View Full Version : 8 days to go..

21st December 2009, 20:27
On the 30th. of December I'll be winging my way to Manila to be with my missus again. It's been 20 months since we parted in China and I have missed her so, so very much. She really is one in a million, everyday (we have missed a few times because of her travelling to the Island of Limasawa etc.) morning and night I have texted her or she has rang me..My friends cannot believe that someone could keep up a relationship that long without meeting face to face at some point. I'm also going to be able to take my son (whom I've never seen, except for photo's) out to the park where at 14 months old, he already wants to kick footballs about (soon get rid of that bad habit, I'll introduce him to Rugby League as soon as possible..:icon_lol::icon_lol::xxgrinning--00xx3:) Thanks for all the good reading on here when I was feeling down and a bit out of sorts about being so far away from them both..it really was appreciated..Well. it's onwards and upwards now, so they say...I think though, that after 20 months..we do love each other...very, very much:xxgrinning--00xx3: All the best to everyone...Jack.

21st December 2009, 20:32
20 months???? Waow, that's a lesson of patience and faithfulness! I will be back in Davao on 14 January after hardly 4 months separation and it already looks like eternity!

21st December 2009, 20:44
Excellent story Jack,give your boy a big hug,she really does sound something special,lucky guy:xxgrinning--00xx3:Merry christmas mate :)

21st December 2009, 21:01
Blimey! that is a long time, but not long now....what's that, a week on thursday I think?...Never having seen your son before, is literally heartbreaking. :bigcry:

Well happier times ahead for you now. :xxgrinning--00xx3: Happy Christmas

Is this a permanant re-union? :)

21st December 2009, 21:02
goodluck and have a nice time!!!

20 months...to 8 days and counting...

Arthur Little
21st December 2009, 22:57
On the 30th. of December I'll be winging my way to Manila to be with my missus again. It's been 20 months since we parted in China and I have missed her so, so very much. She really is one in a million, everyday (we have missed a few times because of her travelling to the Island of Limasawa etc.) morning and night I have texted her or she has rang me..My friends cannot believe that someone could keep up a relationship that long without meeting face to face at some point. I'm also going to be able to take my son (whom I've never seen, except for photo's) out to the park where at 14 months old, he already wants to kick footballs about (soon get rid of that bad habit, I'll introduce him to Rugby League as soon as possible..:icon_lol::icon_lol::xxgrinning--00xx3:) Thanks for all the good reading on here when I was feeling down and a bit out of sorts about being so far away from them both..it really was appreciated..Well. it's onwards and upwards now, so they say...I think though, that after 20 months..we do love each other...very, very much:xxgrinning--00xx3: All the best to everyone...Jack.

It's a well-known saying that "absence makes the heart grow fonder" ... and that would most certainly seem to apply to YOUR relationship. Finally, nearly two long years of separation are almost at an end for you and your Mahal.

I'm sure each and every one of your co-forumers would commend both of you for your infinite patience, and join me in extending our best wishes for a very joyful reunion :love2: ... further strengthened by the extra-special experience that marks the bonding between a father and his son!!

22nd December 2009, 02:49
What a lovely time to celebrate New Year together with your family.
Have a safe trip. Merry Christmas :holiday08:

22nd December 2009, 15:32
Have a wonderful time, I took my daughter to the Philippines to meet her father for the first time when she was 19 months old - it was interesting to watch - she didn't look to him for comfort or permission and he only ever played naughty permissive uncle anyway, they enjoyed it, after all he didn't want to be in a position where he had to say 'no' to anything! - now they have found the balance and built a strong bond - make the most of your time, and I hope you can all be together as a united family soon

22nd December 2009, 17:29
Thank you for the replies...and yes...it is permanant..I would be an utter fool to pass this lady by after all she has sacrificed for me and baby Jack..we are off back to China for 6 months and then I hope to buy a house near my brothers home (he's also married to a Filipino lady) in Pampanga.......there are a few ex-pats living there, but I dont want to become part of that kind of community, although there is nothing wrong with it as such..the only one other problem is..my missus has told me she wants a little girl..Oh god will it ever end... hehehe...Thank you again for the replies...Jack.

Arthur Little
22nd December 2009, 17:40
*Oh god will it ever end... hehehe...

... :icon_lol: *oh yes, it WILL, Jack ... when you've fulfilled your missus's fondest dreams of also having a little girl to complete your happy family ...!