View Full Version : My regret!

21st October 2009, 13:03
I shouldn't brought manicure/pedicure set with me:NoNo::NoNo::bigcry::bigcry: as I was always tempted to clean my nails, at first I can managed easily even if I got hurt:doh, but now I can't tolerate the pain of my toenail disorder...it's ingrown:bigcry::bigcry:, tomorrow my birthday but my fiance set me up an appointment for my GP (that's the only earliest time available:bigcry:) coz he found it worst and it's really painful:bigcry:I can't wear my new shoes:bigcry::bigcry:. indeed I will be celebrating my birthday at the surgery clinic:omg::Help1:does anyone experience this? why i need operation:Erm:all i need is Manang Zeny but I can't wait to see her in Phil:CompBuster::doh:Cuckoo::D.

James Hubbard
21st October 2009, 13:07
would it not be better just to go directly to a podiatrist? Or does the GP need to refer you to a podiatrist?

21st October 2009, 13:37
Why need operation:omg:
Is it infected?
Do you need toe replacement?

Happy birthday tomorrow!

Here's tips:

21st October 2009, 13:47
GP's do it these days, either clip the top of the nail off which can sting, so take a painkiller, or they take the complete nail off which bloody hurts, and they don't have to be that drastic.

21st October 2009, 14:02
Who owns that toes Pennybarry ? lovely toes eh,

And happy birthday Leah, hope youll gonna sort your toenail, sorry to hear that

21st October 2009, 15:29
it was happened to me b4:bigcry::bigcry:and i go to pharmacy to buy some antibiotic but they dont want to sell it to me unless i have a prescriction :bigcry::bigcry::bigcry:so what my hubby did is to make an urgent appointment to a cherophodist,and after 2 days pain is gone:xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st October 2009, 15:32
i forgot!happy happy b-day!wishing u all the best in life:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:,sis.

21st October 2009, 15:48
would it not be better just to go directly to a podiatrist? Or does the GP need to refer you to a podiatrist?

:Erm:I think my GP can handle or as u've said she might refer me to a Podiatrist (sosyal na manikyurista:Erm::yikes::D) well I'm not sure:doh, have to wait I hope just only prescription not operation:cwm24:

Why need operation:omg:
Is it infected?
Do you need toe replacement?

Happy birthday tomorrow!

Here's tips:

:omg::D you made me laugh ate Pen not toe replacement:Rasp::Cuckoo:I think I murdered my nail:doh:yikes: thanks for the link:xxgrinning--00xx3:

GP's do it these days, either clip the top of the nail off which can sting, so take a painkiller, or they take the complete nail off which bloody hurts, and they don't have to be that drastic.

:omg: complete nail off:yikes:... Boss you scaring me:D, I hope it's not too bad:)

Who owns that toes Pennybarry ? lovely toes eh,

And happy birthday Leah, hope youll gonna sort your toenail, sorry to hear that

Thank you September :xxgrinning--00xx3:

it was happened to me b4:bigcry::bigcry:and i go to pharmacy to buy some antibiotic but they dont want to sell it to me unless i have a prescriction :bigcry::bigcry::bigcry:so what my hubby did is to make an urgent appointment to a cherophodist,and after 2 days pain is gone:xxgrinning--00xx3:

:dohyes you're right, I told to my fiance's son who's working at Lloyds to buy me antibiotics but he said they're not selling without prescription:doh
so I need to see GP first:cwm34:

i forgot!happy happy b-day!wishing u all the best in life:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:,sis.

Thank you so much sis:xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st October 2009, 16:03
Sorry to hear that. Think you are just an "OC" when it comes to your nails. Hehe, give them the chance to grow and breathe lol. But anyway hope things will be well tomorrow & HAVE A HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

21st October 2009, 16:36
I shouldn't brought manicure/pedicure set with me:NoNo::NoNo::bigcry::bigcry: as I was always tempted to clean my nails, at first I can managed easily even if I got hurt:doh, but now I can't tolerate the pain of my toenail disorder...it's ingrown:bigcry::bigcry:, tomorrow my birthday but my fiance set me up an appointment for my GP (that's the only earliest time available:bigcry:) coz he found it worst and it's really painful:bigcry:I can't wear my new shoes:bigcry::bigcry:. indeed I will be celebrating my birthday at the surgery clinic:omg::Help1:does anyone experience this? why i need operation:Erm:all i need is Manang Zeny but I can't wait to see her in Phil:CompBuster::doh:Cuckoo::D.

Advance happy birthday leah and hope your toenail disorder will be well soon......
cheer up sis, i'm sure you'll feel a lot better tomorrow once your GP gave you the medication already :)

James Hubbard
21st October 2009, 16:46
: (sosyal na manikyurista:Erm::yikes::D)


Sa dumagete manicure tag 10-15 pesos lol! Hindi na sosyal :Rasp:

21st October 2009, 16:52
Hi leah, HAPPY BIRTHDAY FOR TOMORROW:BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy::huepfen024::REDancedancer08::REDancedancer08::xxparty-smiley-050::xxparty-smiley-050::66::66:

call Ligaya when you can, she is stuck at home with our two munchkins and getting a bit stressed, she needs a good tong tong!!!

22nd October 2009, 05:01
happy birthday (advance!), i hope you're day will be a lot better after that visit with the GP!

22nd October 2009, 05:54
Happy Birthday!:xxparty-smiley-050: Hope your toenail will be ok soon!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd October 2009, 07:16
hi leah
happy birthday :):):):)
how are you now?

22nd October 2009, 08:02
happy birthday leah.....

22nd October 2009, 09:27
Happy Birthday Leah :Hellooo::Hellooo::Hellooo:
May you have a good one!:xxgrinning--00xx3:
Hey, i brought with me my manicure set :BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy:
Visit me here at Plymouth and i will remove all you ingrown so you will feel good:ARsurrender::ARsurrender:

Arthur Little
22nd October 2009, 18:04
this is not manila, were anything can be brought for a *price........

:Rasp: ... a bit of civility, understanding [and, above all, sympathy] costs *NOTHING - anywHere!

22nd October 2009, 18:37
Happy Birthday Manang :BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy:

Arthur Little
22nd October 2009, 19:09
Many Happy Returns on reaching 'the BIG 30', Leah!

Hope all went well with your visit to the surgery earlier in the day ... and that your GP prescribed an antibiotic to ease the discomfort caused by your ingrown toenail.

That reminds me ... here's something else to cheer you up (and I hope you'll forgive me for "hi-jacking" your thread in order to do so!). Anyway, I've just not long since given "short-shrift" to a :blacklistsmartassHL comment in response to the mention of [buying] antibiotics.

Have a lovely evening with your fiancee. And again, :birthday:

22nd October 2009, 23:31
I shouldn't brought manicure/pedicure set with me:NoNo::NoNo::bigcry::bigcry: as I was always tempted to clean my nails, at first I can managed easily even if I got hurt:doh, but now I can't tolerate the pain of my toenail disorder...it's ingrown:bigcry::bigcry:, tomorrow my birthday but my fiance set me up an appointment for my GP (that's the only earliest time available:bigcry:) coz he found it worst and it's really painful:bigcry:I can't wear my new shoes:bigcry::bigcry:. indeed I will be celebrating my birthday at the surgery clinic:omg::Help1:does anyone experience this? why i need operation:Erm:all i need is Manang Zeny but I can't wait to see her in Phil:CompBuster::doh:Cuckoo::D.

happy bday girl!

23rd October 2009, 16:20
:xxgrinning--00xx3:oh what a family:cwm38::BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy:
Thanks for the greetings and support:D about my toenail a bit alright now:), Ana and Arthur are right the Doctor just gave me presciption anti-biotic and adviced to take pain killer tab. and told to continue washing it with warm water with salt in it:D it doesn't look bad now, not swelling anymore:D I can go back to my dance lesson now:REDancedancer08::xxgrinning--00xx3:

About my Birthday:D well while at the clinic the doctor noticed it's my birthday so he was singing birthday song while doing the prescription:yikes::D:Cuckoo:and then in the afternoon I've met my brother's sis-in law Beth together with her cousin at Buffet Island just step away from our house:D:).

and I just want to thank also my loving kukupops for the lovely presents and to his sweet son:cwm38::BouncyHappy::Hellooo::Hellooo:
Thanks again my Fil-uk forum family:cwm38::BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy:

p.s I'm accepting late presents:BouncyHappy::D:Rasp::Rasp::Cuckoo:

23rd October 2009, 16:25
:Rasp: ... a bit of civility, understanding [and, above all, sympathy] costs *NOTHING - anywHere!

Many Happy Returns on reaching 'the BIG 30', Leah!

Hope all went well with your visit to the surgery earlier in the day ... and that your GP prescribed an antibiotic to ease the discomfort caused by your ingrown toenail.

That reminds me ... here's something else to cheer you up (and I hope you'll forgive me for "hi-jacking" your thread in order to do so!). Anyway, I've just not long since given "short-shrift" to a :blacklistsmartassHL comment in response to the mention of [buying] antibiotics.

Have a lovely evening with your fiancee. And again, :birthday:

:xxgrinning--00xx3:No problem Arthur..I think he's out of control:Erm::D:icon_lol::icon_lol:
Yes we made it had a lovely evening as always:rolleyes::xxgrinning--00xx3:Thanks:):Hellooo::Hellooo:

23rd October 2009, 16:36
Happy to know thay your toenail is recoverring from your tortures hehe:D

p.s I'm accepting late presents:BouncyHappy::D:Rasp::Rasp::Cuckoo:

I've already sent it Leah hehe :D

23rd October 2009, 17:04
Happy birthday sis , wish ya all the best...

how's the toenail?:Erm:

23rd October 2009, 18:25
Happy Birthday sis Leah, wishing u all the best..How's ur toe nails?I hope its healing now..btw, have u got the result yet?

23rd October 2009, 18:55
It's actually strange that having ingrown problems can undergo operation here, I knew about it coz my hubby had undergone one before, he showed to me his toenail after the operation.

While in Phils. we can conveniently go to beauty salon to have pedicure & nails will then be pretty & colorful again, even very affordable, hehehe!


23rd October 2009, 19:13
It's actually strange that having ingrown problems can undergo operation here, I knew about it coz my hubby had undergone one before, he showed to me his toenail after the operation.

While in Phils. we can conveniently go to beauty salon to have pedicure & nails will then be pretty & colorful again, even very affordable, hehehe!


Yep it's not very manly :D but I rather like having a pedicure & manicure along with Ana (usuually when she is also getting her hair done) I like being spoiled :D

Only problem is that a year ago the lassie doing my big toe got over enthusiastic and ended up damaging a nail that didn't have a problem in the first place :angry:

Took me nine months to get the nail back to some kind of normal condition :D

Very painful too!


23rd October 2009, 23:27
Happy to know thay your toenail is recoverring from your tortures hehe:D

I've already sent it Leah hehe :D

:D yes sis, I hope it will fully recover till tmrw, will attend Charity Dance Ball in our community centre just around here Great Bar, Birm.:D:xxgrinning--00xx3:
Seems it will delay Royal Mail on strike:D, thanks anyway:Rasp:

Happy birthday sis , wish ya all the best...

how's the toenail?:Erm:

Thanks Sis getting better now:D:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Happy Birthday sis Leah, wishing u all the best..How's ur toe nails?I hope its healing now..btw, have u got the result yet?

No result yet sis:cwm34:, about the local court (correspondence) case number till now, maybe because Royal Mail on strike:Erm::doh:Brick:
Thanks for the greetings anyway...I'll keep u update and everybody here:xxgrinning--00xx3:

It's actually strange that having ingrown problems can undergo operation here, I knew about it coz my hubby had undergone one before, he showed to me his toenail after the operation.

While in Phils. we can conveniently go to beauty salon to have pedicure & nails will then be pretty & colorful again, even very affordable, hehehe!


:doh I agree when I heard it made me scared, I blame the manicure set not myself for bringing those stuff:yikes::D:Rasp:
Thanks Islander:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Yep it's not very manly :D but I rather like having a pedicure & manicure along with Ana (usuually when she is also getting her hair done) I like being spoiled :D

Only problem is that a year ago the lassie doing my big toe got over enthusiastic and ended up damaging a nail that didn't have a problem in the first place :angry:

Took me nine months to get the nail back to some kind of normal condition :D

Very painful too!


:omg: :D:xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th October 2009, 05:33
Happy Birthday! It is good to know that your toenails are ok.

8th November 2009, 03:15
Happy Birthday! It is good to know that your toenails are ok.

Thanks scottishbride:)sorry for the late reply:doh

Actually I'm still recovering from my toenail problem, 2 weeks ago I said it's getting better, but it's not:NoNo: when I finished my antibiotics it's still swollen (maga pa rin sis:bigcry:)so my fiance decided to brought me at a private Podiatrist clinic last 5th of Nov....(my gosh inopera:omg:)it's a bit traumatic experience feels like a lil kid nearly run from a needle:doh:Cuckoo::cwm3: and thank God she (podiatrist) managed to cut the ingrown only not my whole nail:yikes:.

8th November 2009, 08:53
Thanks scottishbride:)sorry for the late reply:doh

Actually I'm still recovering from my toenail problem, 2 weeks ago I said it's getting better, but it's not:NoNo: when I finished my antibiotics it's still swollen (maga pa rin sis:bigcry:)so my fiance decided to brought me at a private Podiatrist clinic last 5th of Nov....(my gosh inopera:omg:)it's a bit traumatic experience feels like a lil kid nearly run from a needle:doh:Cuckoo::cwm3: and thank God she (podiatrist) managed to cut the ingrown only not my whole nail:yikes:.

This all sounds very painful :bigcry:...not had any toenail problems, but did lose a fingernail 18 months or so ago...not at all pleseant, so I sympathise.

I seemed to have missed this thread, so a very belated Happy Birthday to you...congrats on reaching the ripe old age of 30. :BouncyHappy:

(Wish I was 30) :Cuckoo:

18th November 2009, 07:30
just sorry to hear that also.