View Full Version : Need to go easy with the texting

9th September 2009, 22:42

Just got my monthly phone bill for my mobile and it is a juicy £92:doh

My tariff is £35 a month with unlimited text messages and 600 minutes talktime. All very well calling and texting the UK! But with the amount of texts I've been sending to Rizza, let's just say I've managed a good £45+ in text costs alone:Cuckoo: As each one I send is 10p, and if that is 3 messages in 1 then it is 30p a text:cwm34:

However, good news is I just got a new blackberry so maybe I can use the yahoo mesenger in work on my breaks more instead of texting. But is it also worthwhile to send Rizza a UK sim as well? Seeing as I use a pinoy sim to aid her cheap texts, would a similar one work for me? Although my initial search shows nothing:NoNo:


9th September 2009, 23:04

Just got my monthly phone bill for my mobile and it is a juicy £92:doh

My tariff is £35 a month with unlimited text messages and 600 minutes talktime. All very well calling and texting the UK! But with the amount of texts I've been sending to Rizza, let's just say I've managed a good £45+ in text costs alone:Cuckoo: As each one I send is 10p, and if that is 3 messages in 1 then it is 30p a text:cwm34:

However, good news is I just got a new blackberry so maybe I can use the yahoo mesenger in work on my breaks more instead of texting. But is it also worthwhile to send Rizza a UK sim as well? Seeing as I use a pinoy sim to aid her cheap texts, would a similar one work for me? Although my initial search shows nothing:NoNo:


Text is genuinely mobile, messenger doesn't cut it as the other end is going to be fixed location unless Rizza is on a 3G contract and has yahoo on her phone.

I have lost track of the money we have wasted on txt, I got it under control this year when I bought the device I posted about in the link below.


Now that Ana is back in Manila it's costs us 1 peso each way indeed Ana has so many free txt now that we wont have to buy load at either end for another 2 months.

Text from Phils to UK are 20 peso each, UK to Phils as you say 10p I guess you are with O2?

When Ana was in Korea my international txt messages were included in my Flext allowance effectively free as were about 200 minutes of calls a month. Now that she is back in the Phils my T-mobile contract does not cover the calls or txt, so it's 17p a txt and £1.11 a minute calls. :(

A Skype to Go number in the UK will let you call from your mobile to a local number (free in your contract) then you just pay Skype about 14p a minute for the call to a Philippine mobile and 10p a minute to a landline.

Skype to Skype is obviously best (free + video call) .

The Smart Plug n Talk is a godsend still not truly flexible but I have a computer just about anywhere I go.

Hope this is helpful to you Northerner!

Oh almost forgot Skype txt messages are 3.5p to the Phils but the reply number will be expensive for Rizza as it will be your UK cellphone number.


9th September 2009, 23:07
10p texts abroad? You sure about that one mate?

9th September 2009, 23:12
10p texts abroad? You sure about that one mate?

On my O2 business account I had 10p txt to the Phils for years.

T-mobile now include calls and txt in your Flext allowance for certain international destinations, sadly not the Phils :(


9th September 2009, 23:26
On my O2 business account I had 10p txt to the Phils for years.

T-mobile now include calls and txt in your Flext allowance for certain international destinations, sadly not the Phils :(


Nice....I think mine is 25p per text on vodafone. The calls are stupidly expensive though, we just use voip these days

9th September 2009, 23:34
10p texts abroad? You sure about that one mate?

Well, 10.2p to be precise:) And yeah, I am with O2... But I am trying to budget now so it is something I am looking at (call costs).

Thanks for the advice Jim. Rizza knows to reply to me on the pinoy sim, I just wish there was a similar sim for me to give to her, making it inclusive in my unlimited text messages:Rasp: Which would be awesome :xxgrinning--00xx3::D

But I guess not:Erm:

9th September 2009, 23:35
Nice....I think mine is 25p per text on vodafone. The calls are stupidly expensive though, we just use voip these days

Even most of the real VOIP (SIP) services are not cheap enough in my opinion :(

Skype is obviously the best though if you have a computer at both ends, when we had PLDT in the condo in Manila it was great but we are stuck with a SmartBro 3G modem in our current place because PLDT are to dumb to be able to keep a customer that moves house :Brick:

The SmartBro still incurrs costs but it's only something like 30 peso an hour, I forget now need to look it up :Erm:


9th September 2009, 23:43

Just got my monthly phone bill for my mobile and it is a juicy £92:doh

My tariff is £35 a month with unlimited text messages and 600 minutes talktime. All very well calling and texting the UK! But with the amount of texts I've been sending to Rizza, let's just say I've managed a good £45+ in text costs alone:Cuckoo: As each one I send is 10p, and if that is 3 messages in 1 then it is 30p a text:cwm34:

However, good news is I just got a new blackberry so maybe I can use the yahoo mesenger in work on my breaks more instead of texting. But is it also worthwhile to send Rizza a UK sim as well? Seeing as I use a pinoy sim to aid her cheap texts, would a similar one work for me? Although my initial search shows nothing:NoNo:


I'd forget sending them from the phone and sort yourself out a cheap deal sending them from your computer - if your getting a BB I guess you can use a PC to text thing from that. I've not bothered checking it out yet.

9th September 2009, 23:44
let's just say I've managed a good £45+ in text costs alone

Could've spent that on phonecards. You'd probably get at least a few thousand minutes talk time for that.

I've been using these for awhile now - https://www.eurocallingcards.com/

9th September 2009, 23:46
Well, 10.2p to be precise:) And yeah, I am with O2... But I am trying to budget now so it is something I am looking at (call costs).

Thanks for the advice Jim. Rizza knows to reply to me on the pinoy sim, I just wish there was a similar sim for me to give to her, making it inclusive in my unlimited text messages:Rasp: Which would be awesome :xxgrinning--00xx3::D

But I guess not:Erm:

They will always hit you with roaming charges for a UK SIM abroad, the Plug n Talk is the absolute cheapest solution I have found.

What we really need is some serious innovation, development and network investment by the Globe and SMART networks in the Phils.

I'm guessing as I don't know the exact nature of their networks but I would not be surprised if most of the international telephone traffic out of the Phils was not on dedicated cables, I suspect it is being shared with the internet fibre for the most part but I may well be wrong.

Also a few years back the vast majority of IP traffic from the Phils was being routed through undersea cables going round the edge of the Pacific then across America then to Europe. There was a major cable breakage in 2006 that ruined internet bandwidth and phone connections for weeks (still worked but really slow for the net or very hard to get a call placed over the phone network).


9th September 2009, 23:52
ive seen a few of my mobile phone bills like that:Cuckoo: i think my biggest was just over one hundred and thirty pounds:omg:

10th September 2009, 00:11
ive seen a few of my mobile phone bills like that:Cuckoo: i think my biggest was just over one hundred and thirty pounds:omg:

That reminds me a word of warning to everyone, if your network does not automatically block or warn about online 3G/GPRS data access while roaming SWITCH IT OFF when you get to Manila.

I was well aware of data roaming charges and I was well aware of how my GPRS phone at the time behaved in Manila and I was always certain that data was only on if I had specifically requested it.

That was until late December 2007 when I was using a GPS (navigation app) called Mapking which even although it did not need or use it somehow managed to switch the GPRS connection back on.

I woke up on the 31st of December 2007 looking at my phone which had nothing running in Task Manager (Windows Mobile) clocking up 90kbps on spb GPRS monitor. It had been doing that for quite a few hours and the download monitor had it clocked at 167MB sadly this it turned out was not the first time on that trip and my total bill came in at £1600.

Never managed to get out of it despite months of arguments with O2, I can promise you that this was a rogue process of some kind, whether it was the GPS app that had switched on the data or something else, virus, god knows what, fact is the phone was sitting there in a loop nothing running no storage being used just running flat out in GPRS traffic, I've never felt so sick in my life when I looked at those log files. :(

So disable all HSDPA/3G/GPRS functionality of your phone the minute you step off the plane in Manila better still switch to your local phone and turn off your British one immediately you arrive.

This was my twelfth trip by the way, never had a problem before as I was always religiously careful with the phones.


10th September 2009, 00:17
I use O2 Your Country SIM, you have 100 minutes free calls per month, but every other month they extend another 100 minutes free call. Just make sure that you give credit to the phone atleast £ 10 a month.

And the text is the same rate just 10p per message.

10th September 2009, 00:17
That reminds me a word of warning to everyone, if your network does not automatically block or warn about online 3G/GPRS data access while roaming SWITCH IT OFF when you get to Manila.

I was well aware of data roaming charges and I was well aware of how my GPRS phone at the time behaved in Manila and I was always certain that data was only on if I had specifically requested it.

That was until late December 2007 when I was using a GPS (navigation app) called Mapking which even although it did not need or use it somehow managed to switch the GPRS connection back on.

I woke up on the 31st of December 2007 looking at my phone which had nothing running in Task Manager (Windows Mobile) clocking up 90kbps on spb GPRS monitor. It had been doing that for quite a few hours and the download monitor had it clocked at 167MB sadly this it turned out was not the first time on that trip and my total bill came in at £1600.

Never managed to get out of it despite months of arguments with O2, I can promise you that this was a rogue process of some kind, whether it was the GPS app that had switched on the data or something else, virus, god knows what, fact is the phone was sitting there in a loop nothing running no storage being used just running flat out in GPRS traffic, I've never felt so sick in my life when I looked at those log files. :(

So disable all HSDPA/3G/GPRS functionality of your phone the minute you step off the plane in Manila better still switch to your local phone and turn off your British one immediately you arrive.

This was my twelfth trip by the way, never had a problem before as I was always religiously careful with the phones.


:yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes: If I got a bill like that, I have no idea what I'd do (after screaming all sorts of things to the poor sap who took my call):cwm24:

But thanks for the heads up! I'll be carefull if I go over with my blackberry.

10th September 2009, 00:26
:yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes: If I got a bill like that, I have no idea what I'd do (after screaming all sorts of things to the poor sap who took my call):cwm24:

But thanks for the heads up! I'll be carefull if I go over with my blackberry.

:) It wasn't the best start to a new year I had ever had, 2008 was pretty desperate year to be honest but we had the wonder of my daughter being born in the middle of the year.

The same daughter that is now 14 months old and saying "hello, hello, hello, hello, hello" down the phone in perfect English with no hint of baby speak :D actually it was a bit creepy that she didn't sound babyish :icon_lol: phones are good even if the call costs a fortune when they let you hear things like that :BouncyHappy:


10th September 2009, 00:37
:) It wasn't the best start to a new year I had ever had, 2008 was pretty desperate year to be honest but we had the wonder of my daughter being born in the middle of the year.

The same daughter that is now 14 months old and saying "hello, hello, hello, hello, hello" down the phone in perfect English with no hint of baby speak :D actually it was a bit creepy that she didn't sound babyish :icon_lol: phones are good even if the call costs a fortune when they let you hear things like that :BouncyHappy:


I suppose so! Although my experience is limited in comparison to you, I do feel a sense when I hear Rizza over the phone that is not there with messenger.:xxgrinning--00xx3: All those verbal nods and sounds which pass on emotions that a few smilies just fail on every time... For LDRs, the good old phone is what is needed...

10th September 2009, 01:46
Northerner - try using Chikka - www.chikka.com for texts. MUCH cheaper, free from PC, and dirt cheap from mobile - works both ways.

Rebtel (www.rebtel.com) is good for voice, although it seems that most of the VOIP services have suffered some degradation over the last few months. It also gives you an online call register which is easy to include in Visa applictions :) Just make sure you print it every 90 days or older entries disappear

10th September 2009, 02:25
That reminds me a word of warning to everyone, if your network does not automatically block or warn about online 3G/GPRS data access while roaming SWITCH IT OFF when you get to Manila.

I was well aware of data roaming charges and I was well aware of how my GPRS phone at the time behaved in Manila and I was always certain that data was only on if I had specifically requested it.

That was until late December 2007 when I was using a GPS (navigation app) called Mapking which even although it did not need or use it somehow managed to switch the GPRS connection back on.

I woke up on the 31st of December 2007 looking at my phone which had nothing running in Task Manager (Windows Mobile) clocking up 90kbps on spb GPRS monitor. It had been doing that for quite a few hours and the download monitor had it clocked at 167MB sadly this it turned out was not the first time on that trip and my total bill came in at £1600.

Never managed to get out of it despite months of arguments with O2, I can promise you that this was a rogue process of some kind, whether it was the GPS app that had switched on the data or something else, virus, god knows what, fact is the phone was sitting there in a loop nothing running no storage being used just running flat out in GPRS traffic, I've never felt so sick in my life when I looked at those log files. :(

So disable all HSDPA/3G/GPRS functionality of your phone the minute you step off the plane in Manila better still switch to your local phone and turn off your British one immediately you arrive.

This was my twelfth trip by the way, never had a problem before as I was always religiously careful with the phones.


Wise words of warning from Jim here!!!

I have heard of, and seen similar stories from people I have met over here.

Get off the plane - take out your UK SIM and shove a SMART SIM in it (P50) - and relax in the knowledge that you are not going to get a nasty surprise from your UK provider.

My experience only cost me £250 - but it still gave ME a shock!!!

BTW - I use Skype for contacting Blighty - but if I am not near my PC then I send a text at, as has been said, P20.

BTW part 2 - If your UK phone is locked and is not operable with a SMART SIM or similar, buy a cheap Nokia or summat over here - expect to pay around £10 - £15 for a decent (oldish) phone. Voila!!! Use your new mobile without any worries - AND - in the LIKELY event that it gets nicked whilst you are on a jeepney - you haven't lost much.

If you are going to bring an expensive mobile over here - PLEASE BE CAREFUL!!!! Remember what has been said in previous threads.


New Shoes
11th September 2009, 10:18
Could've spent that on phonecards. You'd probably get at least a few thousand minutes talk time for that.

I've been using these for awhile now - https://www.eurocallingcards.com/

Hey Triple5,

How do those calling cards work? What's the procedure?

Many thanks....

11th September 2009, 11:06
Hey Triple5,

How do those calling cards work? What's the procedure?

Many thanks....

Just pay for it online, anything between £5-£20. You'll then be emailed a pin number. You dial up, enter the pin, then call the phils.

On some of the cards there is a connection fee, so if you're making lots of short calls best to avoid these.

I do find these cards go along way. The one I usually get is called ASIA Tel, which is £10.49 and gets you around 200 mins.

New Shoes
11th September 2009, 11:12
Triple5, Thanks for the info. I think I'll give it go!

I'm currently just using my BT landline and it's costing about £1 a min.

Thanks again.

11th September 2009, 11:27
I use these http://linkstochina.com/RingChina/iWorld.html (http://linkstochina.com/RingChina/iWorld.html) The Royal Mail & Freespirit cards are fine.

11th September 2009, 11:43

Just got my monthly phone bill for my mobile and it is a juicy £92:doh

My tariff is £35 a month with unlimited text messages and 600 minutes talktime. All very well calling and texting the UK! But with the amount of texts I've been sending to Rizza, let's just say I've managed a good £45+ in text costs alone:Cuckoo: As each one I send is 10p, and if that is 3 messages in 1 then it is 30p a text:cwm34:

However, good news is I just got a new blackberry so maybe I can use the yahoo mesenger in work on my breaks more instead of texting. But is it also worthwhile to send Rizza a UK sim as well? Seeing as I use a pinoy sim to aid her cheap texts, would a similar one work for me? Although my initial search shows nothing:NoNo:

hi northener that's the same cased to my husband before when we started to text each other and the only way we can communicate each other. He was in vodafone contract and the vodafone was changed my husband contract with out knowing him, so when bills came comes to £150 his bills and my husband went to the city advice to claimed that the vodafone changed his contract with out knowing him and the vodafone paid my husband back the amount of £150.

11th September 2009, 11:45
Your welcome. £1 a minute :omg: You know what women are like - will talk till the sun goes down.

11th September 2009, 11:45
10p texts abroad? You sure about that one mate?

i use o2 mobile and 10p text abroad

11th September 2009, 11:48
to be honest i hate texting!

so i never texted my wife that much,well nearly never.

i always kept it to yahoo messenger and as you have found out,it can be very expensive.

most filipinas can text like theres no tomorrow and im sure my wife wanted to text 50 times a day? :icon_lol:

11th September 2009, 11:53
to be honest i hate texting!

Same here, very rarely send texts.

11th September 2009, 12:21
You can text from Skype for 5p

12th September 2009, 02:05
Just pay for it online, anything between £5-£20. You'll then be emailed a pin number. You dial up, enter the pin, then call the phils.

On some of the cards there is a connection fee, so if you're making lots of short calls best to avoid these.

I do find these cards go along way. The one I usually get is called ASIA Tel, which is £10.49 and gets you around 200 mins.

So will these cards call Philippine mobiles at the same rate?

I guess some will but always remember that from a UK mobile 0800, 0845 and a few other access numbers are not free from a UK cellphone so your card call might be cheap but you can also be paying your mobile provider at the same time!

They are all VOIP services i.e voice over internet protocol services, same as Skype, does sound cheaper than Skype though so I need to try it and see what the voice quality is like.

Skype txt 3.5p + VAT, return message from the phils 20 peso (usually) :(


12th September 2009, 09:40
Yes Jim, before you select the card you choose the country you're calling and whther its a mobile or landline. You're right about 0800, I always call from a landline. Quality is usually fine, occasionally have the odd problem connecting.

12th September 2009, 19:33
Yes Jim, before you select the card you choose the country you're calling and whther its a mobile or landline. You're right about 0800, I always call from a landline. Quality is usually fine, occasionally have the odd problem connecting.

That's pretty good then, last time I looked at these cards was years ago and the Phils was still pretty expensive but definitly looks cheaper now!


12th September 2009, 20:00
I am a bit peeved with the "Talk Home" calling card. When I last used it and called Rizza, the automated line tells me I have 300 minutes. Then after a 30 minute conversation I try again the following day but get told I have 100 minutes available :Erm: Only to have the call disconnected in 10 minutes as I had ran out of call credit:cwm23:

And the customer service line is at a premuim rate so I am not going to call them to to get nowhere, only to get another £5+ for the fun of it...

12th September 2009, 22:03
I am a bit peeved with the "Talk Home" calling card. When I last used it and called Rizza, the automated line tells me I have 300 minutes. Then after a 30 minute conversation I try again the following day but get told I have 100 minutes available :Erm: Only to have the call disconnected in 10 minutes as I had ran out of call credit:cwm23:

And the customer service line is at a premuim rate so I am not going to call them to to get nowhere, only to get another £5+ for the fun of it...

I'd take matters up with your local Trading Standards Dept - sounds like a right rip off

13th September 2009, 23:31
Try registering with chikka (www.chikka.com) to send text messages to the philippines. it may save you a wee bit of money.

14th September 2009, 09:31
Try registering with chikka (www.chikka.com (http://www.chikka.com)) to send text messages to the philippines. it may save you a wee bit of money.
Isn't it expensive if they reply from the Phil though? We found the catch to Chikka a few years back.

14th September 2009, 11:09
As far as I can tell from the Chikka website, replies from Philippines cost 1.5pesos each.
Its not 100% clear, but my faincee and I have used this a lot and she's never mentioned it being expensive.

17th September 2009, 01:09
Just found this gem on the O2 website:

Text messaging abroad

Why write postcards when you can send a text? It's a low cost way of keeping in touch, and there are no charges to receive messages when you're abroad.


Just got to see what the cost if any it will cost me to send a text now! Otherwise I might have found a hidden goldmine, if I get to send them for free and Rizza gets to receive them for free.

But the following bit of info makes me think it might just be free for me:

Your Text messages abroad included in your domestic allowance

Pay Monthly customers can use text messages from within their normal text message allowance, at a rate of 4 to 1 i.e. you will use 4 normal text messages to send a text message from any where abroad.

A call to customer services is in order methinks:D:xxgrinning--00xx3: