View Full Version : Age 20

6th September 2009, 19:43
Hello folks,

I have been chatting on Yahoo and seeing on cam a lovely 20 year old Philly girl. We get on great together and are having fun.

However, I am interested in taking thinggs further. I plan to visit her and meet her family etc, asw we feel we could have a life together.

However, I was told that its almost impossible to get a Fiance Visa for a girl under 22. Is that correct?

By the way I am 45, but that does not bother her, she says age is not an issue its the person that matters.

Obviously I dont really want to wait 2 years before we can be together in the UK.

Would it be impossible?

I have a good job, own a business, my own home etc. No ex wife. Girl has no career etc and no ex husband.

Any advice welcome :)

6th September 2009, 19:49
Thread with care and be very patient.

I believe the age is 21.

Even so, go slow, there is no hurry.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

And don't send money....

6th September 2009, 19:53
Thanks for the quick reply and advice :)

6th September 2009, 20:06
Thanks for the quick reply and advice :)

Here we go lad, read this and digest....:xxgrinning--00xx3:


All you need to know is here.

Arthur Little
6th September 2009, 20:15
Hello folks,

I have been chatting on Yahoo and seeing on cam a lovely 20 year old Philly girl. We get on great together and are having fun.

I have a good job, own a business, my own home etc. No ex wife. Girl has no career etc and no ex husband.

Any advice welcome :)

:Hellooo: Welcome to the forum, Ricky.

As regards, your credentials ... they're a good foundation on which to build a promising relationship. However, as of November last year, it is no longer permissible for anyone under the age of 21 to apply for either a Fiancee or Settlement [Spousal] Visa. But, if each of you takes things gradually (as Aromulus suggests) get to know one another well, through continued communication ... remembering to keep records of your correspondence ... and, eventually, by your visiting her in the Phils to provide as much photographic evidence as possible of the two of you together, then this will greatly help any application she will be eligible to make following her twenty-first birthday.

Good luck to you both! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th September 2009, 21:27
the way things are going downhill at the british embassy, she will be at lleast 21 anyway by the time shes gets a visa :doh


6th September 2009, 21:57
Hello Rickyboy

Welcome here and goodluck to your plans:Hellooo:

6th September 2009, 23:09
welcome welcome :Hellooo:

7th September 2009, 01:07
Age as no relavance to the ebassy or these wonderfull ladys. So long as she is over 21 you should have no trouble ( correct me if i am wrong guys ) Just be carefull there is good and bad in all countrys and cultures. Sadly some ladys in the phils can use it as a income. You are in for a great shock because i beleave thses ladys are amongs the best in the world. Ho my future wife is 28 and i am 50, age is just a number. I have never felt love like she gives me. I will be going there this october 17 or 18 be glad to show you around and help you. Regards. kenny and marlyn.

trader dave
7th September 2009, 10:45
:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3: age difference no problem OTHERS SAY THERE IS :icon_lol: TOUGH THATS THERE PROBLEM :furious3:


read the bible first :Erm: i mean this one http://www.british-filipino.com/ top of the page read it read it and read it again firstly go and go and see your gf dont make any plans of marriage yet :Erm: dont send money or do anything untill you have met in person :xxgrinning--00xx3:

take your time theres no rush and i warn you now having an LDR is bloody hard :furious3::Brick: and as i always say would i do it again NO CHANCE:Brick::cwm24:

7th September 2009, 11:16
i didnt know guys got pikon? :icon_lol:

forget the age thing,how do you feel?

if your both feel comfortable with it then whats the problem.

and read what the above poster as wrote :xxgrinning--00xx3: