View Full Version : Hi Mrs Russell!!

3rd January 2010, 05:23
Hi everybody!!! Im so happyy!!! I just got married last december 2009 with my british bf for 5years,so call me Mrs Russell now:):cwm38: ... hmmm quite busy start for me this year sorting papers to visit my husband and have a real nice get together with his family ,just not certain what type of visa to apply for thats why i logged in to this site to check on u guys forums,chats etc..:Rasp:
Happy new year to us !!


3rd January 2010, 08:11
Hello Mrs Russell :Hellooo: congratulations on your recent wedding.
Keep tuning in here, as you'll find all the answers you need here. :)

3rd January 2010, 09:41
Hello Mrs Russell :Hellooo: congratulations on your recent wedding.
Keep tuning in here, as you'll find all the answers you need here. :)

Thanks a lot!! but still want to know if i can bring my 2kids with me for vacation in 2mos? and is it family visitor visa that i will have to use to visit my husband?
will appreciate any reply here :)tnx

Arthur Little
3rd January 2010, 09:43
Hi everybody!!! Im so happyy!!! I just got married last december 2009 with my british bf for 5years,so call me Mrs Russell now:):cwm38: ... hmmm quite busy start for me this year sorting papers to visit my husband and have a real nice get together with his family ,just not certain what type of visa to apply for thats why i logged in to this site to check on u guys forums,chats etc..:Rasp:
Happy new year to us !!


:welcomex: Mari ... the new Mrs Russell!

3rd January 2010, 10:15
Hello Mrs. Russell! congratulations and welcome to the forum! :)

3rd January 2010, 10:22
:welcomex: Mari ... the new Mrs Russell!

Thanks a lot!Happy New year!!

3rd January 2010, 10:23
Hello Mrs. Russell! congratulations and welcome to the forum! :)

thanks girl!!

3rd January 2010, 10:24
Hi everybody!!! Im so happyy!!! I just got married last december 2009 with my british bf for 5years,so call me Mrs Russell now:):cwm38: ... hmmm quite busy start for me this year sorting papers to visit my husband and have a real nice get together with his family ,just not certain what type of visa to apply for thats why i logged in to this site to check on u guys forums,chats etc..:Rasp:
Happy new year to us !!

Thanks a lot!! but still want to know if i can bring my 2kids with me for vacation in 2mos? and is it family visitor visa that i will have to use to visit my husband?
will appreciate any reply here :)tnx

Hi Mrs Russell and welcome to the forum. Now that your married you can apply for a spouse (settlement) visa and it would probably be best to include your children on that visa application because then they can come here as and when you want them to. If you only want the children to apply for a family visit visa then you would probably have to wait until you already have a visa and have come to live in the UK.

You can't really plan this for 2 months time because there is lots of paperwork to get together before you will be able to make a successful visa application. This is a link to the place where you apply for a visa and you will find most of the information you need here http://www.vfs-uk-ph.com/

3rd January 2010, 11:07
Thanks a lot Iain!!! i'd love to apply for a settlement visa straight away but me and my hubby wants to pay respect to his nan's request before she expires coz shes already 98yo,she wants to see her grandsons new family in real so thats why am applying for a family visitor visa for 2mos with the kids then come back to philippines and arrange all loads of paperworks for my settlement visa....
My question is ...do i also need to get a sponsor letter from his nan,mum or bro? as he only own in a flat with one bedroom his bro got 4bedrooms for our accomodation? need to meet with his family they were so loverly esp his nan thats why i need to fill up the right form this month and fly over there and meet em..thanks!!! would love to here ur replies here

3rd January 2010, 11:40
Thanks a lot Iain!!! i'd love to apply for a settlement visa straight away but me and my hubby wants to pay respect to his nan's request before she expires coz shes already 98yo,she wants to see her grandsons new family in real so thats why am applying for a family visitor visa for 2mos with the kids then come back to philippines and arrange all loads of paperworks for my settlement visa....
My question is ...do i also need to get a sponsor letter from his nan,mum or bro? as he only own in a flat with one bedroom his bro got 4bedrooms for our accomodation? need to meet with his family they were so loverly esp his nan thats why i need to fill up the right form this month and fly over there and meet em..thanks!!! would love to here ur replies here

I think that if you had a well assembled application stating where you were all going to stay whilst in the UK and how you would all be supported financially, also explaining the reasons for your Family Visit Visa application at this stage and that that you fully intend to return to the Philippines and apply for a settlement visa at a later stage when your husband has sorted out the issue of family accomodation in the long term, then I can't think why the ECO would not see this as perfectly acceptable.

The main thing is that you should avoid giving any impression that you are trying to circumvent the normal process of applying for a settlement visa because of issues with regard to sole responsibility of the children and I think that you should submit evidence of this as part of your application. The reason I say this is that the ECO will probably conclude that there is unlikely to be any reason other than accomodation why you (married to a British citizen) would not be given a spouse visa, but issues surrounding the childrens paternity which would not normally be scrutinised for a visit visa, may be looked at more closely. The other thing that the ECO may want to consider is, are you trying to circumvent the normal process because of your husbands accomodation problems.


3rd January 2010, 12:50
I think that if you had a well assembled application stating where you were all going to stay whilst in the UK and how you would all be supported financially, also explaining the reasons for your Family Visit Visa application at this stage and that that you fully intend to return to the Philippines and apply for a settlement visa at a later stage when your husband has sorted out the issue of family accomodation in the long term, then I can't think why the ECO would not see this as perfectly acceptable.

The main thing is that you should avoid giving any impression that you are trying to circumvent the normal process of applying for a settlement visa because of issues with regard to sole responsibility of the children and I think that you should submit evidence of this as part of your application. The reason I say this is that the ECO will probably conclude that there is unlikely to be any reason other than accomodation why you (married to a British citizen) would not be given a spouse visa, but issues surrounding the childrens paternity which would not normally be scrutinised for a visit visa, may be looked at more closely. The other thing that the ECO may want to consider is, are you trying to circumvent the normal process because of your husbands accomodation problems.


Thank you vmuch ur so kind:) yeah am sure it'll just be plainly visit visa (i knew for the fact that if i overstayed it would mess my application for settlement visa in the future) will give a family visitor a try..wish me luck!! happy new year


3rd January 2010, 13:19
Hello Mrs. Russell, welcome po sa forum! and goodluck po sa inyo! Happy New Year!

3rd January 2010, 15:46
Welcome to the forum Mrs. Russell:BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy:
Congratulations! :wedtoss:

4th January 2010, 02:24
congratulation Mrs russell.

4th January 2010, 22:37
congratulations on your wedding last month Mrs. Russell and welcome to the forum :)

South-east boy
5th January 2010, 00:07
Welcome Mrs. Russell! :xxgrinning--00xx3: I'm surprised that you didn't use 'Mrs. Russell' as your username! I find the 'virus' in it a bit :omg:

5th January 2010, 10:30
Hi Welcome may I ask how old are your kids?

5th January 2010, 17:44
welcome to the forum, Mrs. Russell..

18th January 2010, 06:44
Hello Mrs. Russell, welcome po sa forum! and goodluck po sa inyo! Happy New Year!

Thank you for the add in friends list dear...mmwah!!

18th January 2010, 06:45
Hi Welcome may I ask how old are your kids?

8yo and 4yo

18th January 2010, 06:48
Welcome Mrs. Russell! :xxgrinning--00xx3: I'm surprised that you didn't use 'Mrs. Russell' as your username! I find the 'virus' in it a bit :omg:

oh yeah says 'not-d-virus' dear...thanks anyway!!

18th January 2010, 06:51
Welcome to the forum Mrs. Russell:BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy:
Congratulations! :wedtoss:

Hi dear thanks!!!! are u in the process of coming over the UK as well?? been busy with papers eh ..miss chatting with u guys


18th January 2010, 11:26
congrats to you....