View Full Version : My absence...........

16th December 2009, 14:40
.....has, of course, been due to recent events with Hanna and her auntie. Tomorrow is 'Novena' - prayer for the dead - the 9th day after death. Will hopefully get back to normal after that. BTW - thanks Andy for your comments on my relevant threads.


P.S. One more thread before I disappear again for a couple of days. Watch out for.........................CHRISTMAS DAY!!!!!

P.P.S. Thank you once again everyone for your kind thoughts and sentiments. It is Hanna who has read them all (about 50 times!!!) and taken great comfort from them.

P.P.P.S. There is NO P.P.P.S.

P.P.P.P.S. Oldham won last Saturday!

Arthur Little
16th December 2009, 14:59
.....has, of course, been due to recent events with Hanna and her auntie. Tomorrow is 'Novena'. Will hopefully get back to normal after that.

Understandable Al :rolleyes: ... we shall, of course, be thinking of you both, tomorrow ...

P.P.S. Thank you once again everyone for your kind thoughts and sentiments. It is Hanna who has read them all (about 50 times!!!) and taken great *comfort from them.

... it's good to know *that ... and, rest assured, you will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers over the festive period! :xxgrinning--00xx3: