View Full Version : husband exuses

14th November 2009, 20:53
hi to all

how can we tell if a husband lie?

14th November 2009, 21:03
ask him if he wants a threesome with two hot babes....if he says no then hes lying :D

what context are you asking? :Erm:

14th November 2009, 21:12
hi to all

how can we tell if a husband lie?

the same way you can tell if a wife lies..

when you get some solid evidence :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
14th November 2009, 21:15
hi to all

how can we tell if a husband lie?

:Erm: ... perhaps if his nose suddenly starts to grow longer ... like Pinocchio's ... ? :cwm24:

But seriously, maybe you could explain the 'gut instincts' that make you suspect YOUR husband might be either lying or trying to "conceal something from you ... :rolleyes:

14th November 2009, 23:17
didnt take me long to figure out my first wife was lying to me, thats why i gave her the elbow:D

14th November 2009, 23:41
ask him if he wants a threesome with two hot babes....if he says no then hes lying :D

what context are you asking? :Erm:

You mean Tuesdays?:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

14th November 2009, 23:43
hi to all

how can we tell if a husband lie?

More information please?
What makes you think so??

14th November 2009, 23:51
hi to all

how can we tell if a husband lie?

If his lips are moving :Erm:(Its a joke).:)

15th November 2009, 03:43
hi to all

how can we tell if a husband lie?

You can see in his eyes if he's lying, he can't look straight into your eyes:cwm34::cwm34::cwm34:

15th November 2009, 06:24
You can see in his eyes if he's lying, he can't look straight into your eyes:cwm34::cwm34::cwm34: :iagree: my hubby cannot look at me in the eyes if he's lying.

15th November 2009, 09:01
if its just a little white lie then no worries,but i suspect you think this may be more serious as you didnt elaborate. if you have some real concerns i suggest you have a chat with your hubby and tell him about it. if he gets angry or avoids the issue then you may have cause for concern.

15th November 2009, 09:28
If you think he has so many excuses even for something simple, ordinary commitments,and promises and then he can't make it for you, then believe in your instinct.:D Remember, a wife doubt is always true.

When me and hubby have not yet married, he says: Most British don't lie! that is crap he said. So I always tells true to him. But when I arrived here, I know how they make white lies.:icon_lol: If he want to file a leave of absence, there's some drama.:NoNo: coughing, not feeling well, etc.:omg:
And if I'm doing my Jobcentreplus chart, I need to write it there the company I have sent applications. He said I am filling-up my little liar chart.:angry: I said I'm not a liar.:icon_lol::rolleyes:

15th November 2009, 13:01
if its just a little white lie then no worries,but i suspect you think this may be more serious as you didnt elaborate. if you have some real concerns i suggest you have a chat with your hubby and tell him about it. if he gets angry or avoids the issue then you may have cause for concern.

he just said he got no reasons to lie..

15th November 2009, 13:04
If you think he has so many excuses even for something simple, ordinary commitments,and promises and then he can't make it for you, then believe in your instinct.:D Remember, a wife doubt is always true.

When me and hubby have not yet married, he says: Most British don't lie! that is crap he said. So I always tells true to him. But when I arrived here, I know how they make white lies.:icon_lol: If he want to file a leave of absence, there's some drama.:NoNo: coughing, not feeling well, etc.:omg:
And if I'm doing my Jobcentreplus chart, I need to write it there the company I have sent applications. He said I am filling-up my little liar chart.:angry: I said I'm not a liar.:icon_lol::rolleyes:

ty for reply ateh penn..
your cher me up
well he just said he lovces his family and he dont have any reason to lie
i dont doubt him but he doubt me at times..im sad really..whatcan we do

15th November 2009, 13:11
ask him if he wants a threesome with two hot babes....if he says no then hes lying :D

what context are you asking? :Erm:

lol..its ok for me that things as long as he wont lie..i can do the same 4 some on mens ;) men can do why women cant ;)

15th November 2009, 13:41
if its just a little white lie then no worries,but i suspect you think this may be more serious as you didnt elaborate. if you have some real concerns i suggest you have a chat with your hubby and tell him about it. if he gets angry or avoids the issue then you may have cause for concern.

We still have no context in which to give advice.

Simple example wife "I've been trying to call you but you don't answer your cellphone where are you what are you doing"

Husband "My boss called me into a meeting and I've been there for 3 hours you called me at 10am mahal ko I'm working, my phone is downstairs at my desk with the sound turned off so as not to upset other people in the office".

Repeat 10 times over a month and the wife starts believing her husband is making excuses for not talking to her and the suspicion starts, once it starts it's corrosive and the man can do next to nothing to prove that he is not making excuses but telling the truth.

Next thing every little thing starts to be seen as an excuse, the tension rises and the husband starts getting very very angry at constant accusations of being up to something when he isn't.

And yes I am speaking from personal experience and although I love my partner dearly her lack of trust sometimes hurts me deeply.

Basic problem in a long distance relationship which is exacerbated by the LDR stage being over prolonged.

The guy might simply get angry because he is telling the truth and not being believed.

The "look you straight in the eye thing" is a specific case being excessively generalised, good liars could look you straight in the eye no problem and you would never know.

Or worse if you already harbour suspicions about the question you are asking, you may already prime yourself to see something in his look that isn't there.

People earn each others trust and respect by the way they treat each other day to day, it's a continuous process that must always be reaffirmed by our actions.

Trust is easily lost and hard to regain and in an LDR it can be lost unfairly.

Ross we need more context to give proper advice.


15th November 2009, 14:56
Wifes instincts is very powerful,trust on it...maybe you will not recognize it right away but afterwards you would know that he is a liar..mostly good liars can look you in the eyes straight...mostly guys look you in the eyes if they try to hide something..trust in your instincts..I do,but most of the time I also recognize the fear of being discover in the eyes.According to Pschologist,if you touched your nose often,if you look on the left when you talk,if you're cheeks trembles,,thats a basic base for lying,,

15th November 2009, 15:07
Insecurity and lack of trust and lack of respect.
That's all.

My ex cost me a job years ago because of being so jealous and possessive.

15th November 2009, 16:18
We still have no context in which to give advice.

The "look you straight in the eye thing" is a specific case being excessively generalised, good liars could look you straight in the eye no problem and you would never know.

Ross we need more context to give proper advice.


I agree with you that a good liar can do that. I only gave the "look into his eyes" advise with a credible person in my mind, someone not known to be a good liar.:) :Erm:

But I would understand if Ross chose not to elaborate it further for her privacy.

15th November 2009, 16:39
I agree with you that a good liar can do that. I only gave the "look into his eyes" advise with a credible person in my mind, someone not known to be a good liar.:) :Erm:

But I would understand if Ross chose not to elaborate it further for her privacy.

:) yes I can understand too

15th November 2009, 16:42
:) yes I can understand too


15th November 2009, 19:45
its in his kiss, !!!


Arthur Little
15th November 2009, 20:25
its in his *kiss, !!!


:Erm: ... or *lack of [as the case may be!]

15th November 2009, 22:32
look for facial expressions, body lang, reactions.... if u suspect then have it out with him! Do you noitce anything different about him if u suspect he's telling fibs ?

16th November 2009, 00:50
ask him if he wants a threesome with two hot babes....if he says no then hes lying :D

what context are you asking? :Erm:

ok ha..funny sense here..:icon_lol:

17th November 2009, 12:46
Wifes instincts is very powerful,trust on it...maybe you will not recognize it right away but afterwards you would know that he is a liar..mostly good liars can look you in the eyes straight...mostly guys look you in the eyes if they try to hide something..trust in your instincts..I do,but most of the time I also recognize the fear of being discover in the eyes.According to Pschologist,if you touched your nose often,if you look on the left when you talk,if you're cheeks trembles,,thats a basic base for lying,,

i think you r husband lie you everttime LOL

yup trust yous instinct

if a husband can lie why cant wife not ?

above all, have trust

17th November 2009, 12:46
Wifes instincts is very powerful,trust on it...maybe you will not recognize it right away but afterwards you would know that he is a liar..mostly good liars can look you in the eyes straight...mostly guys look you in the eyes if they try to hide something..trust in your instincts..I do,but most of the time I also recognize the fear of being discover in the eyes.According to Pschologist,if you touched your nose often,if you look on the left when you talk,if you're cheeks trembles,,thats a basic base for lying,,

i think you r husband lie you everytime LOL

yup trust yous instinct

if a husband can lie why cant wife not ?

above all, have trust

17th November 2009, 12:52
We still have no context in which to give advice.

Simple example wife "I've been trying to call you but you don't answer your cellphone where are you what are you doing"

Husband "My boss called me into a meeting and I've been there for 3 hours you called me at 10am mahal ko I'm working, my phone is downstairs at my desk with the sound turned off so as not to upset other people in the office".

Repeat 10 times over a month and the wife starts believing her husband is making excuses for not talking to her and the suspicion starts, once it starts it's corrosive and the man can do next to nothing to prove that he is not making excuses but telling the truth.

Next thing every little thing starts to be seen as an excuse, the tension rises and the husband starts getting very very angry at constant accusations of being up to something when he isn't.

And yes I am speaking from personal experience and although I love my partner dearly her lack of trust sometimes hurts me deeply.

Basic problem in a long distance relationship which is exacerbated by the LDR stage being over prolonged.

The guy might simply get angry because he is telling the truth and not being believed.

The "look you straight in the eye thing" is a specific case being excessively generalised, good liars could look you straight in the eye no problem and you would never know.

Or worse if you already harbour suspicions about the question you are asking, you may already prime yourself to see something in his look that isn't there.

People earn each others trust and respect by the way they treat each other day to day, it's a continuous process that must always be reaffirmed by our actions.

Trust is easily lost and hard to regain and in an LDR it can be lost unfairly.

Ross we need more context to give proper advice.

hello Jim

exactly you and my husband talks the same things odd isnt it

i married for love and trust and not being deceice nor lied.

17th November 2009, 12:53
We still have no context in which to give advice.

Simple example wife "I've been trying to call you but you don't answer your cellphone where are you what are you doing"

Husband "My boss called me into a meeting and I've been there for 3 hours you called me at 10am mahal ko I'm working, my phone is downstairs at my desk with the sound turned off so as not to upset other people in the office".

Repeat 10 times over a month and the wife starts believing her husband is making excuses for not talking to her and the suspicion starts, once it starts it's corrosive and the man can do next to nothing to prove that he is not making excuses but telling the truth.

Next thing every little thing starts to be seen as an excuse, the tension rises and the husband starts getting very very angry at constant accusations of being up to something when he isn't.

And yes I am speaking from personal experience and although I love my partner dearly her lack of trust sometimes hurts me deeply.

Basic problem in a long distance relationship which is exacerbated by the LDR stage being over prolonged.

The guy might simply get angry because he is telling the truth and not being believed.

The "look you straight in the eye thing" is a specific case being excessively generalised, good liars could look you straight in the eye no problem and you would never know.

Or worse if you already harbour suspicions about the question you are asking, you may already prime yourself to see something in his look that isn't there.

People earn each others trust and respect by the way they treat each other day to day, it's a continuous process that must always be reaffirmed by our actions.

Trust is easily lost and hard to regain and in an LDR it can be lost unfairly.

Ross we need more context to give proper advice.

hello Jim

exactly you and my husband talks the same things odd isnt it

i married for love and trust and not being deceive nor lied.

17th November 2009, 14:04
hello Jim

exactly you and my husband talks the same things odd isnt it

i married for love and trust and not being deceice nor lied.

Ah Ross :NoNo: very sad to hear you say that, if you see similarities in your situation to what I describe then you need to ask yourself how does your husband express his love for you and look into your own heart and ask if his behaviour is that of a loving husband or the actions of a man who hiding something.

I hope the mistrust between you and your husband is not over such simple things because if it is then you are probably both very upset just now and probably over nothing.

And as an "excuse" from me for not trying to reply in more detail right now I must apologise to you as I am on my lunch break and I have to get back to work but I will try to expand my reply to you later.

Seriously I hope your problems with your husband are not over little things like this because once the suspicion starts it hurts both husband and wife so much.


17th November 2009, 14:20
Womans instinct, well if you feel he is, you maybe right,my opinion

but i dont know what kind of woman you are, you havent find whether your instinct say true or false, and now your saying if the husband can do ,why wife cant do it..

put in your mind that mistake cant be correct by other mistake, hope u understand what i mean

el capitan
17th November 2009, 20:27
Mobile phones are horrible anti social devices, not being answered for a couple of hours seems to be a bigger problem than, being out of contact for the full day or several days ever used to be. Even the ringtones are just plane rude, its as if someone has walked up to you and started jabbing a finger in your side insisting you talk to them whether you want to or not.

17th November 2009, 20:31
People tend to blink when they lie, and sometimes bring their hand up over their mouth, as if to 'cover their lying mouth'.


17th November 2009, 20:34
hello Jim

exactly you and my husband talks the same things odd isnt it

i married for love and trust and not being deceive nor lied.

Hi again Ross.

Sorry but I do not wish to ask too many private questions, so please do not answer unless you are comfortable answering. I have read some of your other threads and I understand you are trying to apply for spouse visa and British passport for your child just now and I guess your husband is in the UK at present while you are still in the Philippines?

Your opening question on your thread was a little surprising in that context as it's a really open ended question with no real answer, you hint in your reply to my comment that I seem to have touched a nerve and that your issues may well be about communication between you and your partner and possibly you are losing trust in him for that reason?

When you are separated by 8 hours in time and 6500 miles distance it is very easy to feel you are being ignored when you do not get an answer to a telephone call but there really are many innocent reasons why this can happen and to see a problem where none exists can really hurt your relationship with your partner.

Ask yourself if there has been a big change in the way you talk to each other.

When you do talk are you always arguing about not keeping in touch enough or arguing over your suspicions?

Have you got money problems as a family either here in the UK or in the Philippines or maybe even both?

Does your husband support you and your child properly?

I have a great deal of sympathy for your uncertainty and worry, but you should not be quick to lose trust in your husband particularly if you have never had any reason to doubt him in the past?

I hope you regain your trust in him and I hope that he is truly deserving of your trust but you are the only person who can judge that and if you have been together a long time you should have a good basis for trusting each other already.


17th November 2009, 20:49
Hi again Ross.

Sorry but I do not wish to ask too many private questions, so please do not answer unless you are comfortable answering. I have read some of your other threads and I understand you are trying to apply for spouse visa and British passport for your child just now and I guess your husband is in the UK at present while you are still in the Philippines?

Your opening question on your thread was a little surprising in that context as it's a really open ended question with no real answer, you hint in your reply to my comment that I seem to have touched a nerve and that your issues may well be about communication between you and your partner and possibly you are losing trust in him for that reason?

When you are separated by 8 hours in time and 6500 miles distance it is very easy to feel you are being ignored when you do not get an answer to a telephone call but there really are many innocent reasons why this can happen and to see a problem where non exists can really hurt your relationship with your partner.

Ask yourself if there has been a big change in the way you talk to each other.

When you do talk are you always arguing about not keeping in touch enough or arguing over your suspicions?

Have you got money problems as a family either here in the UK or in the Philippines or maybe even both?

Does your husband support you and your child properly?

I have a great deal of sympathy for your uncertainty and worry, but you should not be quick to lose trust in your husband particularly if you have never had any reason to doubt him in the past?

I hope you regain your trust in him and I hope that he is truly deserving of your trust but you are the only person who can judge that and if you have been together a long time you should have a good basis for trusting each other already.


seems to be a common problem with long distance relationships, dont jump to conlusions without proof its esasy to judge from a distance!!

17th November 2009, 20:57
seems to be a common problem with long distance relationships, dont jump to conlusions without proof its esasy to judge from a distance!!

Exactly! and it is also very painful to be on the receiving end of unwarranted suspicion :)

In an LDR there has to be that extra bit of trust on both sides.
