View Full Version : Fernando's Saga

15th September 2009, 19:01
A young Visayan male nurse gets a job at a hospital in Norway. On his first weekend off, he is driving from Oslo to Bergen to visit a friend. At first he is doing ok, but in the mountains it starts raining heavily, and he loses control and crashes off a precipice and lands in a ravine. When he is found, he is taken to the very hospital where he works. He is only given a fifty-fifty chance. He experiences a strange out-of-body experience. He flies through the sky, and lands at the door of a large wooden building. He enters, and sees long tables on either side where mighty warriors are feasting. As he walks along, the warriors fall silent and he sees their chief at the other end of the hall. "This place is called Valhalla, feasting hall of the gods" says the chief. "Will you feast with us? Speak, have you no tounge?" The young man looks into the chief's fierce blue eyes. "I am not yet ready to leave my world, but if needs be, I will stay here and feast with you, provided there are a few maidens." For a moment the chief is silent, then he roars with laughter. "You have spirit young fellow, you shall return to your world. May the strength of Odin rise within you, and be like iron" bellows the chief.
At that instant the Visayan feels his body racked with pain, and sees the bright hospital lights as he is wheeled from the theatre to the ward. Over the next few weeks, the pain lessens and he makes a remarkable recovery. Finally, his friends are allowed to see him. "I'm feeling pretty good, they're going to let me out in two weeks. There's just one thing, it's a bit embarrassing." "Tell me" says a friend. "Since the accident, it seems like I've had a permanent erection!"