View Full Version : The Birds and the Bees

16th November 2009, 20:49
A father asked his 10 year old son if he knew about the birds and the bees.

"I don't want to know" the lad said, beginning to cry.
"Promise me you won't tell me."

Confused the father asked him what was wrong.

The boy sobbed "When I was six I got the "There's no Easter Bunny Speech."

At seven I got the "There's no Tooth fairy" speech.

When I was eight, you hit me with the "There's no Santa" speech.

If you're going to tell me that grown ups don't really shag I'll have nothing left to live for!"

16th November 2009, 21:27

Arthur Little
16th November 2009, 23:23
A father asked his 10 year old son if he knew about the birds and the bees.

"I don't want to know" the lad said, beginning to cry.
"Promise me you won't tell me."

Confused the father asked him what was wrong.

The boy sobbed "When I was six I got the "There's no Easter Bunny Speech."

At seven I got the "There's no Tooth fairy" speech.

When I was eight, you hit me with the "There's no Santa" speech.

If you're going to tell me that grown ups don't really shag I'll have nothing left to live for!"

:icon_lol: ... even the cat [your avatar] is grinning!

16th November 2009, 23:48

17th November 2009, 20:27

Young boy: Daddy what is sex?:Erm:

Dad: (talks for very long time about the birds and bees etc..) Why do you ask son?

Young boy: Cause Mum says dinner is ready in a couple of secs..:Erm:

Arthur Little
18th November 2009, 01:38
:Erm: I wonder if the father thought to inform his son that if the bird gets too chirpy ... and tries to "feather its own nest" ... the bee might put a "sting in its tail"!