View Full Version : Another nurse story

5th October 2009, 17:19
A Filipino nurse gets a job in a UK hospital, and gets down to work. He quickly discovers that his immediate boss from hospital management is a real slave-driver, "Do this, do that, sort out the other." It's Thursday evening, and he discovers that there is to be a Barrio Festival on Saturday. He doesn't think there's much chance of getting the day off, but it's worth a try. On Friday, five minutes before knocking off time, he approaches the manager, "Mr Jenkins, could I have a word?" "Before you do anything else, take urine samples from these three patients." The nurse comes back ten minutes later. "What was it you wanted?" says Mr Jenkins. "I was wondering if I could have the day off tomorrow." "You've only been here three days, and you want tomorrow off. Are you taking the piss?" says the manager. "Already done that" says the nurse with a smile.