View Full Version : Work Trial. A way to scam applicants?

12th December 2009, 11:28
Believe me or not guys that there are many employers here who are trying to take an advantage with applicants.

Two weeks ago, I applied a work in the Kitchen. I found it very hard so it wasn’t bother me if my application is unsuccessful.

I will post my story but I will not give full details for my security and their reputations.

Apologize for that.

I sent a recorded/register letter by post to the employer as per CAB advise.
I sent email to the manager about the actions I have done.

To all members here, I wish this will help us avoid this type of problem in the UK.

Here is my letter content.

The Manager

December 09, 2009
Dear Sir/Madam:

I was advised by ACAS to write you and inform you have a grievance. It is about my 10 hours worked done last December 5, 2009 from 12:00 – 10:00 in the evening.

On December 2, 2009, I have applied in your office for a kitchen work. I rang Miss XXX on the same date and that same date, I was advised to hand my CV and I filled up application forms in your office. Then I received a call from Miss XXX that I will have my trial on the saturday that will start 12:00.

You were not given me any information in writing about pay, the number of hours required, or breaks. I asked Miss xxxx about my break and she verbally said that I could have a 30 minutes paid break.

On Monday, December 7, 2009, at around 17:00 p.m., I received a call from Miss XXX and informed me that I was not successful with the job. Then I asked her when can I get my payment and she said “ I didn’t promise you to get paid”. I was shocked because I understood that I will get paid. If she did tell me beforehand, I will only work for 4 hours because 10 hours is too long for an unpaid trial. I searched the web about work trial scheme in the UK and found out that employers should make an arrangement with Jobcentreplus beforehand about this. And Work Trial is completely a volunteer work.

On Wednesday (today), I went to Jobcentreplus and asked if there was an arrangement happened between them and XXXX. Miss XXXX from Jobcentreplus said, there was no arrangement and she explained to me that there should have an arrangement and they will visit XXXXX before my work Trial. So, I went to CAB and they tried their best to help me.

I would like to be paid the minimum wage of £5.80 for the time worked including the 30 minute break. (£58.00) as soon as possible

Please reply in writing explaining why I have not been paid.

here is my email to the manager.

Dear Miss XXX,

I have made my tracking online at Royal Mail regarding my letter posted yesterday. Here is the status:

Item XXXXXXX and is being progressed through our network for delivery.

Miss XXX, I understand your command responsibility, but please next time, if you hire applicants, please follow Jobcentreplus rules.

I'll send you a copy in your email a copy of my letter.

Goodluck to your career.

I got reply today:

Dear penny
Thank you for your e-mail.
I have already responded to the query we received from the CAB by posting you a letter yesterday. The CAB advised that we should respond by letter, so I would be grateful if you could please await to receive this. My letter should reach you today, with payment for the trial shift you worked last Saturday.
i would be grateful if you could please confirm receipt of this payment.
I trust you will be satisfied with this response and I sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Best wishes for your future career.

12th December 2009, 11:43
Well done :-) Good overcomes evil :-)

Mrs Daddy
12th December 2009, 11:43
oh dear! hope case solved ate pen...

12th December 2009, 11:44
good you stood your ground and didn't give in :xxgrinning--00xx3:

some people will take advantage of you, thinking you will not bother trying to claim the money, maybe next time they will not take the :piss2:

12th December 2009, 11:52
Good one Pen, nice to see it was resolved.

Joe is right, some people will take advantage.

12th December 2009, 12:07
Well done :-) Good overcomes evil :-)

Thanks Ricky. Are they evils? I consider them horrible.:D

oh dear! hope case solved ate pen...

Yes it's solved and waiting for the money today. Thanks Wheela:xxgrinning--00xx3:

good you stood your ground and didn't give in :xxgrinning--00xx3:

some people will take advantage of you, thinking you will not bother trying to claim the money, maybe next time they will not take the :piss2:

Good one Pen, nice to see it was resolved.

Joe is right, some people will take advantage.

Thanks both Mod.:)
I will fight for it even small amount only. I still feel the body pain I've got in their kitchen.:omg:

It seems if I will not fight for my right, they will continue their bad intentions.

To hell with them!:angry::ReadIt:

12th December 2009, 13:37
Believe me or not guys that there are many employers here who are trying to take an advantage with applicants.

Two weeks ago, I applied a work in the Kitchen. I found it very hard so it wasn’t bother me if my application is unsuccessful.

I will post my story but I will not give full details for my security and their reputations.

Apologize for that.

I sent a recorded/register letter by post to the employer as per CAB advise.
I sent email to the manager about the actions I have done.

To all members here, I wish this will help us avoid this type of problem in the UK.

Here is my letter content.

The Manager

December 09, 2009
Dear Sir/Madam:

I was advised by ACAS to write you and inform you have a grievance. It is about my 10 hours worked done last December 5, 2009 from 12:00 – 10:00 in the evening.

On December 2, 2009, I have applied in your office for a kitchen work. I rang Miss XXX on the same date and that same date, I was advised to hand my CV and I filled up application forms in your office. Then I received a call from Miss XXX that I will have my trial on the saturday that will start 12:00.

You were not given me any information in writing about pay, the number of hours required, or breaks. I asked Miss xxxx about my break and she verbally said that I could have a 30 minutes paid break.

On Monday, December 7, 2009, at around 17:00 p.m., I received a call from Miss XXX and informed me that I was not successful with the job. Then I asked her when can I get my payment and she said “ I didn’t promise you to get paid”. I was shocked because I understood that I will get paid. If she did tell me beforehand, I will only work for 4 hours because 10 hours is too long for an unpaid trial. I searched the web about work trial scheme in the UK and found out that employers should make an arrangement with Jobcentreplus beforehand about this. And Work Trial is completely a volunteer work.

On Wednesday (today), I went to Jobcentreplus and asked if there was an arrangement happened between them and XXXX. Miss XXXX from Jobcentreplus said, there was no arrangement and she explained to me that there should have an arrangement and they will visit XXXXX before my work Trial. So, I went to CAB and they tried their best to help me.

I would like to be paid the minimum wage of £5.80 for the time worked including the 30 minute break. (£58.00) as soon as possible

Please reply in writing explaining why I have not been paid.

here is my email to the manager.

Dear Miss XXX,

I have made my tracking online at Royal Mail regarding my letter posted yesterday. Here is the status:

Item XXXXXXX and is being progressed through our network for delivery.

Miss XXX, I understand your command responsibility, but please next time, if you hire applicants, please follow Jobcentreplus rules.

I'll send you a copy in your email a copy of my letter.

Goodluck to your career.

I got reply today:

Dear penny
Thank you for your e-mail.
I have already responded to the query we received from the CAB by posting you a letter yesterday. The CAB advised that we should respond by letter, so I would be grateful if you could please await to receive this. My letter should reach you today, with payment for the trial shift you worked last Saturday.
i would be grateful if you could please confirm receipt of this payment.
I trust you will be satisfied with this response and I sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Best wishes for your future career.

Your story should be a warning to others.....

12th December 2009, 19:06
thanks for sharing te Pen and well done for standing up and doing what is right..:)

13th December 2009, 07:54
Your story should be a warning to others.....

Yes Arthuro, and also warning to employers. Not all their applicants will not resist/complaint if they have bad intentions. I read and hear about how employers exploits their workers. EU Nationals, filipino nurses (before), filipino fishermen and even british nationals. Most of them working with agencies, and workers are always the looser.:NoNo:





thanks for sharing te Pen and well done for standing up and doing what is right..:)

Thanks Kim! How are you?
I am willing to share my stories if this will benefit my fellow members to avoid fraudalent act by some employers.

I will always fight for my right in their wrong doing.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th December 2009, 11:36
Gooooooooo Pen:xxgrinning--00xx3:kick their ass :xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th December 2009, 15:28
Gooooooooo Pen:xxgrinning--00xx3:kick their ass :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I did! they are now at emergency room! Others in ICU. :omg::ARsurrender:

South-east boy
13th December 2009, 20:09
I did! they are now at emergency room! Others in ICU. :omg::ARsurrender:

:icon_lol::icon_lol: :xxgrinning--00xx3:

My brothers GF had this too, they asked to her to work after the interview, then asked her back again, so she thought that they were quite interested. But after that she never heard from them again! :NoNo: They didn't even have the decency to write her 'a thanks, but no thanks letter' after the hours that she worked for nothing for them. :cwm23:

Arthur Little
14th December 2009, 00:59
Penny ... my late wife, Iris often quoted an old Scots saying: "Guid gear goes in sma' bulk!". :Kilt: She was barely 5ft tall ... yet she never allowed ANYONE (regardless of their stature or position) to take advantage of her. :poke: And she'd have been proud of your ability to stand up for your rights!

Very well done, lass ... and more power to your elbow! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th December 2009, 05:31
I'll take note of this ate Penny thanks for sharing it:xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th December 2009, 10:25
:icon_lol::icon_lol: :xxgrinning--00xx3:

My brothers GF had this too, they asked to her to work after the interview, then asked her back again, so she thought that they were quite interested. But after that she never heard from them again! :NoNo: They didn't even have the decency to write her 'a thanks, but no thanks letter' after the hours that she worked for nothing for them. :cwm23:

Sorry to your sis. I will surely ring them.:D

Most employers sent back thankful letter to me. This restaurant is a big busy restaurant. The manager said I have a wonderful CV better than her. :D She looks lovely, young and I feel she did this because of her command responsibility. But they must follow the Jobcentreplus rules.

Penny ... my late wife, Iris often quoted an old Scots saying: "Guid gear goes in sma' bulk!". :Kilt: She was barely 5ft tall ... yet she never allowed ANYONE (regardless of their stature or position) to take advantage of her. :poke: And she'd have been proud of your ability to stand up for your rights!

Very well done, lass ... and more power to your elbow! :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Thanks Arth! We have same height:omg:. I believe size doesn't matter to stand up my rights. Send my thanks to your sis.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

I'll take note of this ate Penny thanks for sharing it:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Thanks Leah! Kapag may katwiran, ipaglaban mo! That our saying goes in Pinas.

Wherever I am, I do stand for my rights and rights of others sometimes. I remember when I was in Taiwan. We had a strict supervisor. We were assigned at QC Inspections and my co-worker asked permission that she feel want to go toilet for a pee. She was not allowed to do that because we had just a break an hour ago. I asked our supervisor if I can speak to him privately.

He let my co-worker to go to toilet but he told the manager about it. Since then, they kept an eye to me.

I was sent home after one year although my contract was 2 years. I went to our agency and told them to return back my agency fee, as I paid 130,000 pesos. They said it will never happen.

I went to POEA and filed a case against my agency. They were sent a letter that they will be under sheriff after 3 times of not attending our hearings.
I got back completely 130,000 which I didn't expect the full amount I paid.
That money helped a lot in my internet cafe business.:BouncyHappy:

14th December 2009, 10:41
Remind me to never give you a job......:D


14th December 2009, 11:36
Remind me to never give you a job......:D


Try me first Mod,
I stayed for a decade in a manufacturing firm!
I love the job but it was deadly locked by trade union.:doh:D:icon_lol:

14th December 2009, 13:38
Just received my check now. :omg::xxgrinning--00xx3:


15th December 2009, 09:06
You're a feisty woman Penny...good to have as a friend...a fighter :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th December 2009, 12:17
You're a feisty woman Penny...good to have as a friend...a fighter :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Thanks Sim!

As Bernadette Devlin says:

Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win.:xxgrinning--00xx3:


15th December 2009, 16:10
As Bernadette Devlin says:

Not much of a role model am afraid.....:NoNo:

15th December 2009, 17:22
Not much of a role model am afraid.....:NoNo:

How about this:

My advice to you is to get married. If you find a good wife, you'll be happy; if not, you'll become a philosopher.

Moral excellence comes about as a result of habit. We become just by doing just acts, temperate by doing temperate acts, brave by doing brave acts.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernadette_Devlin_McAliskey :omg::omg::omg:

15th December 2009, 21:53
Very true my Wifes first work place made her work the first so many hours for free. At the time we weighed up the pro's and con's and decided that it was a good investment as she needed a job as going stir crazy stuck in the house so didn't make a fuss. Dont worry the bank of Somebody rewarded her with a shopping trip as compensation.

Im glad you stood your crowd and got what you deserve well done and also very useful you showing all the steps you took:xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th December 2009, 10:07
Very true my Wifes first work place made her work the first so many hours for free. At the time we weighed up the pro's and con's and decided that it was a good investment as she needed a job as going stir crazy stuck in the house so didn't make a fuss. Dont worry the bank of Somebody rewarded her with a shopping trip as compensation.

Im glad you stood your crowd and got what you deserve well done and also very useful you showing all the steps you took:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Thanks somebody! I am willing to do unpaid job if that will benefit me and contribute something good in our community. I have made it already in our community to volunteer and befriend elderlies. But never will I volunteer a job like that. I will not offer myself to do a work trial with them.

I am also willing to do apprentice or a month trial with computing job or maybe admin job. I am sure they will help me trained well and they can save a fortune. :)

16th December 2009, 23:15
Nice to see you stuck to your guns Penny!

When I was 17 I had a similar experience with some sharks who did the same with me.. I got paid but from what I was told by some of the staff there, they try to get young kids like I was to work for free in order to help in busy times without going to the expense of a temp agency..

It was lucky though, that I told them that if I didn't get paid they could explain it to my brothers :D Despite being the only boy... Not that they knew that..

Arthur Little
17th December 2009, 12:50
Just received my check now. :omg::xxgrinning--00xx3:


:xxgrinning--00xx3: Good ON you, lass! :admin:

17th December 2009, 14:37
Nice to see you stuck to your guns Penny!

When I was 17 I had a similar experience with some sharks who did the same with me.. I got paid but from what I was told by some of the staff there, they try to get young kids like I was to work for free in order to help in busy times without going to the expense of a temp agency..

It was lucky though, that I told them that if I didn't get paid they could explain it to my brothers :D Despite being the only boy... Not that they knew that..
So that is kinda old tricks here.:omg::omg::omg:

:xxgrinning--00xx3: Good ON you, lass! :admin:

Thanks Arth! Deposited 3 days ago.:xxgrinning--00xx3::BouncyHappy::cwm12: