View Full Version : proof of savings

20th September 2009, 12:22
hi all, just need a little advice about my visa application for my wife we are planning to make in october. i have an online savings account and dont get a statement form the bank only what i can print out from their website, does this copy have to be certified as i dont have a local branch. also i was planning to fly out to see my wife in november as i havent seen her since we married last december and will need to raid the savings to finance this, will they check my savings account after the application or will the current statement be enough to satisfy the cfo. congrats to all who recieved their visas in a seemingly record time, is this a current trend? hope so:D

20th September 2009, 12:36
hi all, just need a little advice about my visa application for my wife we are planning to make in october. i have an online savings account and dont get a statement form the bank only what i can print out from their website, does this copy have to be certified as i dont have a local branch. also i was planning to fly out to see my wife in november as i havent seen her since we married last december and will need to raid the savings to finance this, will they check my savings account after the application or will the current statement be enough to satisfy the cfo. congrats to all who recieved their visas in a seemingly record time, is this a current trend? hope so:D

hello there sorry can't give you any idea as I've come here in the UK on a fiancee visa. I have submitted my future husband's (that time) bank statement for 6 months. But it seems to be quicker and easier this time having read the good news from the successful applicants. Hope all things goes well.

20th September 2009, 12:38
thanks and congrats on your arrival:)

20th September 2009, 12:51
thanks and congrats on your arrival:)

You are welcome. You really need to save, I started fiancee visa £260 then FLR £500 ILR £820 and now in process of Naturalisation £720.

I also have children from the Phils I paid £585 for settlement visa application, unfortunately it was refused and I will post the Appeal on Monday here in UK.

You have come to the right site as it is indeed very helpful.

Special mention to Joebloggs and Somebody..

20th September 2009, 13:09
definately doesnt come cheap:omg:

20th September 2009, 13:13
Hope things work out for you mate,and remember its only money,easy come easy go,you cant put a price-tag on happiness,hopefully she will be with you by christmas as everything seems to be getting fast-tracked judging by recent posts :xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th September 2009, 13:21
hi tawi, xmas was always my aim just keping everything crossed and thanks:)

20th September 2009, 13:29
definately doesnt come cheap:omg:

it is not cheap but to be with your wife/husband/children (and the whole family, if possible) is priceless. Goodluck and All the best.

20th September 2009, 13:45
thanks jaishann:xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th September 2009, 13:49
i suggest that you ask your your bank to issue you a certificate stating that you are a depositor and had this certain amount of money... and if you have a savings account, supply that too... better to give the CFO as much financial info as possible...

when i applied for my visa, my bf gave his statement for his savings account as well as his payroll account...

hope this helps... good luck!

20th September 2009, 18:07
hi all, just need a little advice about my visa application for my wife we are planning to make in october. i have an online savings account and dont get a statement form the bank only what i can print out from their website, does this copy have to be certified as i dont have a local branch. also i was planning to fly out to see my wife in november as i havent seen her since we married last december and will need to raid the savings to finance this, will they check my savings account after the application or will the current statement be enough to satisfy the cfo. congrats to all who recieved their visas in a seemingly record time, is this a current trend? hope so:D

hi, I would put a cover letter attached to your savings account statement just to explain what you intend doing with your savings.

It does state bank statements to be certified but, if the savings account is the 'backbone' of your wife's application then, I would get them certified as well.

Good luck :xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th September 2009, 19:17
ok thanks looks like a visit to the solicitors tomorrow and i think i may be better to cancel my trip out and wait until after she has her visa approved to see her again :bigcry:

21st September 2009, 21:47
to be on the safe side i had copies of my passport certified and stamped by an accountant and ordered a copy of my online savings account from the bank, that will take a week plus around another two or three weeks getting through the philippine postal system:doh that means putting off our application yet again:Brick:

22nd September 2009, 08:35
to be on the safe side i had copies of my passport certified and stamped by an accountant and ordered a copy of my online savings account from the bank, that will take a week plus around another two or three weeks getting through the philippine postal system:doh that means putting off our application yet again:Brick:

I wouldn't risk sending things like that through the Philippines postal system, especially when they can see it's come from the UK, it may be opened (to see if contains money) and then thrown away. It's always best to send it by courier and the best one for anything like this I've found is Interparcel. If you use Interparcel it will actually be delivered by DHL and you can even track it on the DHL website, but it's much cheaper than dealing directly with DHL.


22nd September 2009, 08:41
... also be aware that "savings" also means anything financial that can be
turned into real cash in a reasonable period of time.

... such as an endowment policy, shares, unit trusts etc

It is NOT just your current / savings accounts.


22nd September 2009, 12:37
wish i had some shares:D but thanks anyway ive done everything i can think of besides sending the kitchen sink as it was too heavy:yikes:

22nd September 2009, 13:31
thanks bluebirdjones ive bookmarked the interparcel website :xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd September 2009, 22:36
I only had online account/statements but a quick call to the halifax/bank of scotland and they printed out all of my transactions in the usual statement format and sent to me in the post.
I also asked them for a letter confirming when my account was opened and the balance at the end of each month for the past year. That serves as confirmation in itself of what the statements contain.
I did the same sort of thing with Western union: Got a letter confirming all of my transfers from W Union in the States. (if you do it online/at the Dublin call centre they try and charge you).

23rd September 2009, 22:38
Completely agree with IainBusby. have been using Interparcel for DHL documents for the past year. Costs just £20. I even submitted the tracking info for each of my envelopes with my wife's visa app. (proof of communicationa and all that!)

24th September 2009, 21:35
good idea thx thats one thing i hadnt thought of:xxgrinning--00xx3: