View Full Version : Any Boy`s name suggestion pls...

Mrs Daddy
11th December 2009, 11:00
I have come out with Kenneth Vincent or Kevin for short.I want a name that if people ask you what`s the meaning of that then you could tell them:Erm: and my step daughter recommended Hayden:yikes: and I have never told her that there was a sex scandal in PI with a doctor named Hayden:doh So any suggestions from you guys would be nice:Hellooo::Hellooo::Hellooo:

11th December 2009, 11:03
I just want you to smile Wheela.
I will look in our Philippine Calendar.
How about Wilson?
W(your name)+son.:D:D:D

11th December 2009, 11:27
Get half of your name and to your hubby:) suggest........:D

11th December 2009, 11:28
how about rio or wayne?

i always liked those names.:D

Mrs Daddy
11th December 2009, 11:46
I just want you to smile Wheela.
I will look in our Philippine Calendar.
How about Wilson?
W(your name)+son.:D:D:D
bandito as in bandatito banda doon ate pen:icon_lol:

Get half of your name and to your hubby:) suggest........:D
keith michael and wheela when you combine them:Erm:Itsn`t a nice result:doh

how about rio or wayne?

i always liked those names.:D
what does rio means or wayne BAB?

11th December 2009, 13:08
how about rio or wayne?

i always liked those names.:D

RIO grande was a John WAYNE movie :Erm: Mrs D,always choose a totally 100% unique name for your boy,its what marks him out from the herd,a names supposed to be as distinct as a fingerprint,avoid Dave,Steve,Kev,Pete etc,give him something that sets him apart in his adult life,if you give him something common and dull its going to be a burden later in life when he is a famous entertainer,football player etc,you get the picture right :xxgrinning--00xx3:Why do you think Arnold George Dorsey changed his name to Englebert Humperdinck,because it was brash,flambouyant and in your face :)Give your kid a unique brand name(No,not NIKE BAB:ARsurrender:)Have a look in this list :)http://www.babyboyuniquenames.com/

Mrs Daddy
11th December 2009, 13:18
RIO grande was a John WAYNE movie :Erm: Mrs D,always choose a totally 100% unique name for your boy,its what marks him out from the herd,a names supposed to be as distinct as a fingerprint,avoid Dave,Steve,Kev,Pete etc,give him something that sets him apart in his adult life,if you give him something common and dull its going to be a burden later in life when he is a famous entertainer,football player etc,you get the picture right :xxgrinning--00xx3:Why do you think Arnold George Dorsey changed his name to Englebert Humperdinck,because it was brash,flambouyant and in your face :)Give your kid a unique brand name(No,not NIKE BAB:ARsurrender:)Have a look in this list :)http://www.babyboyuniquenames.com/

Tnx Tawi!:xxgrinning--00xx3::D:D:D

11th December 2009, 13:22
Tnx Tawi!:xxgrinning--00xx3::D:D:D

Remember,you want people to say "Oh,what a beautiful child" followed by "Wow,thats a great name" :xxgrinning--00xx3:

11th December 2009, 13:22
Mrs daddy, we are the same. Im also still trying to find a nice name for my baby boy. When will you due? Im due on feb puhon puhon, im really excited about it. :BouncyHappy::)

Names that you have mentioned like kenneth and kevin are nice, kenneth is my father in law's name and kevin is my husband's name. What a coincidence. :Hellooo:

How about kean, lyndon, adrian, harley, paul, daniel or craig like in james bond movie casino royale? :) Its really hard to find a name, but hope we could find one soon which suits our babies. :)

11th December 2009, 13:27
what does rio means or wayne BAB?

Rio means lazy, and Wayne means ogre :D How about Steven or Fernando?

11th December 2009, 13:36
"Reverend" great name, will get him respect :)

11th December 2009, 13:38
I heard a Sanskrit word years ago,it sounded mystical and musical on the tongue,I remember thinking beautiful word and meaning,its the name of my son now and he is the only kid in the country I think with that monicker,totally unique :)

11th December 2009, 13:55
Toks is nice! I also like Ricel, Tayo and Tyrone.

11th December 2009, 14:02
Some schools of thought say your babies name indirectly influences or shapes their future life:Erm:


11th December 2009, 14:21
i like kevin dai:D ..

you know what we never thought about that until i had my 20 weeks scan with james ..( same as you now) on our way home after the scan Robert keep saying james james james in the car:icon_lol::icon_lol: thats my wee boy james james he is really scottish:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol: and i always add the second name ...and for our second i chose the name:xxgrinning--00xx3:for john, my in laws suggested some names too:D but at the end i chose the name i picked:D

Think of something special and unique between you and your baby:)

Arthur Little
11th December 2009, 15:20
Think of something special and unique between you and your baby:)

How about *Wilson?
W(your name)+son.:D:D:D

:iagree: with Ann ... which is why I think the *name Penny has come up with matches Ann's suggestion perfectly. It's not ENTIRELY unique, perhaps ... because I once knew someone of MY generation whose first name was Wilson! But it has a good strong "ring" to it. And, like Penny implies, it indicates the link between mother and son ... as in the Phils, 'Wilson' is pronounced 'Weelson' ... hence "W(h)eel(a)son". :rolleyes: See the connection?

11th December 2009, 15:28
Demonyo :D

11th December 2009, 16:30
Get half of your name and to your hubby:) suggest........:D

I agree to u heheh! same my little lad name Liam John..liam is from my half name and my hubbys name..John is the name of my late father in law.

11th December 2009, 16:42
... if I'm remembering correctly, u are in Wales ...

so why not a Welsh name ?

Alun -
Cade -
Evan -
Kai -
Kane -

11th December 2009, 17:29
oooo.. picking up the names eh.... I always like the name Noah... don't know why... probably because the world is flooding here and there... lol...

i agree with what tawi said.. go for a very unique name... like mine... lol... i googled my name (complete name) and found my FB, friendster, and multiply site... guess I'm the only one in the world with this name.... btw, my name is a combination of parents name and my nickname...

11th December 2009, 18:55
Demonyo :D


11th December 2009, 18:59
.... I always like the name Noah......
Will he like animals? :thorsten_rammler:

11th December 2009, 22:23
call him bornatbirth,BAB for short means tall,dark and handsome...good fortune with follow him through life :D

Mrs Daddy
11th December 2009, 22:52
Remember,you want people to say "Oh,what a beautiful child" followed by "Wow,thats a great name" :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Mrs daddy, we are the same. Im also still trying to find a nice name for my baby boy. When will you due? Im due on feb puhon puhon, im really excited about it. :BouncyHappy::)

Names that you have mentioned like kenneth and kevin are nice, kenneth is my father in law's name and kevin is my husband's name. What a coincidence. :Hellooo:

How about kean, lyndon, adrian, harley, paul, daniel or craig like in james bond movie casino royale? :) Its really hard to find a name, but hope we could find one soon which suits our babies. :)
watta conincidence indeed goodluck to both of us am due on april:)

Rio means lazy, and Wayne means ogre :D How about Steven or Fernando?
now you tell me:yikes:

"Reverend" great name, will get him respect :)
:icon_lol::icon_lol: I`ll have a think Boss:Erm:

I heard a Sanskrit word years ago,it sounded mystical and musical on the tongue,I remember thinking beautiful word and meaning,its the name of my son now and he is the only kid in the country I think with that monicker,totally unique :)

Toks is nice! I also like Ricel, Tayo and Tyrone.

Some schools of thought say your babies name indirectly influences or shapes their future life:Erm:

I`ll have a look on this site:rolleyes:

i like kevin dai:D ..

you know what we never thought about that until i had my 20 weeks scan with james ..( same as you now) on our way home after the scan Robert keep saying james james james in the car:icon_lol::icon_lol: thats my wee boy james james he is really scottish:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol: and i always add the second name ...and for our second i chose the name:xxgrinning--00xx3:for john, my in laws suggested some names too:D but at the end i chose the name i picked:D

Think of something special and unique between you and your baby:)
I have still time to think about it and I want it quick before my due date:doh:icon_lol:

:iagree: with Ann ... which is why I think the *name Penny has come up with matches Ann's suggestion perfectly. It's not ENTIRELY unique, perhaps ... because I once knew someone of MY generation whose first name was Wilson! But it has a good strong "ring" to it. And, like Penny implies, it indicates the link between mother and son ... as in the Phils, 'Wilson' is pronounced 'Weelson' ... hence "W(h)eel(a)son". :rolleyes: See the connection?
hmmm nice try arthur.I have thought of that speling for wilson:D

Demonyo :D
oh not after your name Boss:icon_lol::icon_lol:

I agree to u heheh! same my little lad name Liam John..liam is from my half name and my hubbys name..John is the name of my late father in law.
Yesss I want some meaning on my Li`l boy`s name:)

oooo.. picking up the names eh.... I always like the name Noah... don't know why... probably because the world is flooding here and there... lol...

i agree with what tawi said.. go for a very unique name... like mine... lol... i googled my name (complete name) and found my FB, friendster, and multiply site... guess I'm the only one in the world with this name.... btw, my name is a combination of parents name and my nickname...
Yes Indeed a very unique name:xxgrinning--00xx3:

call him bornatbirth,BAB for short means tall,dark and handsome...good fortune with follow him through life :D

ohs! is that the meaning:icon_lol:

11th December 2009, 22:58
Harry Balls
Bill Board
Dwayne Pipe
Al Bino
Bruno or Borat


South-east boy
12th December 2009, 01:23
Here's a few links to some baby-name websites:






12th December 2009, 06:20
I've alwayas loved the name Gabriel and Daniel if it is a girl its Danielle and Gabrielle :)

12th December 2009, 10:14
Harry Balls
Bill Board
Dwayne Pipe
Al Bino
Bruno or Borate

How the hell do you know all the names of my illegitimate retarded kids? :Erm:

12th December 2009, 10:18
Harry Balls
Bill Board
Dwayne Pipe
Al Bino
Bruno or Borat


Wayne King...???:Erm:

Mrs Daddy
12th December 2009, 11:48
Harry Balls
Bill Board
Dwayne Pipe
Al Bino
Bruno or Borat






cheers amigo:xxgrinning--00xx3::)

I've alwayas loved the name Gabriel and Daniel if it is a girl its Danielle and Gabrielle :)
not sure:Erm:

How the hell do you know all the names of my illegitimate retarded kids? :Erm:

Wayne King...???:Erm:


12th December 2009, 11:56

If you are in Wales and intend on keeping the locals kind of happy, you should consider naming a boy...



Llewelyn http://www.walesdirectory.co.uk/Heritage_Holidays/Llywelyn_the_Great_Trail.htm

12th December 2009, 15:26
How about Moonbeam or Twig.....something hippy'ish?
I'm not really being serious here. :Cuckoo:...got nothing against hippy's, but wouldn't want to be called that.

Peace man :)

12th December 2009, 16:59
try some spanish name..........likes.....
Perfecto:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol: just for fun but i like KIRBY:D

Arthur Little
12th December 2009, 19:33
try some spanish name..........likes.....
Perfecto:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol: just for fun but i like KIRBY:D

Or even an Italian name, perhaps? ... in deference to Dom! :icon_lol: