View Full Version : Is it cold enough for everyone?!

South-east boy
4th January 2010, 23:19
Drove from my parents to home a couple of hours ago and it was so cold that I had to use the ice-scraper on the inside of the windows as well as the outside! :omg: But it didn't work that well and I can't really use de-icer spray on the insides of the windows, so I had to wait for the warm air to de-ice everything!

Yesterday & last night it snowed lightly on & off and the light snow from last night hasn't melted not even on the roads on the estate where I live!

4th January 2010, 23:20
just came back from walking the dog, i slipped twice on icy pavements:bigcry: it is about -3 out there :bigcry::bigcry:

South-east boy
4th January 2010, 23:30
just came back from walking the dog, i slipped twice on icy pavements:bigcry: it is about -3 out there :bigcry::bigcry:

One of the times when owning a dog is not so fun! :rolleyes:

5th January 2010, 00:00
One of the times when owning a dog is not so fun! :rolleyes:

it was still fun watching her fall over :icon_lol: we can never get her to roll over but tonight she did it at least 3 times:icon_lol::icon_lol:

South-east boy
5th January 2010, 00:02
it was still fun watching her fall over :icon_lol: we can never get her to roll over but tonight she did it at least 3 times:icon_lol::icon_lol:

:icon_lol: You shoulda filmed her on a camera/camcorder!

5th January 2010, 00:04
:icon_lol: You shoulda filmed her on a camera/camcorder!

i didn't have my mobile with me:bigcry::bigcry: it was hilarious watching other dogs too:icon_lol::icon_lol: i shall look forward to our walk tomorrow morning this time i am taking my fone:D:D

South-east boy
5th January 2010, 00:22
i didn't have my mobile with me:bigcry::bigcry: it was hilarious watching other dogs too:icon_lol::icon_lol: i shall look forward to our walk tomorrow morning this time i am taking my fone:D:D


I can't get the toes on my left foot warm for some strange reason. Think I could do with one of those foot spa things that Beth18 mentioned! :icon_lol:

5th January 2010, 07:42
We're having the coldest winter for 15 years, according to the weather forecast last night. :36_1_26[1]:

5th January 2010, 08:40
Freezing cold but still kicking and alive here.:D
When I fell in an elevated road, there was no people around but I am not sure if someone seen me from their home. :D There must be a CCTV camera around and they can sell the clip video at Funniest videos. :omg::icon_lol:

South-east boy
5th January 2010, 11:30
First day back at work and my floor & office are freezing! The radiator is on full but not putting out much heat and none of the radiators on the room next door are working! Not amused! Might put my coat back on!

5th January 2010, 12:00
just came back from walking the dog, i slipped twice on icy pavements:bigcry: it is about -3 out there :bigcry::bigcry:

-3 that's warm :D, yesterday morning it was -9 here :36_1_26[1]:

5th January 2010, 19:28
First day back at work and my floor & office are freezing! The radiator is on full but not putting out much heat and none of the radiators on the room next door are working! Not amused! Might put my coat back on!
walk out! i know there is some sort of lw that says u cant work if the temp is overblah or under blah:icon_lol::icon_lol:

5th January 2010, 19:37
You`re all girls, it`s lovely out there :erotic4:
Go out and take a DEEP breath of the lovely crisp winter air .
You went out without your phone Maria? What sort of Pinay are you?!:Rasp:
I hope there`s no snow or :censored: loads of it so Its an easy decision wether to work or not......

5th January 2010, 20:07
No snow in our garden :angry:

I had the wife shovel all 2ft of it into the neighbours :D

5th January 2010, 20:15
I guess us in silly Suffolk are the only ones without snow at the moment? :BouncyHappy:

5th January 2010, 20:48
I guess us in silly Suffolk are the only ones without snow at the moment? :BouncyHappy:

its coming adam:icon_lol::icon_lol: and yes i went out without my mobile:NoNo:

5th January 2010, 21:27
no snow here either,but my wife wants to see her first snow.

in the morning,i need to clear the car of ice and when i go back in the house i put my freezing hands on her :icon_lol:

btw how can a filipina go anywhere without a cell phone :D

5th January 2010, 23:12
no snow here either,but my wife wants to see her first snow.

in the morning,i need to clear the car of ice and when i go back in the house i put my freezing hands on her :icon_lol:

btw how can a filipina go anywhere without a cell phone :D

easy, when u have a dog that pulls, gloves that dont fit right and you know that no one's gonna call u anyway:icon_lol::icon_lol:

7th January 2010, 00:27
have you seen those late night adds for text mates?,i was thinking of trying one myself...the mature ladies seem nice :D

my wife is glued to her cell phone,she even takes it to bed.

7th January 2010, 02:40
btw how can a filipina go anywhere without a cell phone :D

because thats how we are! we cant live without our handy dandy cellphone. when i lost my cellphone, I felt like I lost something or someone dear. :bigcry: Same with my laptop, I cant live without my lappy :rolleyes: :cwm38: when it was jammed for a day, I feel like I lost a limb or something :D

have you seen those late night adds for text mates?,i was thinking of trying one myself...the mature ladies seem nice :D

my wife is glued to her cell phone,she even takes it to bed.

me, too! as well as my laptop :D :rolleyes:

7th January 2010, 10:41
my wife is glued to her cell phone,she even takes it to bed.
If she has it set on vibrate then she's dropping a hint for a bedtime 'toy' :rolleyes:

7th January 2010, 11:19
No snow in our garden :angry:

I had the wife shovel all 2ft of it into the neighbours :D

I wish Ate Ping can help me shovel our garden. I am worried here! :doh
I asked my husband what if the snow is higher than our house?
He said I need to shovel the snow and dump next to our neighbor.:bigcry:



7th January 2010, 11:25
You'e got the same greenhouse as us!!!:)

7th January 2010, 11:31
You'e got the same greenhouse as us!!!:)

:) My chilli and ampalaya still exists inside. :D:BouncyHappy:

7th January 2010, 11:36
:) My chilli and ampalaya still exists inside. :D:BouncyHappy:
If you read the instructions, you need to brush the snow off the roof :xxgrinning--00xx3:

South-east boy
7th January 2010, 20:16
It's so cold outside that the waste pipe outside that leads from my bathroom basin must have frozen, as I washed my hands after going to the loo, and 10 hours later the water is still sitting in the basin and going nowhere! :NoNo: :furious3:

7th January 2010, 23:32
Have a look at this


South-east boy
7th January 2010, 23:34
Nice pics by the way Penny! :xxgrinning--00xx3: Anyone else got some?

8th January 2010, 01:10
You'e got the same greenhouse as us!!!:)

No Keith..Thats her house..

No snow here yet BTW..Kids are a bit disappointed as are the natives as they have never seen any.
Personally Im hoping it continues on its westerly course..Bloody horrible stuff IMO.

8th January 2010, 09:55
Just been to local store and no milk, no bread, etc. All I've got is newspapers!

8th January 2010, 10:06
Just been to local store and no milk, no bread, etc. All I've got is newspapers!
Improvise.....Your a Filipina..... I'm sure one local missing cat/dog will be OK :xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th January 2010, 10:13
Improvise.....Your a Filipina..... I'm sure one local missing cat/dog will be OK :xxgrinning--00xx3:

They will not appreciate my fried rice, fried fish plus water to drink. :D
They don't like rice in the morning.:icon_lol: I can only kill a cat when I'm angry! Dog no way.:omg:

8th January 2010, 20:34
oh well.. haven't been out for my usual walks since the snow arrived... terrible terrible thing!... getting icy now and i hope it goes away soon...

8th January 2010, 20:57
Warmer than this time last at -4.3, and supposed to hover around zero from Sunday.

Doc Alan
8th January 2010, 22:32
Some weeks ago, when I was a "newbie", I assured a nursing graduate ("Satchuna", on the nursing forum) of a warm welcome in the UK. She claimed to be "so excited, I don't know what's waiting for me there". That was late November. Dom /"Aromulus" replied "Cold, wind, rain, snow ...". I was wrong ! Our Meteorological Office was wrong ! Dom, you got it right!