View Full Version : Do you think?

23rd September 2009, 05:26
Do u think,a decent guy would fall in love with a woman without having a glimpse with regards to how that particular woman looks like?lets just say,communications are only over the internet,phone calls.no pictures.:CompBuster:

23rd September 2009, 08:43
if you talk every single day, maybe possible. :D

23rd September 2009, 09:11
if you talk every single day, maybe possible. :D

yeah?like phone calls,ym. Do you think guys would fall without regards to looks and body type?lol.

23rd September 2009, 09:15
Do u think,a decent guy would fall in love with a woman without having a glimpse with regards to how that particular woman looks like?lets just say,communications are only over the internet,phone calls.no pictures.:CompBuster:

it happens before when the internet is not so popular...
and then they will agree to meet in one place ( eyeball ).. others run away when they see the appearance:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:
and then you will wonder why she/he did not show up..well the only reason is your appearance did not pass:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

but now through webcam you can see who you are chatting to..

i can say appearance is important but good qualities, good traits and personalities are much much important:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:
i am so lucky because my husband have both

23rd September 2009, 09:17
Stevie Wonder did ......:xxgrinning--00xx3:

... although, I'd say NO.
Interested, intrigued, yes ......... in love, NO

23rd September 2009, 10:16
Stevie Wonder did ......:xxgrinning--00xx3:

... although, I'd say NO.
Interested, intrigued, yes ......... in love, NO

good point. =)

23rd September 2009, 10:21
i"ve known one girl who had fall in love without seeing the guy first.. eventually they have seen each other- and the relationship went deeper and now they are happily together..:xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd September 2009, 10:31
i"ve known one girl who had fall in love without seeing the guy first.. eventually they have seen each other- and the relationship went deeper and now they are happily together..:xxgrinning--00xx3:

thats what im talkin bout. ,true love eh?

23rd September 2009, 10:40
it happens before when the internet is not so popular...
and then they will agree to meet in one place ( eyeball ).. others run away when they see the appearance:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:
and then you will wonder why she/he did not show up..well the only reason is your appearance did not pass:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

but now through webcam you can see who you are chatting to..

i can say appearance is important but good qualities, good traits and personalities are much much important:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:
i am so lucky because my husband have both

really?good for u.i wish i could find a guy with both toO!HEHE

23rd September 2009, 13:35
For me no, I'd want to see at least a pic first.

23rd September 2009, 14:22
Do u think,a decent guy would fall in love with a woman without having a glimpse with regards to how that particular woman looks like?lets just say,communications are only over the internet,phone calls.no pictures.:CompBuster:

Sounds a bit dangerous, you never know, you could be chatting to a guy. :yikes:

23rd September 2009, 15:02
Sounds a bit dangerous, you never know, you could be chatting to a guy. :yikes:

LOL...so true!

or even if the person sent a picture... she may actually be a he... :omg:

24th September 2009, 08:10
@iain :haha.a'right!
Uhm,i know im supposed to post in a new thread but i have a question,well since you know,my docs was just retrieved after 4 months fr the agency,do u think that'd affect my appeal?cause it took too long before i'd be filing the appeal.

24th September 2009, 08:24
Do u guys think my app'n will be affected due to the delay of my appeal?

24th September 2009, 14:41
Not for me. It doesn't mean he/she has to be the most good looking man/woman in the planet but it's important for me that I am attracted to him/her physically.

It happens that sometimes, you really like the person you are talking to, without having seen him/her, you imagine what he/she looks like, in the end you will only be disappointed finding out you are not attracted to him/her physically.

24th September 2009, 15:45
@iain :haha.a'right!
Uhm,i know im supposed to post in a new thread but i have a question,well since you know,my docs was just retrieved after 4 months fr the agency,do u think that'd affect my appeal?cause it took too long before i'd be filing the appeal.

not too sure eleazenbonares, there is a time limit for filing an appeal. if you didn't meet the time frame to file an appeal i am not sure whether they would still consider it.

24th September 2009, 17:37
not too sure eleazenbonares, there is a time limit for filing an appeal. if you didn't meet the time frame to file an appeal i am not sure whether they would still consider it.

I think the time limit for appeals is 28 days.

25th September 2009, 02:31
Anything is possible but in this day and age I would strongly advise against getting involved in such a relationship. How many people with access to computers dont have access with cam? Very few I suspect and plenty of fish in the sea to choose another option. Dont do it!

25th September 2009, 02:54
I think the time limit for appeals is 28 days.
