View Full Version : I feel so bad.

5th December 2009, 12:43
Hanna's auntie - who is the closest relative she has - is dying from a liver disease. She has been 'ambulanced' from her mountain in the Provinces tonight to Cebu City - St. Martin's hospital. She needs a transplant but, of course, that is out of the question here. As most of you know, I do not have the money to help her. I feel so hopeless!!!!


5th December 2009, 13:53
I have a lot of sympathy for you Alan and for your wife too, the UK's health service spares the British people from a great deal of agony and heartache like this.

It's life sir not your fault, life in the Philippines can be painfully hard sometimes :(


5th December 2009, 14:36
Really sorry to hear of your bad news Al.. Try not to focus on what you can't do! Focus on the things you can do and have done..

I'm sure you have helped (and will continue to help) Hanna's family, but you can't do everything. So, if you can.. Try and just be there for Hanna and just do what you can.

And all the best.

Doc Alan
5th December 2009, 14:47
I'm a newbie on this site and therefore a stranger to you but all I can say is that indeed it's not your fault , even more importantly it's probably not the fault of Hannah's auntie, because the commonest cause of chronic liver disease in the Philippines is Hepatitis B. In the UK there are about 600 liver transplants each year and the commonest condition requiring a transplant is alcoholic cirrhosis, but even here there are more patients requiring transplants than there are donors.

5th December 2009, 14:51
i feel for you, i hope it all works out iam sure hannah understand, can you take he rto see her aunt.... unfortunatly if you dig in you pockets for everytime someone is in need you would end up with nothing for you and hannah

all the best buddy my thoughts are with you


5th December 2009, 22:56
Not your fault mate,you learn to compartmentalise death after a while,its something we are all going to face one day,but this ladies ill health isnt directly attributable to you,I paid for someones treatment when I lived in Pinas,it extended their life by six months,I would have paid every penny I had if it had meant even another week,sometimes we have to realise its natures way to be honest,just be there for your wife when she needs your support.

5th December 2009, 22:59
be strong dude..hanna needs you now po....

6th December 2009, 03:00
Thanks everyone. Made me feel better. Yes, I must be strong for Han.


6th December 2009, 03:41
Sorry to hear the bad news Alan... they're right nothing you can do but be strong for hanna.

6th December 2009, 03:56
Sorry to hear about that. We all have borrowed time here on earth so there's nothing much we can do.Just be a shoulder to lean on for Hanna at time like this.

6th December 2009, 04:33
just like everybody else al and to your wife we are have your sympathy. we may not know each other in person but we sharing our feelings in the forum which makes feel us better. and as everybody say to you here..its not your fault or not anyone's fault. lets just pray for the better and for the mercy. everything has a reason. we may not see now but time will come we will understand. yeah, just always and being there to your wife someone she can talk everything how she feel specially you her husband is the best thing to give to her sadness, upset situation.. keep going..stay strong!

6th December 2009, 10:57
Thanks everyone. Made me feel better. Yes, I must be strong for Han.


sorry to hear the bad news Alan. Be strong for Hanna, things happen for a reason.

6th December 2009, 11:13
Thing is Alan, even if she was in the UK she'd be unlikely to get a transplant.

6th December 2009, 17:32
Hanna's auntie - who is the closest relative she has - is dying from a liver disease. She has been 'ambulanced' from her mountain in the Provinces tonight to Cebu City - St. Martin's hospital. She needs a transplant but, of course, that is out of the question here. As most of you know, I do not have the money to help her. I feel so hopeless!!!!


Sorry to hear about hanna's aunt prof alan....I know how it must be hard for you to not be able to help financially....
But then again, its out of your hands, as much as you want to help, its not possible at the moment due to financial constraints....
but you can always be there to give moral support, specially to hanna....and i wish hanna's aunt all the best and hopefully things will work out well...

6th December 2009, 19:54
Sorry to hear about hanna's aunt prof alan....I know how it must be hard for you to not be able to help financially....
But then again, its out of your hands, as much as you want to help, its not possible at the moment due to financial constraints....
but you can always be there to give moral support, specially to hanna....and i wish hanna's aunt all the best and hopefully things will work out well...

:iagree: no need to feel guilty alan you will do what you can for hanna:xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th December 2009, 20:03
awww, i am so sorry to hear that alan. no need to feel guilty, you are a good person for showing concern and willingness to help. will say a prayer for you guys.

7th December 2009, 15:47
Sorry to hear your news my friend. It's an awful situation. I wish her God's favour.

7th December 2009, 19:12
i'll pray for you and Hannah... and especially her Aunt...

8th December 2009, 12:25
Hanna's aunt has just died. We are off to Ginatilan.


8th December 2009, 12:42
im very sorry to hear that,its never a good time when relatives get ill :bigcry:

lets hope you and your wife and family support each other through this tough time :D

8th December 2009, 12:56
Sorry to hear that, regards to you both & family.

Arthur Little
8th December 2009, 13:58
... even here there are more patients requiring transplants than there are donors.

:iagree: with Alan's statement. Unfortunately, it's a sad fact that an acute shortage [worldwide] of organs available for transplantation has a far greater impact on the situation than the financial constraints involved, my friend. So please, Al, do not chastise yourself in any way.

I'm so sorry to learn of Hanna's aunt's passing ... but rest assured you are both very much in our thoughts and prayers.

8th December 2009, 14:13
Sorry to hear about that, she will be in our thoughts and prayers.

8th December 2009, 14:34
We are just going out of the door on the long trek southwards. Hanna is beside herself with grief - which is understandable. She was closer to her aunt than even, arguably, her brothers and sisters. Hanna is a girl with enormous fortitude - yet tonight's events have shown a side to her that even I never knew existed.

I myself feel quite hopeless at the moment - offering no more than a shoulder to cry on. I appreciate that things will improve with time - but at the moment it is hard.

From the bottom of my heart I thank you all for your comments on this thread. I have shown Hanna the thread and she wishes God's blessings on you all for your compassion and understanding.

I shall be absent for a couple of days now - but I shall return!!! Be warned!!! More lunatric posts on the way.:D

Let's say 'Thanks' to Keith for the best forum on the Internet!!!


8th December 2009, 15:08
sorry to hear that, prayers to you both. take care!

Mrs Daddy
8th December 2009, 15:13
condolence to hanna`s family...

9th December 2009, 14:10
I cannot believe the last 24 hours!!!

Lola NC (Hanna's aunt) died at 7.11p.m. yesterday evening. Her Mass was in Ginatilan at 1.00p.m. this afternoon and she was buried at 3.20p.m.!!!

The whole town turned out AND MORE. Hundreds came from towns around - some even from Cebu City - and some from MANILA!!!

I never realised what a popular and important woman was this 'peasant farmer' from the mountains!!!

Mayor Dean Michael of Ginatilan sent his car and driver to pick her up from Cebu City yesterday afternoon. She made the trip - was stretchered up the mountain to her home - and died after being placed in her own bed after 8 minutes!!!

Hanna is quite inconsolable at the moment - she has lost a part of her life! I phoned Qatar airways this afternoon and postponed my flight back to the UK for another 3 months. I shall now return at the end of March.

I have, quite honestly, never seen such an outpouring of grief since Princess Diana. Ginatilan closed today - Lola NC has left the building!!!


9th December 2009, 21:02
my prayers and thoughts are with you and Hannah...

9th December 2009, 21:51
Hanna's aunt has just died. We are off to Ginatilan.


So sorry to hear this prof.....Our condolences to you and hanna and to hanna's family and relatives....

10th December 2009, 02:44
Alan, give Hanna my condolences. And all the best mate.


10th December 2009, 14:15
I cannot believe the last 24 hours!!!

Lola NC (Hanna's aunt) died at 7.11p.m. yesterday evening. Her Mass was in Ginatilan at 1.00p.m. this afternoon and she was buried at 3.20p.m.!!!

The whole town turned out AND MORE. Hundreds came from towns around - some even from Cebu City - and some from MANILA!!!

I never realised what a popular and important woman was this 'peasant farmer' from the mountains!!!

Mayor Dean Michael of Ginatilan sent his car and driver to pick her up from Cebu City yesterday afternoon. She made the trip - was stretchered up the mountain to her home - and died after being placed in her own bed after 8 minutes!!!

Hanna is quite inconsolable at the moment - she has lost a part of her life! I phoned Qatar airways this afternoon and postponed my flight back to the UK for another 3 months. I shall now return at the end of March.

I have, quite honestly, never seen such an outpouring of grief since Princess Diana. Ginatilan closed today - Lola NC has left the building!!!


Seems Hanna's family are famous in her town.
My prayers and condolences.

15th December 2009, 21:35
Hanna and Alan I'm so sorry to read of your loss she sounds like a great Woman. A beautiful touch by the Mayor and words simply fail me.

My Thoughts are with you both and your Family.