View Full Version : How Many Men Have You Slept With?

20th December 2009, 18:38
A man approaches a woman in a bar, he says "So, how many men have you slept with?"

She says :cwm23::cwm23:"That's my business!":cwm23::cwm23:

He says "Oh, :Erm: sorry, :Erm: I didn't know you were a prostitute!"


Arthur Little
21st December 2009, 00:00
So, how many men have you slept with ...?

:Erm: ... None of your business, Nigel! :NoNo:

Arthur Little
21st December 2009, 00:16
As a slight variation on Nigel's theme:

Q. ... What does one call a prostitute who takes 90 minutes to satisfy her client ...?

A. ... A "hoor" and a half! :cwm24:

*Footnote: 'Hoor' is the Scot's pronunciation of 'whore' AND 'hour'.

:Erm: Please note also, that the teller of THIS follow-up :joke:, is prepared to remove it, if it's deemed to be in any way offensive.

22nd December 2009, 20:08
Heh heh heh heh:icon_lol:

Did you hear about the bisexual donkey? It had a Hee and a Haw!

(He and a Whore..):rolleyes: