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26th November 2009, 23:06
My name is Jose,I'm here because I start dating a filipino girl,and I want to know what is the best way for her to get a tourist visa to came to UK.Thanks for the help.:Erm:

Arthur Little
27th November 2009, 01:59
My name is Jose,I'm here because I start dating a filipino girl,and I want to know what is the best way for her to get a tourist visa to came to UK.Thanks for the help.:Erm:

:Hellooo: Welcome, Jose. Without wishing to appear pessimistic, by saying, :NoNo: "No Way, Jose", I feel it would be unrealistic of me to instil any sense of false optimism, as regards the chances of someone's girlfriend obtaining a *tourist visa to come to the UK. And here, I speak from personal experience, because *THAT had been MY original intention too [14 months ago] after conducting an online relationship with an also widowed Filipina (now my wife) for almost one year ... followed-up by a 3 weeks' visit to her homeland in Mindanao.

During my initial stay, I met and befriended an Englishman who'd married and settled out there. It was he who dissuaded me from even considering the *tourist option for my then girlfriend (virtually *impossible, was his opinion!) and recommended THIS forum ... which I promptly joined on my return to the UK.

Still I persisted with the notion of bringing my girlfriend to the UK for 6 months ... my reasoning being based on the :idea: that she should sample the British winter prior to either of us making a firm commitment. But, thanks to the wise counsel I received from others through this site, I ultimately went back out to the Phils last November as planned, got married the following month and my wife's spousal visa was approved within five weeks of her application being lodged at the Embassy in Manila on January 20.

27th November 2009, 03:03
Welcome to the forum Jose:Hellooo::Hellooo::Hellooo:

27th November 2009, 08:20
:Hellooo::Hellooo: HELLO WELCOME TO THE FORUM!!!!!

27th November 2009, 08:33
My name is Jose,I'm here because I start dating a filipino girl,and I want to know what is the best way for her to get a tourist visa to came to UK.Thanks for the help.:Erm:
Welcome to the forum! No idea about the tourist visa, but other members from this forum will surely help you. Goodluck!

27th November 2009, 14:22
welcome to the forum jose:Hellooo::Hellooo: im sorry but i have to agree with arthur.

27th November 2009, 18:36
There is no harm in trying thou....hoping she had some assets in phil or working in govt so that ECO might think she had reason to come home and not to overstay or kinda dont feel like going back to her orig country

27th November 2009, 19:54
Hello Jose welcome to the forum:Hellooo:

27th November 2009, 20:03
Welcome to the forum.

The chances of getting a tourist visa can vary, it really depends on her age (is she over 21?), whether you've met in person and how many times, and whether you can support her. Having reasons to return to the Philippines (job, property, etc) can help but is not always essential when in a relationship with the sponsor (who is settled in the UK).

Don't though see the tourist visa as a cheap and easy way of being able live together in the UK, it can only use for relatively short periods of time (up to 6 months), and there is no way to convert it to a settlement visa without leaving the UK.

27th November 2009, 20:29
hiya!Jose,welcome aboard:Hellooo::Hellooo::Hellooo::BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy:

27th November 2009, 20:48
welcome to the forum jose:Hellooo::Hellooo: im sorry but i have to agree with arthur.

hi jose, welcome to the forum. same here. but who knows some forum members got their toursist visa app approved because they can support their application (i.e. got a business in the phils, healthy bank balance hence they have reason to come back to the phils). try searching the forum you'll see few members who succeeded with their application. good luck:xxgrinning--00xx3: