View Full Version : Serious Help

6th November 2009, 15:50
hi anybody out there who could help us with our problem.we are getting married on january 14 2010, im actually waiting for my absolute decree from the court here in northern ireland.does this mean i cant apply for certificate of no impedimanet yet till i get my divorce papers released? how long shall i wait in the philippines after i applied for legal capacity to marry?im just panicking as our wedding date is on jan 14 already and im afraid if we still got enough time for the requirements completion.please advice me wot to do.thank you very much.By the way, my fiancee whose a filipina is with me here in belfast northern ireland and both of us has been living together for three years already and we just want to settle down and get married in the church in the philippines but it seems paper works are getting so handfull. Our wedding preparations are all been paid for and set to date already that is why we are so desperate for help.theres bound to be somebody ther whose been through all this stuff please advice.thank you.john and kaye

6th November 2009, 16:01
I think you need to wait for your decree absolute before you can apply for a certificate of no impediment. You can have the decree absolute after 6 weeks and 1 day after you got your decree nisi.

6th November 2009, 16:11
yes you will need decree absolute first then get cno which i think takes 32 days?you then need to take it to embassy in manila to get a new cno on same day, register for marriage then i think its 10 working days after that you can marry. my memory for things like this is rubbish so im bound to be corrected :icon_lol:

6th November 2009, 16:25
can i ask without being rude,why you didnt think of this before you paided and booked the wedding.

you need the the decree absolute,then the CNI 21 days then the license to marry 10 days...read this


how much longer are you waiting for your divorce?

why not get the cni in NI?

6th November 2009, 16:38
hi anybody out there who could help us with our problem.we are getting married on january 14 2010, im actually waiting for my absolute decree from the court here in northern ireland.does this mean i cant apply for certificate of no impedimanet yet till i get my divorce papers released? how long shall i wait in the philippines after i applied for legal capacity to marry?im just panicking as our wedding date is on jan 14 already and im afraid if we still got enough time for the requirements completion.please advice me wot to do.thank you very much.By the way, my fiancee whose a filipina is with me here in belfast northern ireland and both of us has been living together for three years already and we just want to settle down and get married in the church in the philippines but it seems paper works are getting so handfull. Our wedding preparations are all been paid for and set to date already that is why we are so desperate for help.theres bound to be somebody ther whose been through all this stuff please advice.thank you.john and kaye

Good luck! You can do it, I guess you still have enough time to do it,
Our best luck,