View Full Version : Noel and Jonalyn

25th November 2009, 19:13
I figured this would be the most appropriate place to move my comments regarding Lyn and myself, so here goes.

Sadly I open this blog with the terrible news that Lyn has been shot in the continuing violence in her province. She is currently in a medical clinic in Tumbao recovering from gunshot wounds to the back and arm. I know no further detail than that.

My only source of information is a kind young lady in her apartment named Melissa who speaks no English but is able to write a little in text to me. Naturally I am worried sick about Lyn's safety. Mindanao is a desperate and violent place right now and it seems to me that the philippine president is slow to act against these so-called clans and families who dominate these regions. Melissa says she will text me when Lyn returns to the apartment.

I am not a religious man and so therefore I sit here just somehow willing a positive outcome. If you are reading this and are religious, please pray for her.

Noel x

25th November 2009, 19:26
sorry to hear that, will pray for her xx

25th November 2009, 19:29
I figured this would be the most appropriate place to move my comments regarding Lyn and myself, so here goes.

Sadly I open this blog with the terrible news that Lyn has been shot in the continuing violence in her province. She is currently in a medical clinic in Tumbao recovering from gunshot wounds to the back and arm. I know no further detail than that.

My only source of information is a kind young lady in her apartment named Melissa who speaks no English but is able to write a little in text to me. Naturally I am worried sick about Lyn's safety. Mindanao is a desperate and violent place right now and it seems to me that the philippine president is slow to act against these so-called clans and families who dominate these regions. Melissa says she will text me when Lyn returns to the apartment.

I am not a religious man and so therefore I sit here just somehow willing a positive outcome. If you are reading this and are religious, please pray for her.

Noel x

I am really sorry to hear about this sad news about Jonalyn. There were senseless killings in that area :NoNo:. I hope she will be fine soon and hope she will be safe. She will be in my prayers.

25th November 2009, 19:37
can only imagine the stress you are under...will certainly and sincerely pray for both of you (2Cor 1:3)

South-east boy
25th November 2009, 19:52
So sorry to hear the news. Must have been a big shock for you. Seems that some areas there are maybe worse/more dangerous than we thought. :NoNo: Is there anyone that she knows/family/friends that speaks English that you could keep in contact with for news of how she is doing? Hope you get some good news soon.

25th November 2009, 20:58
thats terrible news noel, i hope you get some good news soon on her condition. we do moan about our political system whoever is in power, just goes to show we are still luckier than most.

25th November 2009, 21:46
thats terrible news noel, i hope you get some good news soon on her condition. we do moan about our political system whoever is in power, just goes to show we are still luckier than most.

This is true

While I bemoan many aspects of this country's governance, at elast I have no concerns about gunfire when I am travelling to work or the store.

All I can do now is wait.

Thankyou for your support people

Noel x

25th November 2009, 21:52
Sorry to hear that your lady is one of the victims. I hope she'll be alright and get in touch with you asap.

26th November 2009, 06:37
Hey bro sorry to hear the very sad news. Do not lose hope. Be strong!

26th November 2009, 09:49
I figured this would be the most appropriate place to move my comments regarding Lyn and myself, so here goes.

Sadly I open this blog with the terrible news that Lyn has been shot in the continuing violence in her province. She is currently in a medical clinic in Tumbao recovering from gunshot wounds to the back and arm. I know no further detail than that.

My only source of information is a kind young lady in her apartment named Melissa who speaks no English but is able to write a little in text to me. Naturally I am worried sick about Lyn's safety. Mindanao is a desperate and violent place right now and it seems to me that the philippine president is slow to act against these so-called clans and families who dominate these regions. Melissa says she will text me when Lyn returns to the apartment.

I am not a religious man and so therefore I sit here just somehow willing a positive outcome. If you are reading this and are religious, please pray for her.

Noel x

Hi! Oakbranch, we are so sorry to hear about the news and all of us here feel so sad for the massacre but we are wondering why Jonalyn has been shot or envolved for that things coz as what we known that she is living there at Sultan Kudarat and it is too far from Maguindanao.. It is a kidnapped massacre too. We keep updating to the news on here about it as we look to your thread now we will worry about... but we hope you don't worry too much about it and know we praying too for your fiancee, as what I known for there area is a little bit safe on there... so just think she is be ok :xxgrinning--00xx3: from ladybug and Sim

26th November 2009, 09:51
I figured this would be the most appropriate place to move my comments regarding Lyn and myself, so here goes.

Sadly I open this blog with the terrible news that Lyn has been shot in the continuing violence in her province. She is currently in a medical clinic in Tumbao recovering from gunshot wounds to the back and arm. I know no further detail than that.

My only source of information is a kind young lady in her apartment named Melissa who speaks no English but is able to write a little in text to me. Naturally I am worried sick about Lyn's safety. Mindanao is a desperate and violent place right now and it seems to me that the philippine president is slow to act against these so-called clans and families who dominate these regions. Melissa says she will text me when Lyn returns to the apartment.

I am not a religious man and so therefore I sit here just somehow willing a positive outcome. If you are reading this and are religious, please pray for her.

Noel x

Hi Noel,
Very sorry to hear the news about your girl friend. Do u mind me asking, where and when did she had this gunshot? i think its better that you make a research how,why,where when did she had this? have u seen her through webcam? just to make sure she s really injured or something.. coz if she is one of those victims of the maguindanao massacre according to the news all of them are dead! or it might be another sad gun fighting and she is just an innocent victim.

anyway, we pray for her safety and fast recovery. God bless her! you can pray too!:)

26th November 2009, 10:17
Oakbranch,thats terrible :NoNo:Mind me asking where she was shot and the circumstances?Iknow some police in the area if you can give me a little more information?Have you the hospital name?Sad news indeed:NoNo:

26th November 2009, 10:24
That really is a ghastly piece of news to hear. I hope the news turns out to be worse than the reality. I hope she can stay safe and make a full recovery soon. My thoughts are with her and all the people of Mindanao. I hope matters improve soon.

26th November 2009, 10:44
We will pray for her early recovery, sorry to hear that Noel,

26th November 2009, 11:52
my prayers and thought goes to her and to her family and to the other victims, i hope she gets well soon. it must be difficult when you are apart miles away and not knowing what's going on. i guess you just have to trust that things will get better soon.

26th November 2009, 12:21
Very sad, shocking and disappointing news. Hanna and I will pray for her speedy recovery.

Why is this inhuman behaviour being allowed to continue in RP?


26th November 2009, 12:26
..... you may not wish to hear this, and I'd love to be proven wrong

But you are getting set up to be SCAMMED
Wake up & smell the coffee !

26th November 2009, 13:19
..... you may not wish to hear this, and I'd love to be proven wrong

But you are getting set up to be SCAMMED
Wake up & smell the coffee !
:Erm: Based on?????

26th November 2009, 13:35
Reasons for my “concern/doubt” ????

1. … from your first post .. “… a nursing aide ….due to travel here on a work visa”. It’s almost impossible to get a work visa these days, and for a nursing aide ???? not even a fully qualified nurse ? , even more difficult.
So, where was she supposed to work ? ….. which hospital, residential care home ? Have u asked, and checked via the net if the name/address of the hospital matches, if human resources there are aware of her ?

2. “medical certificate” stolen…… ”this was renewable in Manila but naturally they wanted to charge an extortionate amount of money” …. doesn’t ring true. Also …”She didn't have that and neither did I”…. so she asked for money, yes ? How much ? I’m sure others on here have had to replace a certificate, so have an idea what the charge is.

3. so….. she had a work visa, but has abandoned it because of the “stolen” certificate ? I don’t think so ! Most Filipinas would move heaven & earth to get to the UK on that work visa. I don’t believe she ever had one.

4. Who suggested Manila as a potential “meeting” ground… you or her ? GenSan is safe, and Davao even safer. Perhaps she’s not keen on bumping into people she knows while she’s with you .

5. “I have sent her some packages and these have gone to a family friend in General Santos City” ….. why ? …… the postal service works reasonably well through-out the Philippines. Or perhaps she’s not keen on you knowing her actual address, so able to trace her at a later date ?

6. “..communicate with her except by phone at one of her patient's place”. Highly, highly dubious. Do u know of any British nurses who take phone calls from their boyfriends on a landline whilst working at a patient’s home ????

7. Re; the shooting…. “My only source of information is a kind young lady in her apartment named Melissa who speaks no English” … rather convenient eh ? Expect the txt or phone call soon asking for help with the medical bills… or has it already arrived ? Payable to Western Union in her friend’s name ?

Tell you what .... I'll happily send them a wedding gift when they get married (if I'm proven wrong)

26th November 2009, 13:36
..... you may not wish to hear this, and I'd love to be proven wrong

But you are getting set up to be SCAMMED
Wake up & smell the coffee !

So cynical :Erm: You have no way of knowing that.

Hope things are not as bad as you fear, Noel. Keep us posted.

26th November 2009, 13:41
.... Cynical ?.... NO

Realistic ? YES !

26th November 2009, 13:44
BB has actually highlighted some very valid points,a shooting incident like this is always easy to verify,whats the name of the clinic/hospital?:Erm:

South-east boy
26th November 2009, 14:03
BB has actually highlighted some very valid points,a shooting incident like this is always easy to verify,whats the name of the clinic/hospital?:Erm:

Would a shooting such as this be reported in the local news?

I have to say that some things that BB pointed out did seem a touch unusual/possibly suspiscious, but I don't have that much knowledge of Philippines, places and difficulties there or of scams that people can try on. As my trust has been taken advantage of before, a couple of possible small scams that were tried on with me and a few things I have read on the forum, I just try to be a little wary and not get carried away. I just hope for Noels sake that she is genuine and if she is, that she recovers very soon.

26th November 2009, 14:16
Small town provincial shootings are reported in the local rags,and i know a few people in the general area,the Pinoy grapevine is a lot longer than our own with branches that reach around the world,very easy to validate the story and get a report on the status of the victim.

26th November 2009, 14:26
as an afterthought...

... she must have travelled to Manila (re: the ferry incident) with a flight ticket, yes .....
... and she didn't use it ???????????
Almost everyone else in her place would have boarded that flight.... and tried
to get that "stolen" certificate faxed to her here.

..... or was this flight ticket also stolen ????

And, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE don't tell us that you sent her the money for the airplane ticket ? .

26th November 2009, 14:56
I hadn't read Noel's other posts before posting my last comment, and though I wouldn't go all out and say you're being set up to be scammed there are some red flags that would make me slightly suspicious.

26th November 2009, 15:06
If she is in a clinic in Kabuntalan(Tumbao)its only a barangay,its not exactly the size of London,in a barangay everyone knows everyone elses business,as a friend used to say everyone knows what time of night a neighbour rolls over and utots :rolleyes:Anyone with two rounds in them unless they are Schwarzenegger isnt getting out of hospital anytime soon,certainly not within the next few days,so just TXT melissa and ask the name of the clinic,that will put your mind at rest.

26th November 2009, 15:10
Reasons for my “concern/doubt” ????

1. … from your first post .. “… a nursing aide ….due to travel here on a work visa”. It’s almost impossible to get a work visa these days, and for a nursing aide ???? not even a fully qualified nurse ? , even more difficult.
So, where was she supposed to work ? ….. which hospital, residential care home ? Have u asked, and checked via the net if the name/address of the hospital matches, if human resources there are aware of her ?

2. “medical certificate” stolen…… ”this was renewable in Manila but naturally they wanted to charge an extortionate amount of money” …. doesn’t ring true. Also …”She didn't have that and neither did I”…. so she asked for money, yes ? How much ? I’m sure others on here have had to replace a certificate, so have an idea what the charge is.

3. so….. she had a work visa, but has abandoned it because of the “stolen” certificate ? I don’t think so ! Most Filipinas would move heaven & earth to get to the UK on that work visa. I don’t believe she ever had one.

4. Who suggested Manila as a potential “meeting” ground… you or her ? GenSan is safe, and Davao even safer. Perhaps she’s not keen on bumping into people she knows while she’s with you .

5. “I have sent her some packages and these have gone to a family friend in General Santos City” ….. why ? …… the postal service works reasonably well through-out the Philippines. Or perhaps she’s not keen on you knowing her actual address, so able to trace her at a later date ?

6. “..communicate with her except by phone at one of her patient's place”. Highly, highly dubious. Do u know of any British nurses who take phone calls from their boyfriends on a landline whilst working at a patient’s home ????

7. Re; the shooting…. “My only source of information is a kind young lady in her apartment named Melissa who speaks no English” … rather convenient eh ? Expect the txt or phone call soon asking for help with the medical bills… or has it already arrived ? Payable to Western Union in her friend’s name ?

Tell you what .... I'll happily send them a wedding gift when they get married (if I'm proven wrong)

I don't want to think bad about Jonalyn since according to her friend you talked to she got some gunshot. But when BBJ pointed his doubts I started to think deeply about it. BBJ might be right about his assumptions:rolleyes:
:Erm: I just hope she's telling the truth because this is something serious.

26th November 2009, 15:18
Melissa cant speak english?Walang problema,thats what this site is for,helping each other out,TXT her this "Melissa asa nga ospital si Jonalyn, si Noel ni":xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th November 2009, 15:33
We did have our doubts about this, hence Ladybugs (my wife) earlier post here.
I was quite harsh to Noel, on a different thread, as some of his posts just didn't seem quite right?

I sincerely hope I am wrong & if proved, I apologise profusely. But either way things are a little awkward for Noel, at the moment.

Keep us posted Noel, as we are all here for you.

26th November 2009, 15:36
.... Cynical ?.... NO

Realistic ? YES !

Thanks for the rep BBJ:)

26th November 2009, 17:06
Reasons for my “concern/doubt” ????

1. … from your first post .. “… a nursing aide ….due to travel here on a work visa”. It’s almost impossible to get a work visa these days, and for a nursing aide ???? not even a fully qualified nurse ? , even more difficult.
So, where was she supposed to work ? ….. which hospital, residential care home ? Have u asked, and checked via the net if the name/address of the hospital matches, if human resources there are aware of her ?

2. “medical certificate” stolen…… ”this was renewable in Manila but naturally they wanted to charge an extortionate amount of money” …. doesn’t ring true. Also …”She didn't have that and neither did I”…. so she asked for money, yes ? How much ? I’m sure others on here have had to replace a certificate, so have an idea what the charge is.

3. so….. she had a work visa, but has abandoned it because of the “stolen” certificate ? I don’t think so ! Most Filipinas would move heaven & earth to get to the UK on that work visa. I don’t believe she ever had one.

4. Who suggested Manila as a potential “meeting” ground… you or her ? GenSan is safe, and Davao even safer. Perhaps she’s not keen on bumping into people she knows while she’s with you .

5. “I have sent her some packages and these have gone to a family friend in General Santos City” ….. why ? …… the postal service works reasonably well through-out the Philippines. Or perhaps she’s not keen on you knowing her actual address, so able to trace her at a later date ?

6. “..communicate with her except by phone at one of her patient's place”. Highly, highly dubious. Do u know of any British nurses who take phone calls from their boyfriends on a landline whilst working at a patient’s home ????

7. Re; the shooting…. “My only source of information is a kind young lady in her apartment named Melissa who speaks no English” … rather convenient eh ? Expect the txt or phone call soon asking for help with the medical bills… or has it already arrived ? Payable to Western Union in her friend’s name ?

Tell you what .... I'll happily send them a wedding gift when they get married (if I'm proven wrong)

Mate - even if I was being set up to be scammed, I would have thought that you could be sensitive enough to restrain yourself with this deluge of cynicism before weighing in with this rather shouty assessment of the situation. I don't find it supportive - it comes over as smug, impertinent and makes assumptions about my judgement.

At some point one has to set aside the suspicion or it becomes incompatible with pursuing the relationship. One has to commit for ones own peace of mind and I have.

I expressed doubts a number of times, she has constantly refused to accept any money from me and continues to do so in order to prove her sincerity. The challenge of living in this atrocious environment means that financial worries are at the forefront of any filipna's mind. There is no benefits system there after all. So don't work - don't eat. It should not become a taboo subject.

If I included details of every point of contact, whether the calls I made were to landlines or cellular (all were to cellphones as it happens)and the relationship of all these contacts to Lyn then I may be asking for advice on whether to go ahead with things. As it stands I have satisfied the majority of my queries. Besides I can only really be scammed if I am sending money - which isn't happening, I can't afford to support her like that. It seems to me that most relationships of this type begin in a way that mirrors a potemtial scammer and at some point we need to recognise that it's less than 5% of them and move on.

I never said she was in the group that was massacred at any point - clearly this was not the case. She was injured by stray gunfire when the goverment troops and police went into the region to disarm the clan. Gung ho soliders and police - not a good combo. I have now spoken to her and she is in some distress and pain. She is returning to her apartment on Saturday we hope and I will continue to talk with her from then. Her mother is going to join her there and help her out while she is recovering from this.


26th November 2009, 17:18
.... and as I also stated ... I'd love to be proven wrong

But too many ambiguious events / things that don't add up for my liking,
But, hell, I ain't the one who's in love with her.

If it works out..... I'll be honestly HAPPY for you.
Everyone deserves some happiness in their lives

I guess time will tell, eh ?

26th November 2009, 17:56
Not picking holes in your story Oak,but have you ever actually seen anyone who has been shot?Take it from me,shot twice on Monday and getting out of hospital on Saturday?:Erm: That just doesnt happen mate,factual,trust me on that :rolleyes: The gunmen havent been disarmed nor as far as I am aware were any civilians wounded when the army moved into the area,and thats straight from a friend on Bombo Radio,dont shoot me,I am only the messenger but fact no civvies were shot by army nor police following the massacre,there was no follow up gun battle nor indiscriminate fire as the killers had already vacated the scene of the crime :NoNo:

26th November 2009, 18:28
To be honest this thread has completely destroyed my confidence in the whole thing. If I'm being played then it seems a very elaborate story and set of cirumstances for **** all in return.

Frankly I can't really cope with it any more so I am just going to end this, my search and my involvement with this forum really.

I mean what's the point.


26th November 2009, 18:33
Its not that Noel,but when you said your lady had been shot I contacted a friend who works for Bombo(they lost 2 or 3 anchor/reporters in the massacre)I asked which Hospital any locals injured were in,she told me no locals were killed nor injured in any follow ups by friendly forces:Erm:

26th November 2009, 18:35
Hi Noel This is so sad to hear and i will pray that she will recover soon.
Please keep us posted ok


26th November 2009, 18:36
Frankly I can't really cope with it any more so I am just going to end this, my search and my involvement with this forum really.

Hang around mate.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

You will be glad....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th November 2009, 18:59
I think it might be best to stop any further speculation on this thread and wait for Noel to hear any subsequent developments

26th November 2009, 19:00
I think it might be best to stop any further speculation on this thread and wait for Noel to hear any subsequent developments

Korrek ka dyann....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th November 2009, 19:17
ok so I spat my dummy out.

It's true I don't know what to think. I respect what Tawi has to say because of his/her posts always being so well informed and up to date.

I don't want to be wrong, obviously, but I can't be scammed because no cash is leaving here. The packages I sent contained an old cellphone and...chocolate. She asked me to send thm to this address in General Santos because she said the post was unreliable out in the sticks where she is - I didn't know either way really so I went along with it.

I think with all this speculation it may be true that I am being set up for something big, I had read that scammers prefer quick in and quick out kind of arrangements but perhaps I have a patient one.

My intention now is simply to let this run it's course and behave safely. As long as I am not parting with cash then the scammer is not succeeding. There is still a plan in place to meet in April. The venue for our meeting had recently been changed so we could meet at her parents place, so I'll just go along with that happening.

I'm on my guard now - just have to hope for the best. And thankyou, I understand that remarks are not deliberately malicious, but come from a desire to help me

Noel x

26th November 2009, 19:35
Dont worry about it,everyone spits their dummy out on occassion,the bad thing is spitting the fluff out when we put it back in our mouths :icon_lol: she is 7500 miles away,things happen,it will all play out the way its supposed to in the end anyway,whether for good or for bad,but its never wrong to question things or be a little cynical or guarded,its healthy,whatever way it goes be lucky :xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th November 2009, 20:55
Yes stick around Noel, don't throw in the towel.

As much as anything, we don't like seeing people being hurt...These long distance relationships, are really hard at times, for everyone who gets themselves involved in them.

Many have been through some rough times, in the process of finding happiness, I'd include myself in that. :)

26th November 2009, 22:33
Many have been through some rough times, in the process of finding happiness, I'd include myself in that. :)

Me too :rolleyes: April's a long way off, Noel, why not broaden your horizons a little in the meantime. There's lots of nice girls from much safer places than where the troubles are. I gotta be honest, the gunshot thing sounds a little far-fetched. Soon as you can see her on webcam check for those bullet wounds :omg:

27th November 2009, 00:45
mmmm... I smell something fishy...

27th November 2009, 13:27

I'm on my guard now - just have to hope for the best. And thankyou, I understand that remarks are not deliberately malicious, but come from a desire to help me

Noel x

Glad, you get what other members says....they just want to help, we hate people being hurt here in the forum :cwm38:

27th November 2009, 14:27
Better clarify something I said yesterday on Bombo losing 2 or 3 reporters/anchors,they lost one full time employee and two freelancers who were helping him cover the election.

27th November 2009, 14:43
hi noel, its a good idea to stay with the forum and keep us posted of whats going on. i think you are intelligent enough to figure out for yourself as time goes by whats going on:xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th November 2009, 18:38
hmmm... no one survived the massacre in Maguindanao.. there was a witness who was also one of the men who fired the gun.... is Jonalyn was one of the survivors.. she won't be in a remote area but in a big hospial and reporters would be hounding her 24/7...

yeah... i'd like to know how she got shot...

Arthur Little
28th November 2009, 01:04
hi noel, its a good idea to stay with the forum and keep us posted of whats going on. i think you are intelligent enough to figure out for yourself as time goes by whats going on:xxgrinning--00xx3:

:iagree: with my friend's sentiments, Noel ... and would urge you to stick around, as we really ARE a friendly bunch here. If any of the posts on this thread seemed either insensitive or cynical, it's because they're based on the recent experiences of two of our number who, to all intents and purposes, APPEAR to've been duped big-time by their womenfolk, and we're anxious to forestall the possibility of it happening again.

I do hope you will understand our reasoning. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th November 2009, 19:04
Well folks

Looks like I'm not getting any more answers. Since asking for specific details on this latest injury and a number of other things...zilch..wall of silence

Can't get hold of her - she don't call me - nothing.

So thats that then.

Still it's just a setback. I am now forearmed aren't I?

So am starting my search again and taking it slow

Noel x

28th November 2009, 19:19
You called her bluff Noel,asked for specifics and she has clammed up,never take anything as gospel,some of us have lived over there,or been around for a while,she was always chatty and vocal before your request for specifics now theres a wall of silence?Silence sometimes says a lot more than mere words can.

28th November 2009, 19:28
You called her bluff Noel,asked for specifics and she has clammed up,never take anything as gospel,some of us have lived over there,or been around for a while,she was always chatty and vocal before your request for specifics now theres a wall of silence?Silence sometimes says a lot more than mere words can.

Tawi I hereby appoint you my chaperone - any future candidates will be directed to you for vetting :P

28th November 2009, 19:36
Tawi I hereby appoint you my chaperone - any future candidates will be directed to you for vetting :P

If they are in Mindanao I can always get behind the scenes profiles on them :icon_lol: Just be careful,you have to open a lot of oysters to find a pearl:)The world is filled with women mate,she might be back in touch actually when she has re-thought her strategy:Erm:You know your best plan?Fly to pinas for a holiday,you always meet someone,not artificially on a flat PC screen but live,in the flesh,sans pretences,seriously you can fly in and meet someone within an hour of stepping outside your hotel after your booked in,just be cheerful and chatty and watch what happens :)

South-east boy
28th November 2009, 19:43
Well folks

Looks like I'm not getting any more answers. Since asking for specific details on this latest injury and a number of other things...zilch..wall of silence

Can't get hold of her - she don't call me - nothing.

So thats that then.

Still it's just a setback. I am now forearmed aren't I?

So am starting my search again and taking it slow

Noel x

Am sorry to hear it and can imagine how you feel. Its hard to get to know someone well (or think you have) and then it all suddenly ends, especially if you find out that they were not what you thought. It seems like it was made up, but I wonder why? Unless she had something further planned? Do you know if she did definitely live in the area where she said she did? And don't worry, no-one will think that you're stupid or had bad judgement. Others on here have found out that the lady they were in contact with wasn't genuine and sadly I guess you won't be the last. I guess if we are genuine and honest ourselves, then we think that others are the same and can be a bit too trusting sometimes. Sean (Northener on here) had been scammed before, but later met a lovely lady who he flew out and met just recently (there is a blog on his trip below).

I wonder if there is anywhere on the site (an old thread etc) that has things to look out for if someone isn't genuine or setting you up to scam them? As when you are new to long-distance-relationships, you don't always know of what to look out for and the signs that might say that they are not genuine.

28th November 2009, 19:52
You can never cover all the bases or plan for every contingency,there isnt anyone qualified to write a definitive guide to scammers because no one has experience enough and its normally learnt experience and intuition,no one can write a book on negotiating through the minefield of online dating without experiencing lots of women,and by the time you have gained the knowledge you are finally married having waded through a quagmire of unsatisfactory ladies,the scammers are constantly upgrading their ploys,coming up with new schemes,hitting it from a different angle,perhaps she wasnt interested in money but was playing a long term deception angling for the golden-ticket AKA a visa,no one knows,we are all individuals and have different things ticking away in our noggins,I had someone offer to buy me a ticket to fly to Pinas so there are genuine ladies out there :)

28th November 2009, 22:34
Well folks

Looks like I'm not getting any more answers. Since asking for specific details on this latest injury and a number of other things...zilch..wall of silence

Can't get hold of her - she don't call me - nothing.

So thats that then.

Still it's just a setback. I am now forearmed aren't I?

So am starting my search again and taking it slow

Noel x

Sorry to hear about this noel, i wish you all the best on your future search and i agree with you on taking it slow next time :xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th November 2009, 23:14
Thanks for all the comments. Although I threw myself into this whole venture, I am a man of certain life experience and so I'm always prepared for disappointment.

It has failed because partly 1 person was wicked and partly I wanted to succeed at the first time of asking marginally more than seeing ticks in all the boxes. It's nice to feel love after many years of bitterness followed by loneliness. So that would be my excuse,

End of the day I'm still available...anyone introduce me to anyone? :P

Noel x

28th November 2009, 23:21
Gimmee a few days Noel,I know a lady,a looker with smarts,cant remember what she is to be honest?A lawyer I think :Erm:One thing is for certain,she doesnt need your cash :)and she certainly isnt out to con anyone,been single for years but she looks slim and very,very presentable :) your probably going to be flooded with offers from everyone on here anyway,a deluge of e-mail addresses,but I will also chat with her and get her mailing addie for you :)
Best anti-scam write up I remember seeing on here was Northerners,he detailed and listed a number of different ladies types and their techniques :) As Soph says Noel,take your time,sort the wheat from the chaff,we have all been alone at times but its no bad thing because someone always comes along :)

28th November 2009, 23:22
What are you looking for Noel?What attributes,physical characteristics etc?

Arthur Little
29th November 2009, 00:10
. I guess if we are genuine and honest ourselves, then we think that others are the same and can be a bit too trusting sometimes.

:iagree: It's happened to ME ... more times than I care to remember! :Erm: Not in THIS context, I hasten to add!

29th November 2009, 00:32
Sorry it has turned out the way it has.
No shame, if you really want to go down this path, then you will meet someone & you can meet someone, who is right for you.

The trouble is, most of us get into these relationships, without a clue of the realities...It stands to reason. This is where many of us come unstuck. I've been regularly looking in on this forum, for a couple of years now & the advice & knowledge you can gain is invaluable.

Spending time, reading previous threads, is going to give you that knowledge...When you've made a trip out there, you're going to gain further knowledge etc. etc. it's an evolving process...just best to take your time.

Keep smiling & things will work out for you. :)

29th November 2009, 00:34
What are you looking for Noel?What attributes,physical characteristics etc?

Well it's always hard to give this description because character is more important than anything - the only stipulations would be (probably) over 30, no kids and willing to relocate and work of course.

Noel x

29th November 2009, 00:40
Yup,she fits those criteria perfectly,and is smarter than the average bear to boot,gimmee a few days,but like I said others will probably also give you addies,take your time,no rush,quality takes time to find:)

29th November 2009, 04:03
Thanks for all the comments. Although I threw myself into this whole venture, I am a man of certain life experience and so I'm always prepared for disappointment.

It has failed because partly 1 person was wicked and partly I wanted to succeed at the first time of asking marginally more than seeing ticks in all the boxes. It's nice to feel love after many years of bitterness followed by loneliness. So that would be my excuse,

End of the day I'm still available...anyone introduce me to anyone? :P

Noel x

You will meet the right person at the right time:xxgrinning--00xx3:
cheer up:)
take it slow

29th November 2009, 18:59
Don't think I get a mailbox in this forum - anyone wishes to message me it's uknoel~~AT~~inbox.com (http://filipinaroses.com/uknoel~~AT~~inbox.com)


South-east boy
29th November 2009, 19:07
Don't think I get a mailbox in this forum - anyone wishes to message me it's


I think it's because you need to do a certain amount of posts before you are able to send or receive PM's (private messages).

30th November 2009, 02:14
Don't think I get a mailbox in this forum - anyone wishes to message me it's


Tawi - I am getting personal messages but I can't respond nor leave one for you - try my email please I have a comment to make about that last message


30th November 2009, 14:03
I certainly will Noel.

30th November 2009, 17:01
Gimmee a few days Noel,I know a lady,a looker with smarts,cant remember what she is to be honest?A lawyer I think :Erm:One thing is for certain,she doesnt need your cash :)and she certainly isnt out to con anyone,been single for years but she looks slim and very,very presentable :) your probably going to be flooded with offers from everyone on here anyway,a deluge of e-mail addresses,but I will also chat with her and get her mailing addie for you :)
Best anti-scam write up I remember seeing on here was Northerners,he detailed and listed a number of different ladies types and their techniques :) As Soph says Noel,take your time,sort the wheat from the chaff,we have all been alone at times but its no bad thing because someone always comes along :)

oh Tawi...I'm already taken! :Rasp:

What are you looking for Noel?What attributes,physical characteristics etc?

playing matchmaker now eh? you haven't said "yes" to me introducing you to a friend.. what's up with that eh?

30th November 2009, 18:16
You know me Florge,shy and retiring type:cwm25:as soon as I decide 100% on my sexual preferrences I will announce it :icon_lol:But its like flipping a coin,sometimes heads sometimes tails :Erm:

30th November 2009, 21:25
You know me Florge,shy and retiring type:cwm25:as soon as I decide 100% on my sexual preferrences I will announce it :icon_lol:But its like flipping a coin,sometimes heads sometimes tails :Erm:


30th November 2009, 21:30
take your time,sort the wheat from the chaff,we have all been alone at times but its no bad thing because someone always comes along :)

take your time,no rush,quality takes time to find:)

wise words :xxgrinning--00xx3: I agree completely :xxgrinning--00xx3:

30th November 2009, 23:55
Its true Soph,I never was a guy to settle for second best,and I have winnowed a lot of chaff in my time :xxgrinning--00xx3::icon_lol:I have met some absolutely stunning women,but without character whats the use,physical beauty fades with time,character and intellect never fade but improve like a fine wine:xxgrinning--00xx3:Never limit yourself by grabbing the first woman who shows interest,take your time,years even,and select someone special :)Fluttering eyelashes and a dimpled smile are easy to find,search for something with a little more substance :xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st December 2009, 13:11
Its true Soph,I never was a guy to settle for second best,and I have winnowed a lot of chaff in my time :xxgrinning--00xx3::icon_lol:I have met some absolutely stunning women,but without character whats the use,physical beauty fades with time,character and intellect never fade but improve like a fine wine:xxgrinning--00xx3:Never limit yourself by grabbing the first woman who shows interest,take your time,years even,and select someone special :)Fluttering eyelashes and a dimpled smile are easy to find,search for something with a little more substance :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Very well said tawi, i couldn't agree more :xxgrinning--00xx3: