View Full Version : If they can do it....

16th October 2009, 20:02
Why the heck can't we in the UK...???:Erm:


16th October 2009, 20:33
we could,if you wanna pay more tax :D

16th October 2009, 21:09
Why the heck can't we in the UK...???:Erm:


Many countries are doing it, but will they do it for every year or just as a one off vote winner. THE olpc programe has been around for a few years. But money and it seems politics

What will they use them for accesing the internet if so who will pay?

Great Idea but as shown many teachers dont seem to use them in Lessons:doh

Many schools in the UK have plenty of Computers and Children have access often at home etc. Children still need to read books and write with a Pen. Also interact with human beings which plenty of people i see in the world of work could have done with at key stages of there life it seems:D

I know the schools we are partnered with in areas with high levels of families living at the poverty line they loan out laptops with MS software. Sadly the biggest problem is family members borrowing the pupils laptop im told somtimes for good:Brick:

Good intentions im sure hopefully it will inspire and help many:xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th October 2009, 11:31
Many schools in the UK have plenty of Computers and Children have access often at home etc. Children still need to read books and write with a Pen. Also interact with human beings which plenty of people i see in the world of work could have done with at key stages of there life it seems:D

Ditto :xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th October 2009, 13:12
Why the heck can't we in the UK...???:Erm:


we could,if you wanna pay more tax :D

I'm sure you wouldn't be saying that if the labour government suggested it!

20th October 2009, 20:07
I'm sure you wouldn't be saying that if the labour government suggested it!

wouldnt matter who was in goverment,the tax payers going to coff up :Erm: