View Full Version : Seeds?

10th November 2009, 22:27
Hi guys , i have looked and i promise and cant find anything relating to my question.
Am off soon to the Phils and id like to take some packet vegetable seeds so my mahal can enjoy planting them, is there any law prohibiting me taking this stuff over there? it would be runnerbeans and other vegetable garden seeds.
Thanks in advance

10th November 2009, 22:30
i think seeds are prohibited through customs, i did find a website while searching for items my wife could bring here some time ago and im pretty sure that was one of the things on the list.

10th November 2009, 22:32
What you are actually doing is taking a non-native species into another country, think of UK grey squirrel for the consequences.

11th November 2009, 06:48
thanks for the advice