View Full Version : How are you spending your all soul's day?

23rd October 2009, 01:39
I will be taking my husband to my father's grave in Golden haven memorial park in Las Piņas.
It will be an opportunity for us to see all my relatives throughout the day also, family and friends of others I have grown up with.
I stated "throughout the day'' we will be staying the night like most families do in my home town.
My husband is looking forward to this, as it's his ''first time to sleep in a grave yard" as he puts it.
I just thought what you are all doing, if anything to mark this day?

23rd October 2009, 06:33
We will only just spend some few hours at the cemetery (grandparents in my dad side) in the morning then proceed to another cemetery (grandparents on my mom side). But before we used to hang around at cemetery with some relatives, because that's the only time you got to see them.
At night time (around 6pm) we would be just at home and light some candles around the house and pray the holy rosary ( for the souls of our departed love ones:gost:).

23rd October 2009, 07:59
We will only just spend some few hours at the cemetery (grandparents in my dad side) in the morning then proceed to another cemetery (grandparents on my mom side). But before we used to hang around at cemetery with some relatives, because that's the only time you got to see them.
At night time (around 6pm) we would be just at home and light some candles around the house and pray the holy rosary ( for the souls of our departed love ones:gost:).

yes we will also light some candles at the entrance of the front door coz they said its the way we welcome our loved ones that passed away..
and like you said liane ,its the only time of year we get to see everybody.. like family reunion..so it will be my husband's first experience of all souls day here in pinas