View Full Version : Balikbayan Boxes

29th September 2009, 19:10
Just as a matter of interest, has anyone on this forum ever sent a balikbayan box that didn't arrive at it's destination, or had been opened or tampered with in any way?


29th September 2009, 19:28
never arrived? - No never happened but tampered yes but the last time it happened when I was about 6-9 years old when my mum sent us a balikbayan boxes. That time my mum just sealed the top and bottom of the boxes with brown tape and they tampered the area where no brown tape.

SO my advice is sealed every sides of your box, don't leave an area of cardboard without brown tape at all. And write both UK and Phils name and address on every sides of the box even top and bottom and this secures your box from tampering.

29th September 2009, 19:32
been sending boxes every xmas for 7 years now, it all got there ok, not tampered with, the people we take the boxes from nail it and makes it secure..

29th September 2009, 19:38
And also when the balikbayan box has been delivered and before the delivery man leave , ask your relatives to check every side of the box to see if it has been tampered.

29th September 2009, 19:43
We've sent quite a few and they have all got there ok, though we did have one box that took a long time to get there. Never found out why it was delayed as I didn't really believe anything the company said.

As LadyJ says use plenty of tape as I know of others who have left patches of bare cardboard and their boxes didn't turn up in one piece. I think they got wet and soggy rathered than being tampered with.

29th September 2009, 20:01
hmmmmm, do you guys use cardboard boxes??

29th September 2009, 20:34
hmmmmm, do you guys use cardboard boxes??

Both the companies we've used have always supplied cardboard boxes (must have sent about 6 boxes now).

29th September 2009, 20:36
Both the companies we've used have always supplied cardboard boxes (must have sent about 6 boxes now).

i have not sent a cardboard box before we always have sent a wooden crate (box)...

29th September 2009, 20:40
i have not sent a cardboard box before we always have sent a wooden crate (box)...

Are the wooden crates expensive? last time I sent a cardboard box the contents got crushed!:ARsurrender:

29th September 2009, 20:43
Are the wooden crates expensive? last time I sent a cardboard box the contents got crushed!:ARsurrender:

its not really, a medium box cost £95 to Manila and £125 to Bacolod City...

29th September 2009, 20:50
its not really, a medium box cost £95 to Manila and £125 to Bacolod City...

Not so bad, might send a crate next time be on the safe side.

29th September 2009, 20:52
Not so bad, might send a crate next time be on the safe side.

yes, it is so much better, we send wedgewood plates and chinas in our wooden box, it all got there in one piece:D

29th September 2009, 21:00
Never actually had anything damaged in a cardboard box - just need to pack them well. Things could break in a wooden box if you didn't pack them well...

Last time we paid £200 for two large and one medium box to Bacolod - guess you be looking at about twice that for wooden boxes.

29th September 2009, 21:03
Never actually had anything damaged in a cardboard box - just need to pack them well. Things could break in a wooden box if you didn't pack them well...

Last time we paid £200 for two large and one medium box to Bacolod - guess you be looking at about twice that for wooden boxes.

wow ur from bacolod too? we sent a jumbo box last year and paid £185

29th September 2009, 21:23
wow ur from bacolod too? we sent a jumbo box last year and paid £185

Well my wife is from the area - born in Brgy Gatuslao Candoni, though now her family mainly live in Bacolod.

We actually live in Ipswich too though I don't think I've ever met you (my wife may have though). I do know some people in your photos on here in the past - Pearl and Anita.

29th September 2009, 21:45
Well my wife is from the area - born in Brgy Gatuslao Candoni, though now her family mainly live in Bacolod.

We actually live in Ipswich too though I don't think I've ever met you (my wife may have though). I do know some people in your photos on here in the past - Pearl and Anita.

hmmmm, whats your wifes name? maybe pearl knows her, she will be here tomorrow..

30th September 2009, 06:47
hmmmm, whats your wifes name? maybe pearl knows her, she will be here tomorrow..

Pearl does knows here as Jane/Jean (her name is Jane though Pearl sometimes calls her Jean...)

30th September 2009, 08:04
Pearl does knows here as Jane/Jean (her name is Jane though Pearl sometimes calls her Jean...)

:icon_lol::icon_lol: sounds like pearl, will ask her later when she comes, have a good day, and say hi to jane for me

30th September 2009, 08:57
I send yearly balikbayan box and they deliver on time. I have encountered one problem when my scotland cup was broken and might be my fault. I didn't cover with cloth.:bigcry:
Dolls and cups for my Nanay:icon_lol:
She loves dolls!:BouncyHappy::cwm12::Hellooo:

30th September 2009, 10:36
the balikbayan box that i send last aug.22 to my children in cavite is not yet arrive there,although they send me a tx that my bbox is here in phils already but due to typhoon and floods they cant delivered it yet to my children:Erm::Erm::Erm:

30th September 2009, 12:44
SO my advice is sealed every sides of your box, don't leave an area of cardboard without brown tape at all.

I done that, after doing both the top and bottom openings and all of the corners a few times, I taped over the whole box twice in different directions. It seemed to take forever.

And write both UK and Phils name and address on every sides of the box even top and bottom and this secures your box from tampering.

I didn't do that, I just printed off A4 size labels with the Phils name and address on them, stuck them on all sides of the box with spray mount and sellotaped over the top of them so they wouldn't get wet or damaged. I didn't know that I was supposed to put the sender's address on as well.


1st October 2009, 06:16
my children ring me last night that the balikbayan box is arrived in cavite last night:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:i told them that check it.they check it in 4 sides and they said no problem:BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy:

18th October 2009, 01:39
...left here today! I was so excited...lol. My friends in the Phils are excited now its on its way too....how long do they take approximately? I was really shocked to see all the boxes in the van as none seemed to be very securely taped....whereas mine you could have used as a prison!! :BouncyHappy:

I used brown tape on all sides, then gaffer tape all the way around and then after that I used a roll of Tickitape as well!!! You can see the difference in boxes in the pic I uploaded....hope they all arrive safely. :Hellooo::Hellooo:

Apparently you've done good job - nearly bulletproof balikbayan box ;) :Rasp: :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Sis Suze
18th October 2009, 01:41
Apparently you've done good job - nearly bulletproof balikbayan box ;) :Rasp: :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Hahahahaha! Yes I hope so!! If anyone tried to tamper with it it would take them two weeks to get inside!!! :BouncyHappy:

18th October 2009, 01:43
Hahahahaha! Yes I hope so!! If anyone tried to tamper with it it would take them two weeks to get inside!!! :BouncyHappy:

Just hope your friends will be able to get inside without getting hurt or using heavy machinery :omg::icon_lol::D

Sis Suze
18th October 2009, 01:46
Just hope your friends will be able to get inside without getting hurt or using heavy machinery :omg::icon_lol::D

:gp::gp::gp::gp::gp::gp: hahahaha!

18th October 2009, 06:16
...left here today! I was so excited...lol. My friends in the Phils are excited now its on its way too....how long do they take approximately? I was really shocked to see all the boxes in the van as none seemed to be very securely taped....whereas mine you could have used as a prison!! :BouncyHappy:

I used brown tape on all sides, then gaffer tape all the way around and then after that I used a roll of Tickitape as well!!! You can see the difference in boxes in the pic I uploaded....hope they all arrive safely. :Hellooo::Hellooo:

Normally 6 to 8 weeks though it does depend also on exactly where the destination is.

18th October 2009, 11:38
I used to send 3 boxes in a year ...but then my family back home seems to get borred in everything:doh they just prepared us to be home than a box.I think they have all the souveniers from all over the countries now no need to send more.......but the company im using before is the forex one ..thier service is super :xxgrinning--00xx3: and arrive in advance and not a scratch of your box.....like old times:cwm12: ...

Sis Suze
18th October 2009, 13:03
I used to send 3 boxes in a year ...but then my family back home seems to get borred in everything:doh they just prepared us to be home than a box.I think they have all the souveniers from all over the countries now no need to send more.......but the company im using before is the forex one ..thier service is super :xxgrinning--00xx3: and arrive in advance and not a scratch of your box.....like old times:cwm12: ...

Thanks for that, (Darren also!) I am using Forex so I can feel confident in them now that you have told me how reliable they are. Mine is going to Davao City so not a remote place, so it should arrive in the earlier time rather than later.

For the next one, which will be jumbo, I have decided to pack stuff in smaller boxes so I can keep them in my study then assemble the box nearer the time as it will have to sit in my utility room until it is collected. The large one I just sent was sat there for weeks and I was always falling over it :furious3: :D
That way I can just bring the smaller boxes downstairs when necessary.

19th October 2009, 09:05
mine just arrived yesterday in bohol lol due to the 3typhoons but still in full pack and no missing item so end of this month another box again to send in the PI. wheeeeeew!

19th October 2009, 12:21
my parents sent boxes to the Philippines and took 6-7 weeks to arrive, intact and untampered. :BouncyHappy: Anyone out there who knows a company who could deliver a box quite fast? (3-5 weeks) because i want to send something bulky and quite urgent. thank you

Sis Suze
19th October 2009, 16:57
my parents sent boxes to the Philippines and took 6-7 weeks to arrive, intact and untampered. :BouncyHappy: Anyone out there who knows a company who could deliver a box quite fast? (3-5 weeks) because i want to send something bulky and quite urgent. thank you

Sorry, the only suggestion I can make is sending it via Airmail through the post office which will cost a lot...plus there's a postal strike looming!:furious3:


19th October 2009, 18:40
I've got 10 kilos of chocolates free package next week lol:xxgrinning--00xx3:
I grabbed my friend's offer. He said he can take 10 kilos for me as next week he will fly! I saved a lot :D I am praying his kids will not spot my chockies for my family.:icon_lol:

Sis Suze
19th October 2009, 19:47
I've got 10 kilos of chocolates free package next week lol:xxgrinning--00xx3:
I grabbed my friend's offer. He said he can take 10 kilos for me as next week he will fly! I saved a lot :D I am praying his kids will not spot my chockies for my family.:icon_lol:



19th October 2009, 21:21
I've got 10 kilos of chocolates free package next week lol:xxgrinning--00xx3:
I grabbed my friend's offer. He said he can take 10 kilos for me as next week he will fly! I saved a lot :D I am praying his kids will not spot my chockies for my family.:icon_lol:

LOL, make sure to wrap it properly, beyond recognition so they don't spot the chockies, hehehe :D:D:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

20th October 2009, 16:56
LOL, make sure to wrap it properly, beyond recognition so they don't spot the chockies, hehehe :D:D:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

Actually I bought 20 kilos of chocolates and didn't realize chocolates is very heavy.:bigcry: I just gave 3 kilos of chocolates for his kids. I still have 7 kls. here. I need another filipino fisherman going home (Pinas) to take this lol.

21st October 2009, 16:34
Sorry, the only suggestion I can make is sending it via Airmail through the post office which will cost a lot...plus there's a postal strike looming!:furious3:


thanks, yeah ive heard of the postal strike, i need to send car parts for my brother and he's excited about it but i inquired on other parcel companies online and its more expensive than what i've thought :D

26th October 2009, 13:55
Thanks for that, (Darren also!) I am using Forex so I can feel confident in them now that you have told me how reliable they are. Mine is going to Davao City so not a remote place, so it should arrive in the earlier time rather than later.

For the next one, which will be jumbo, I have decided to pack stuff in smaller boxes so I can keep them in my study then assemble the box nearer the time as it will have to sit in my utility room until it is collected. The large one I just sent was sat there for weeks and I was always falling over it :furious3: :D
That way I can just bring the smaller boxes downstairs when necessary.

So does anybody else use someone other than Forex? How big would you say a large box is and what's the average cost of this and delivery times?

26th October 2009, 19:54
So does anybody else use someone other than Forex? How big would you say a large box is and what's the average cost of this and delivery times?

We've just sent one using Jireh Iinternational Cargo and Travel and we will probably use them next time - think it took about 7 weeks. Sizes of large boxes can vary, though I think 24″ x 24″ x 18" is fairly typical. Actual cost of one large box depends on exact destination, though maybe £70-£100. You can get deals if you send more than one.

27th October 2009, 09:33
We've just sent one using Jireh Iinternational Cargo and Travel and we will probably use them next time - think it took about 7 weeks. Sizes of large boxes can vary, though I think 24″ x 24″ x 18" is fairly typical. Actual cost of one large box depends on exact destination, though maybe £70-£100. You can get deals if you send more than one.

hi darren!

do they pick-up anywhere in UK?

27th October 2009, 10:26
We've just sent one using Jireh Iinternational Cargo and Travel and we will probably use them next time - think it took about 7 weeks. Sizes of large boxes can vary, though I think 24″ x 24″ x 18" is fairly typical. Actual cost of one large box depends on exact destination, though maybe £70-£100. You can get deals if you send more than one.

i always used that company as well,:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th October 2009, 10:32
That forex doesn't pick up in Scotland so it's no good for me...

Me. Do you pick up in Aberdeen?

Forex. Is it near London?

Me. Eh no, it's N/E Scotland.

Forex. We don't do Scotland.

Eh ok, bye bye..:Brick: :icon_lol:

27th October 2009, 12:22
yep, my sister always "nagpapadala" to us with balikbayan boxes but just when she gave us 2 boxes it did not arrive :(

we tried to find the company but no avail

27th October 2009, 18:07
hi darren!

do they pick-up anywhere in UK?

They claim UK, though not sure if they really mean UK.

We're actually Suffolk (Ipswich) too and one of the filipinas (Marissa) living in Ipswich acts as an agent for them.

27th October 2009, 20:15
They claim UK, though not sure if they really mean UK.

We're actually Suffolk (Ipswich) too and one of the filipinas (Marissa) living in Ipswich acts as an agent for them.

Thanks! We are about 40minutes away from Ipswich by car. So not that for :xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th October 2009, 02:31
Does anyone know the best and CHEAPEST way to send FROM the Philippines to the UK?

Does anyone have a contact in MANILA. I have been quoted reasonable rates locally, but the charges once in the UK get very expensive.

I have been quoted over 600 pounds to send 1 cubic meter of boxes of my things to the UK. Does anyone know who is the best company to use?

Thanks very much

28th October 2009, 10:18
Does anyone know the best and CHEAPEST way to send FROM the Philippines to the UK?

Does anyone have a contact in MANILA. I have been quoted reasonable rates locally, but the charges once in the UK get very expensive.

I have been quoted over 600 pounds to send 1 cubic meter of boxes of my things to the UK. Does anyone know who is the best company to use?

Thanks very much

hi slaterlp try this email add jjmendieta@aol.com and you can call manila office tel.no. 02-4806602 and cell no 09189363581