View Full Version : Significant & Insignificant Events ... 1944

Arthur Little
7th November 2009, 14:59
This being the year that the world's first ballpoint pen ... invented by Argentinian journalist, Laszlo Biro ... went on sale in Buenos Aires, I thought it worth "jotting down" a few notable [and not so well-known] facts:

January 28 ........ UK Foreign Secretary, Anthony Eden
denounced Japanese treatment of US
and British PsoW.

March 8 .............In Wales, 87,000 miners had gone on
strike, over attempts to introduce greater
equality in mineworkers' wages across the

June 6 .............. 'D-Day' Allied Landings in Normandy

June 10 ............. 693 inhabitants of a French village near
Limoges were massacred in German
reprisal for the slaying of an SS officer

August 25 .......... Allied Forces Liberate Paris

September 19 ..... I was born in Glasgow - where the
street lights had only just been switched
on again, after the regular and prolonged
blackouts imposed to deflect bombing
raids on Scotland's Industrial Capital

October 14 ........ German Field Marshal, Erwin Rommel aka
'The Desert Fox' committed suicide

October 25 ........ Controversial American General, Douglas
MacArthur honours his "I Shall Return"
promise to the Philippines' people

I surrender! :ARsurrender:

7th November 2009, 15:59
This being the year that the world's first ballpoint pen ... invented by Argentinian journalist, Laszlo Biro ... went on sale in Buenos Aires, :ARsurrender:

He was Hungarian when he invented and patented it.....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th November 2009, 16:12
October 14 ........ German Field Marshall, Erwin Rommel aka
'The Desert Fox' committed suicide

not really suicide , not when your wife and son face being murdered if you don't end your own life :NoNo: