View Full Version : The 10 most shameful pinoy habits.

13th December 2009, 12:57
Q-TV today hosted by Rovilson Fernandez was on the subject of Pinoy bad manners listed as follows...................
1- crab mentality
2- manana habit/juan tamad ( siesta time)
3- filipino time (always late)
4- short term memory.
5-ihi, dura and sitsit anywhere ( urinate, spit and shhh)
6-colonial mentality (imported is always best)
7-regional raciscism ( ilongo, visaya, tagalog, -abroad pinays group according to their dialects or homeland geography)
8-ningas cogon(short attention span, easy to burn out,easy to put off or discourage)
9-no discipline (dont respect traffic signs,instructions etc)
10-tsismis ( favorite past time , entertainment)

agree or disagree ladies and gentlemen?Whats the bad habits of the brits:Erm:

13th December 2009, 12:59
The program was called " Ang Pinoy Pinaka":)

13th December 2009, 13:29
11. See 4!

13th December 2009, 14:18
Soory what was number 4 abain. I had a number 3 then i was number 4!

13th December 2009, 15:13
Q-TV today hosted by Rovilson Fernandez was on the subject of Pinoy bad manners listed as follows...................
1- crab mentality
2- manana habit/juan tamad ( siesta time)
3- filipino time (always late)
4- short term memory.
5-ihi, dura and sitsit anywhere ( urinate, spit and shhh)
6-colonial mentality (imported is always best)
7-regional raciscism ( ilongo, visaya, tagalog, -abroad pinays group according to their dialects or homeland geography)
8-ningas cogon(short attention span, easy to burn out,easy to put off or discourage)
9-no discipline (dont respect traffic signs,instructions etc)
10-tsismis ( favorite past time , entertainment)

agree or disagree ladies and gentlemen?Whats the bad habits of the brits:Erm:

1- crab mentality- I have known some here
2- manana habit/juan tamad ( siesta time)- Parents who's spending children's money.
3- filipino time (always late) I am!
4- short term memory. Sometimes me!
5-ihi, dura and sitsit anywhere ( urinate, spit and shhh) Yakkks I don't do that!!!
6-colonial mentality (imported is always best)- Wow I don't like Goya! I like Belgian chocolates.
7-regional raciscism ( ilongo, visaya, tagalog, -abroad pinays group according to their dialects or homeland geography)- I love my visayan friends who is proud of being visaya, I don't like visaya who is proud to be a tagalog nakarating lang ng Manila! ahahahha I love my Ilongga friends, they speaks very soft spoken! I dunno why Pinays, sa airplane pa lang, hambog na. There is a group hambog here!
8-ningas cogon(short attention span, easy to burn out,easy to put off or discourage)- Me- I always change my job.
9-no discipline (dont respect traffic signs,instructions etc) - There are many in Edinburgh, they are white not brown. I saw them when they crossing on the road. They can't wait 'til green lights on.
10-tsismis ( favorite past time , entertainment) Korek ka dyan Tawi! but only those stuck at home talking about me. Lol ! I am sikat walang utang, uutang pa lang ehehehhe!

So How about British?
I see some of them reading newspapers & books, dipping their fingers into their tongue, then turn to next page. yaks!
I see some staffs at post office, they dip the stamp in their tongue and stick to envelope. Another yaks!

13th December 2009, 15:38
Well unfortunately everwhere has its bad habits, I've worked for some of the highest people in society and have been shocked by behaviour and seen them eat in a manner worse then children.
Then i've worked in places where i'm expected to eat pizza and hamburger (shamefully) with a knife and fork.

Funny you should comment on the stamps which are designed to be licked, I suppose I have just grown up accepting that as the norm. I do believe that the UK is going for all self adhesive stamps now.

Sit around McDonalds in the UK one day, you'll see some awful sights!

13th December 2009, 15:45
no.4......all the time..

13th December 2009, 16:57
Q-TV today hosted by Rovilson Fernandez was on the subject of Pinoy bad manners listed as follows...................
1- crab mentality
2- manana habit/juan tamad ( siesta time)
3- filipino time (always late)
4- short term memory.
5-ihi, dura and sitsit anywhere ( urinate, spit and shhh)
6-colonial mentality (imported is always best)
7-regional raciscism ( ilongo, visaya, tagalog, -abroad pinays group according to their dialects or homeland geography)
8-ningas cogon(short attention span, easy to burn out,easy to put off or discourage)
9-no discipline (dont respect traffic signs,instructions etc)
10-tsismis ( favorite past time , entertainment)

agree or disagree ladies and gentlemen?Whats the bad habits of the brits:Erm:

No. 4 - kadiri talga! :angry: specially when your at the moving jeep and suddenly the driver spit, bits of his laway will go to you! yuck talga! :angry: :NoNo:

13th December 2009, 18:09
11. singa, dahak - yuck! :NoNo:
12. singing videoke in the street till 12 midnight! :cwm23:
13. street gambling :NoNo:

13th December 2009, 18:31
nobody is perfect

South-east boy
13th December 2009, 19:43
So How about British?
I see some of them reading newspapers & books, dipping their fingers into their tongue, then turn to next page. yaks!
I see some staffs at post office, they dip the stamp in their tongue and stick to envelope. Another yaks!

I don't mind people licking their fingers when turning pages on their own magazines, books or newspapers, but it really bugs me when it's mine and its new! :NoNo: Even worse us when they do it with my photos as it marks the glossy finish of the photo! :cwm23:

Arthur Little
13th December 2009, 23:23
One of MY 'pet hates' is when I've stood for a few moments, holding a door open for someone a short distance behind me ... and he/she doesn't even bother to :) in acknowledgement - let alone have the courtesy to utter a simple "thanks!" :doh

Or, there again, if the person directly in front hasn't held it ajar for ME and, instead, merely lets it swing back in my face without so much as a backward glance. Grrr!!!

Sheer bad manners, either way! :cwm23: Thank God for automatic doors!

14th December 2009, 08:36
One of MY 'pet hates' is when I've stood for a few moments, holding a door open for someone a short distance behind me ... and he/she doesn't even bother to :) in acknowledgement - let alone have the courtesy to utter a simple "thanks!" :doh

Or, there again, if the person directly in front hasn't held it ajar for ME and, instead, merely lets it swing back in my face without so much as a backward glance. Grrr!!!

Sheer bad manners, either way! :cwm23: Thank God for automatic doors!


Not a door in sight.....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th December 2009, 09:14
Sheer bad manners, either way! :cwm23: Thank God for automatic doors!
As you keep telling us, you're no young chicken anymore..... maybe you haven't noticed how much you've shrunk and people just can't see you :D

If you are of the opinion all Filipina's are tall..... you have a problem!! :omg:

14th December 2009, 10:46
Funny you should comment on the stamps which are designed to be licked, I suppose I have just grown up accepting that as the norm. I do believe that the UK is going for all self adhesive stamps now.

Sit around McDonalds in the UK one day, you'll see some awful sights!
We have funny jokes in our place, if you see someone who dipped the stamp in their tongue, then you will be advised to apply a job at post office as they will say your tongue is designed for stamp. They said it is an easy job. Just sit down at post office and say ahhh and let the people dip their stamp into your tongue 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.:omg::omg: Easy job good money.:D

I don't mind people licking their fingers when turning pages on their own magazines, books or newspapers, but it really bugs me when it's mine and its new! :NoNo: Even worse us when they do it with my photos as it marks the glossy finish of the photo! :cwm23:

I have a sister in Law whose business is buying all types of papers from offices to junk shop. She said paper mills recycled those papers and segregate their types. She said newspapers are the dirtiest papers as they recycled many times again and again. Use typewritings can make toilet rolls too. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th December 2009, 12:06
No one's mentioned farting at home yet???
I do hope it's not only me thats experienced that :(

14th December 2009, 12:24
I hate the Tagay one glass thing..My brother in law was really rather drunk when he passed a sober me the glass...The worst bit was he`d been eating Chicharon and there were bits of it floating in the Gin..
Cant believe I drank it!!

Arthur Little
14th December 2009, 13:29
As you keep telling us, you're no young chicken anymore..... maybe you haven't noticed how much you've *shrunk and people just can't see you :D

:Erm: *Nah ... I STILL stand "erect" at 6'-1". :icon_lol:

14th December 2009, 13:51
:Erm: *Nah ... I STILL stand "erect" at 6'-1". :icon_lol:

Wow! Is that 6 foot 1 inch?
or 6 inches 1 mm? :omg:
Chest out! Stomach in!
Let me check!:D:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

Arthur Little
14th December 2009, 13:57

Not a door in sight.....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

:Erm: At first glance, I thought ... "now that building reminds me of the ampitheatre I saw in Verona about 7 years ago!". Then I clicked on your thumbnail and realised it was the Coliseum :cwm24: ... which I haven't yet seen :NoNo: because I've still to visit Rome.

:icon_offtopic: Ahh ... one of these days, Myrna and I will find ourselves 'roamin' the streets of the Eternal City ...

Arthur Little
14th December 2009, 14:11
Wow! Is that 6 foot 1 inch?
or 6 inches 1 mm? :omg:
Chest out! Stomach in!
Let me check!:D:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

:Erm: ... 6ft.1 inch, Penny; BIG, eh? :icon_lol:

Arthur Little
14th December 2009, 14:18
Yes ... when I was a teenager, I used to get teased by my associates :bigcry: ... because my height wasn't exactly compatible with my surname! :NoNo:

15th December 2009, 23:19
Hi There i think some of the worst habits i did see in the Philippines is beautiful woman spitting as they walking along. These people must also be the best spitters in the world. They really give it all theyve got .

Next -: motorists that will run you over and never stop.


16th December 2009, 09:35
Hi There i think some of the worst habits i did see in the Philippines is beautiful woman spitting as they walking along. These people must also be the best spitters in the world. They really give it all theyve got .
:omg: You don't want to meet my missus then, she can hit a sparrow from 100 yards :cwm24:

16th December 2009, 09:41
:Erm: *Nah ... I STILL stand "erect" at 6'-1". :icon_lol:

:omg::yikes::icon_lol: Go to your room!!

16th December 2009, 16:36
One of MY 'pet hates' is when I've stood for a few moments, holding a door open for someone a short distance behind me ... and he/she doesn't even bother to :) in acknowledgement - let alone have the courtesy to utter a simple "thanks!" :doh...............

Hi Arthur,

I always say "My pleasure" when they do that.
At least it makes most of them realise they are rude.
The ones that don't react are lost causes.

16th December 2009, 16:39
Q-TV today hosted by Rovilson Fernandez was on the subject of Pinoy bad manners listed as follows...................
1- crab mentality
2- manana habit/juan tamad ( siesta time)
3- filipino time (always late)
4- short term memory.
5-ihi, dura and sitsit anywhere ( urinate, spit and shhh)
6-colonial mentality (imported is always best)
7-regional raciscism ( ilongo, visaya, tagalog, -abroad pinays group according to their dialects or homeland geography)
8-ningas cogon(short attention span, easy to burn out,easy to put off or discourage)
9-no discipline (dont respect traffic signs,instructions etc)
10-tsismis ( favorite past time , entertainment)

agree or disagree ladies and gentlemen?Whats the bad habits of the brits:Erm:

Do we have 100 bad habits for the Brits?
I think so.

16th December 2009, 17:41
12. Leaving pubes on my toothbrush....

16th December 2009, 17:44
12. Leaving pubes on my toothbrush....
Many a true word said in Jest,I have met more than one pinay who used toothpaste :cwm24: "Downstairs":cwm24:Trust me on that one,100% factual:icon_lol:I think they used it because of some hygiene or spermicide aspect :Erm:I was too shy to ask :ARsurrender:

17th December 2009, 21:28
Only wanting to make friends with other pinay/pinoys is very annoying.

18th December 2009, 08:59
Only wanting to make friends with other pinay/pinoys is very annoying.