View Full Version : Perverted Joke

30th December 2009, 01:15
Little Johnny walks into his parents bedroom to find his Dad having sex with his Mum. His Dad smirks and throws a pillow at the door saying, "Get outta here, you little rascal!"

A couple of hours later Dad hears a whole lot of commotion coming from little Johnny's bedroom. He goes up to find little Johnny giving his Grandma a right royal seeing to.

Dad stands there in terror at what he is seeing.

Little Johnny turns round and smiles, "It's not so funny when it's YOUR mum, is it?"

30th December 2009, 22:32
A 70 year old man speaks to his son...

"Son, I have an erect:icon_tonguew:on!:yikes: It's the first time I've had an erect:icon_tonguew:on for 15 years! I must seize this moment and sh:Sex:g your mother right now...so where is she?" :yikes:

"Well dad, she is upstairs, but you'll have to take me with you, cause that's my d:icon_tonguew:ck your holding!:cwm24:

31st December 2009, 01:38
A 70 year old man speaks to his son...

"Son, I have an erect:icon_tonguew:on!:yikes: It's the first time I've had an erect:icon_tonguew:on for 15 years! I must seize this moment and sh:Sex:g your mother right now...so where is she?" :yikes:

"Well dad, she is upstairs, but you'll have to take me with you, cause that's my d:icon_tonguew:ck your holding!:cwm24:


31st December 2009, 13:40
:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol: anymore?