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Arthur Little
16th December 2009, 21:18
... the :joke: about 'Polaris' knickers? One Yank :action-smiley-081: ... and they're down!

22nd December 2009, 20:11
We three kings of orient are,
Selling knickers a penny a pair,
They're fan-tastic!
No e-lastic!

Falling down every-where!:D

Arthur Little
22nd December 2009, 20:54
We three kings of orient are,
Selling knickers a penny a pair,
They're fan-tastic!
No e-lastic!

Falling down every-where!:D

:icon_lol: ... Nice one, Nigel! Glad to see that one fellow member, at least, shares my sense of humour ... cos YOU'RE the first to respond to MINE - which has "lain" here [apparently unnoticed] :bigcry: for the best part of a week!

Thanks, mate! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd December 2009, 21:12
which has "lain" here apparently unnoticed for the best part of a week!

I would hazard a guess and go for "ignored" as opposed to unnoticed...:icon_lol:

Doc Alan
22nd December 2009, 21:13
How does King Wenceslas like his pizzas ? Deep and crisp and even !
Arthur, I've also enjoyed your joke, but ... talking about "lain" , you've maybe not noticed (or decided not to respond) to my suggestion in "News - World" that you become a fan of Aegis Band, thus making me the second oldest fan in the UK ! It's all part of an attempt to replace Susan Boyle with Aegis Band at number 1 in the album charts !

Arthur Little
22nd December 2009, 22:14
I would hazard a guess and go for "ignored" as opposed to unnoticed...:icon_lol:

Y'know, you COULD be right in your assumption! :doh ... Nigel & Arthur ... the "twin pillars of tall storeys"!! [read stories].

Arthur Little
23rd December 2009, 10:59
*How does King Wenceslas like his pizzas ? Deep and crisp and even !
Arthur, I've also enjoyed your joke, but ... talking about "lain" , you've maybe not noticed (or decided not to respond) to my suggestion in "News - World" that you become a fan of Aegis Band, thus making me the second oldest fan in the UK ! It's all part of an attempt to replace Susan Boyle with Aegis Band at number 1 in the album charts !

:Erm: ... As one who enjoys his food ... I could EVEN acquire an "in-depth taste" for this kind of "crisp" humour, Alan! :D

I've since accepted your invitation to become the UK's latest ... and oldest :olddude: ... member of Aegis Band's fanclub. Perhaps at the same time [as fellow Glaswegians] WE could, sur(r)e(l)y [*he hails from Surrey!] displace *Nigel at the "top of the forum's" comedy charts!! :lol2:

Arthur Little
23rd December 2009, 11:07
WE could, sur(r)e(l)y [*he hails from Surrey!] displace *Nigel at the "top of the forum's" comedy charts!! :lol2:

No offence, Nigel! ...:NoNo:

Doc Alan
23rd December 2009, 14:34

I've since accepted your invitation to become the UK's latest ... and oldest :olddude: ... member of Aegis Band's fanclub. Perhaps at the same time [as fellow Glaswegians] WE could, sur(r)e(l)y [*he hails from Surrey!] displace *Nigel at the "top of the forum's" comedy charts!! :lol2:

That's quite a challenge ! I wonder if Billy Connolly might be interested in becoming a trusted / respected member of the Forum ... maybe not !!