where he overtakes the bike is classic :xxgrinning--00xx3:

It's pretty damn stunning, I've driven a lot of mountain roads and that is fast...........!
