View Full Version : Widowed wives, financial protection.

6th October 2009, 07:50
I am 69 my wife is 37. We live in Spain, but that does not affect how my wife will be treated when I die, as regards UK State pension.

As a former Police officer she will get about £50 a week police widows pension.

If she is under 45 when I die she will get nothing from the State (UK). If she is a older she will get a little assistance but for a very short time. When she reaches UK retirement age she will get a small pension.

I should be interested what members have done to protect their widows.

(I accept as we live in Spain, she will not get any support from Social Security Services in UK and thus my wife’s problem will be greater than UK citizens)

James Hubbard
6th October 2009, 08:06
I guess, in my case this won't really be too much of a problem. The wife and I are very close in age! Of course, the unfortunate can always happen, and I could get run over by a bus!

6th October 2009, 08:17
I guess, in my case this won't really be too much of a problem. The wife and I are very close in age! Of course, the unfortunate can always happen, and I could get run over by a bus!

We are quite close (8 years) so it's not such a big problem for us either. I have got a lot of life insurance which will cover me until I retire or even later and she will get a reasonable pension from my employer whether I am retired or not when I die.