View Full Version : Does anybody from the UK work in the Philippines?

5th January 2010, 19:49

Am looking at the future option of working/living in the Philippines as soon as I can.
I am in the Radio Electronics game, and have sent an Email to PLDT expressing an interest in working for them.
Once I eventually get married there, I am assuming that I should be able to gain citizenship??
Does anybody from here live, and or work in the Philippines??

Many thanks in advance......

South-east boy
5th January 2010, 19:54
I have notice a few people that do from reading various threads/posts. I'm sure there's at least 2 or more on the first couple of pages in the 'introduce yourself' section.

5th January 2010, 19:56
I think getting a job and living in the phils will be more difficult than you think it will be, a few on here have tired it, struggled and had to come back, those with lots of money can afford to stay there and don't rely on someone employing them, fred and a couple of others are still there :D

if you dont have a lot of savings then i suppose AL would be a good person to ask :Erm:

5th January 2010, 19:59
Remember that you only earn a month what you probably earn in days here, and if you don't have a wad to go over with you have trouble getting flights back etc as they cost a fortune compared with Phil saleries.

5th January 2010, 20:18
Thanks lads.

Yes, am aware of this, and thank you for all reminding me.
I am pretty good at what I do here, and earn a good salary, and then some:)
Retirement comes for me at 55, but was looking at the option of freezing my pension, and getting a job out there if at all possible?
So be it, if I go at 55, then i wont need to find work, but on the other hand I don't want to stay idle, as working is in my blood.
If I could ge something that would get me a grand a month or thereabouts, I would be happy:)

Am just toying withy the idea at the moment, as I don't like to rush into things

5th January 2010, 20:20
Remember that you only earn a month what you probably earn in days here, and if you don't have a wad to go over with you have trouble getting flights back etc as they cost a fortune compared with Phil saleries.

The other difficulty may be getting your wife a UK visa if you want to come to the UK for a visit or even back for good.

Living together in the UK first for 3 years first and getting your wife British citizenship/passport is definately worth considering.

5th January 2010, 20:23
Living together in the UK first for 3 years first and getting your wife British citizenship/passport is definately worth considering.

not just worth doing,mainly the most important thing you can do! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th January 2010, 20:27
Just toying with the idea like i said lads.


I'm gonna be more honest now.

I dread bringing up a child here in the UK:cwm24:
It scares the **** outta me.
It's not how we would bring him/her up, it''s the surroundings!
The other day I heard some kids no more than 10 or 11 effing and blinding.

In the Philippines, I discovered the old qualities of yester year in kids/people.

I remember being a kid in the 60/70's

We were never so disrespecful like they are now.

You lay a finger on me Mum/Dad, and i will sue you!!!

Kids know thay can do anything they want, and get away with it.

Am I a bit OTT here lads??

Roll on retirement, Lol

Feel free to correct me

5th January 2010, 20:31
quickly get married and have a kid before they bring in the anti smacking law in? :icon_lol:

5th January 2010, 20:32
quickly get married and have a kid before they bring in the anti smacking law in? :icon_lol:

Exactly my point my friend:xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th January 2010, 20:45
I dread bringing up a child here in the UK:cwm24:
It scares the **** outta me.
It's not how we would bring him/her up, it''s the surroundings!
The other day I heard some kids no more than 10 or 11 effing and blinding.

i think most kids are still pretty decent, it's just a small number of little :censored: that causes most of the problems. I've been on a few school buses, if your a parent or want kids, go on a school bus, it will :yikes: you, so never let your kids go on a school bus, let them walk :xxgrinning--00xx3:

my 9yr old been here for 5yrs, she still does everything her mom tells her and never swears or answers back :D, never listens to me thou :doh:icon_lol:

5th January 2010, 20:49
i think most kids are still pretty decent, it's just a small number of little :censored: that causes most of the problems. I've been on a few school buses, if your a parent or want kids, go on a school bus, it will :yikes: you, so never let your kids go on a school bus, let them walk :xxgrinning--00xx3:

my 9yr old been here for 5yrs, she still does everything her mom tells her and never swears or answers back :D, never listens to me thou :doh:icon_lol:


That make me feel a little better:)

Now my divorce is all done, I guess i'd better do that.
It is, and has been my intention tho to buy a lot out there, and slowly build our house.
Can't possibly retire here at 55, but like I said, I am a grafter, so am happy working:xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th January 2010, 20:58
It is, and has been my intention tho to buy a lot out there, and slowly build our house.
Can't possibly retire here at 55, but like I said, I am a grafter, so am happy working:xxgrinning--00xx3:

soon as we've got enough money, thats what were going to do, depending on certain things, we might buy land and build a house or buy as house in the uk and like some others have done, go and live in the phils for a few years and rent the uk house out,, difference is i'm counting also on my misses getting a good paid job in the phils :D

but it's years away for us :doh

5th January 2010, 21:03
I'm also considering moving over there. It won't be for a few years yet, I'll keep taking holidays there and decide later on down the line. A grand a month and you'll be pretty comfortable. Me personally, I wouldn't even think about looking for a 9-5 out there. Investing in a business or starting one up, I'd be ultra cautious. Best bet is an online based income. I have a Korean friend in davao who does very well in forex, works a few hours a day and lives the life of luxury.

Most of the guys on here always advise to be very cautious before moving over there, and rightly so, but its definitely doable.

5th January 2010, 21:04
soon as we've got enough money, thats what were going to do, depending on certain things, we might buy land and build a house or buy as house in the uk and like some others have done, go and live in the phils for a few years and rent the uk house out,, difference is i'm counting also on my misses getting a good paid job in the phils :D

but it's years away for us :doh

Is a good plan my friend.
I have my house here, or should I say, the banks house:D

I work at the Airport, and am here as I type this at work as a Radiocomms Engineer.

The cold mornings get to me I guess, but after almost 20 years here I still like what I do.

The other thing is, that although Emma will stay here me, it would be a terrible shame to seperate her from her family back home as she loves them, but I guess thats life.

I have a well enough paid job for us to return twice, or 3 times a year:)

Guess I should thank God for that.

5th January 2010, 23:20
As others say dont rush into anything also remeber you dont have to work in Phil theres hong kong, singapore etc nearby which you may be lucky to get a transfer to or find work (although not as easy as in years gone by)

online work is a good idea, consultancy work, guys at work dabble in forex and day trading and some would consider but make sure you have a good connection and good contacts with the broadband provider/s
I think from the little i know of internet connections in phill if i needed to make money on the connection I would defintely need to methods of connection say 3g and ADSL.

South-east boy
6th January 2010, 00:50
I know what you mean about how some kids are. Even when I was a 6th form prefect back at school, the way some of he young kids answered you back-no way we would have dared do that when we were that young and that was over 20 years ago. A lot of it is how they are brought up, but also the area where you live and the type of kids your kids hang-out with. So if you bring them up well and respectful, live in a decent area with a decent school, your kids should turn out pretty well. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th January 2010, 01:50

Am looking at the future option of working/living in the Philippines as soon as I can.
I am in the Radio Electronics game, and have sent an Email to PLDT expressing an interest in working for them.
Once I eventually get married there, I am assuming that I should be able to gain citizenship??
Does anybody from here live, and or work in the Philippines??

Many thanks in advance......

We have been here for around 3 years now and Im 46 years old so those that say that is not possible are not strictly correct IMO..
Put simply it very much depends on serious planning and local knowledge..

One of my neighbours,an Aussie made his money from here as a consultant within the IT industry..He has a nice house and a fantastic swimming pool. .He often shops in Hong kong and quite often takes his GF to Thailand for holidays!!
Cant be bad so again those that say you cannot earn western money here are misinformed.
It can be done but you really do need to be connected here or have contacts that are already operating in the Philippines.
I agree with everything that you say in regards dragging up children in parts of the UK too..
My kids have never been happier since living here..

6th January 2010, 11:01
Hi Fitzy. I have, indeed, been working in the Phils. for over 18 months now. I am currently an ESL teacher in the largest English academy in the Philippines.
I am 'supposedly' well paid as a foreign teacher with good qualifications and lots of experience.
I earn nowhere near a grand a month but I have a nice apartment with cable and Internet and I run a new motorcycle. Therefore one could say I am comfortable.
However, I do have to watch the pennies every month. If an emergency arose where I needed some money, I would be in big trouble.
I cannot speak of other professions, but a foreigner is paid considerably more that a Filipino in the teaching profession.

Good luck with your decision, whatever that may be.


6th January 2010, 11:08
Hi Fitzy. I have, indeed, been working in the Phils. for over 18 months now. I am currently an ESL teacher in the largest English academy in the Philippines.
I am 'supposedly' well paid as a foreign teacher with good qualifications and lots of experience.
I earn nowhere near a grand a month but I have a nice apartment with cable and Internet and I run a new motorcycle. Therefore one could say I am comfortable.
However, I do have to watch the pennies every month. If an emergency arose where I needed some money, I would be in big trouble.
I cannot speak of other professions, but a foreigner is paid considerably more that a Filipino in the teaching profession.

Good luck with your decision, whatever that may be.


Sir, try to visit Brent School website if you are interested to work there.:xxgrinning--00xx3:, I knew there are foreign teachers there and there's also one school in our place who do english tutorials for Korean Students.

Here's the link :

That both international school and only 3-5 miles away from Santa Rosa. Most students from AUP are Koreans studying english language.

6th January 2010, 11:21

Am looking at the future option of working/living in the Philippines as soon as I can.
I am in the Radio Electronics game, and have sent an Email to PLDT expressing an interest in working for them.
Once I eventually get married there, I am assuming that I should be able to gain citizenship??
Does anybody from here live, and or work in the Philippines??

Many thanks in advance......

Have a try with Smart Communications too Fitzy. They are the biggest money makers but not sure if they can offer good salary. :D

I have friends at PLDT and they had strikes few times years ago.
And check this site: http://www.europe-solidaire.org/spip.php?article7750

and this video:


6th January 2010, 12:23
Sir, try to visit Brent School website if you are interested to work there.:xxgrinning--00xx3:, I knew there are foreign teachers there and there's also one school in our place who do english tutorials for Korean Students.

Here's the link :

That both international school and only 3-5 miles away from Santa Rosa. Most students from AUP are Koreans studying english language.

Baguio is an exception as I have never seen so many Koreans stuffed into a single SM shopping mall !! You can play spot the Filipino in that place..
I did once meet a Brit that was working in Brent as a PE teacher..He did say that he was more than happy with his pay and lifestyle and seemed to be playing far too much golf!!
There really do seem to be far more opportunities here then I have ever noticed in past years..
Al..Any news on your new website?? I think you would be onto a winner with that one..:xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th January 2010, 16:41
Thank you everybody.

Some very useful information gleaned from here:)

6th January 2010, 17:09
Just as a thought for potential work, my Mahla's uncle is a well connected businessman in his area. He has farm land where he grows onions and rice, he also buys and sells the produce from other farmers. As he just manages the land work, ie, not hands on, he also runs a driving business, like an airport pick up, long runs to and from Manila to the province. He has told me that he would set us up with land next to his (as he knows it is available) and help us start a business with his guidance. Being from a country background, this sounds pretty good. I have to talk about the 'nuts and bolts' of the business of course on my next visit, but it seems like it could be a good idea.
I am also a qualified teacher of further education, so I could fit into a teaching role of some description, and as an engineer I am quite adaptable.

I know that I would not make the sums of money like here in the Uk, but as long as I can eat, drink and keep a roof over my head, isn't that what we are after if we go to live in another country. For me, I would like to live as a local, I will always keep a buffer for 'just in case' purposes. But if the business of working the land goes ahead, it (should be) profitable and sustainable (with uncle's help).

Any thoughts?


6th January 2010, 18:17
Just as a thought for potential work, my Mahla's uncle is a well connected businessman in his area. He has farm land where he grows onions and rice, he also buys and sells the produce from other farmers. As he just manages the land work, ie, not hands on, he also runs a driving business, like an airport pick up, long runs to and from Manila to the province. He has told me that he would set us up with land next to his (as he knows it is available) and help us start a business with his guidance. Being from a country background, this sounds pretty good. I have to talk about the 'nuts and bolts' of the business of course on my next visit, but it seems like it could be a good idea.
I am also a qualified teacher of further education, so I could fit into a teaching role of some description, and as an engineer I am quite adaptable.

I know that I would not make the sums of money like here in the Uk, but as long as I can eat, drink and keep a roof over my head, isn't that what we are after if we go to live in another country. For me, I would like to live as a local, I will always keep a buffer for 'just in case' purposes. But if the business of working the land goes ahead, it (should be) profitable and sustainable (with uncle's help).

Any thoughts?


Well Steve. One of my ex's had some land, and it was profitable.
Is a real good idea you have there my friend.
Perhaps we can chat in more detail, as I too have thought of this.
PM me please

6th January 2010, 18:48
Fitzy, I do not appear to be able to pm you, unless you can pm me?

If not, I'll post up my mail addy

6th January 2010, 20:35
Fitzy, I do not appear to be able to pm you, unless you can pm me?

If not, I'll post up my mail addy

Same for me Steve. Strange!!

Add me to your YM



6th January 2010, 21:01

6th January 2010, 21:35


Am at work now mate.

Will be home 9:30ish

Not much going on at the Airport at the moment, but somebody has to keep the pilot light on:D

Take care.........

6th January 2010, 21:39
Talking about work, when we were in Cebu on vacation last month, I did a free wi-fi coverage survey for the hotel manageress:)
I was kinda short with her regarding the prices of some tour packages, so I did that, by way of an apology:D

We unded up organising our trip to Bohol ourselves, had a great time, and saved at least 40%:xxgrinning--00xx3:

My princess tells me I'm a kind person. Not always, but I do try!

6th January 2010, 21:39


Am at work now mate.

Will be home 9:30ish

Not much going on at the Airport at the moment, but somebody has to keep the pilot light on:D

Take care.........

it must be true love :love: :luv13: :luv4:

just make sure you both chat about onions and rice! :D

6th January 2010, 21:48
it must be true love :love: :luv13: :luv4:

just make sure you both chat about onions and rice! :D


More like fish and radios!

6th January 2010, 22:17
I also have thought a lot about working in Phils.
I'm pretty serious with my GF now and will be going to visit soon again.
I go to Legazpi quite a bit and have met some westerners who are working there, they were not making anywhere near as much as they would be in Europe but they are leading much happier lives and as mentioned I also believe if we have Kids I'd much rather bring them up in Phils.

A few things I'm looking into is either an internet business so I can earn sterling, also here in UK I am an IT technician and a few westerners in Legazpi have told me you can earn a resonable income from an I.T repair business. I've got a few filipino friends here and some have spoken about going back so I'm waiting for someone who might be interested in opening a business there.

6th January 2010, 22:35
sounds good :action-smiley-081:

11th January 2010, 20:14
Hi Fitzy!
Visit my site for an employment jobs.:D



I really want to apply an IT Jobs but I'm not yet qualified. :Rasp:

15th January 2010, 02:52
please dont think bringing kids up in the philippines is paradise, they have a big drug problem there, and think of you kids future, What has the philippines got to offer, thats why they all become OFW, there are no jobs in the philippines, and unless you are well connected , its imposible... As for getting a job with PLDT , it just wont happen, massive unemployment, unless you go in with a company as an expat, then forget it... I know qualified doctors, who are trailing spouses, and they can not work in the philippines, so you cant get more qualified than that.

I just want to warn you that, the grass is not always greener, The Uk will offer your child a lot more in the long run than the philippines, and if you did decide to live there and then had to return, the culture shock would be imense either way...

Hello Linda! I am disheartened with this comment/opinion of yours. Whilst I respect your view I cannot afford not to say my piece. perhaps in another topic that I wll post sometime. I hope to meet Pinoys who look at Philippines differently.

15th January 2010, 11:13
please dont think bringing kids up in the philippines is paradise, they have a big drug problem there, and think of you kids future, What has the philippines got to offer, thats why they all become OFW, there are no jobs in the philippines, and unless you are well connected , its imposible... As for getting a job with PLDT , it just wont happen, massive unemployment, unless you go in with a company as an expat, then forget it... I know qualified doctors, who are trailing spouses, and they can not work in the philippines, so you cant get more qualified than that.

I just want to warn you that, the grass is not always greener, The Uk will offer your child a lot more in the long run than the philippines, and if you did decide to live there and then had to return, the culture shock would be imense either way...

Not all part of the Philippines is worst if you explore yourself in other parts of the Philippines. I Have visited villages for elite people in the Philippines. Pinays married to different races and living happily in nice villages.

It is true that we have drug problems but I do watch television here and shocked about millions cost of drug problems in the UK, in America, China and other countries. I have seen a so called blue house in Holland where drug dependent stays there. And some parts drugs are legalized and that is more problem.

20th January 2010, 03:46
Hi Fitzy!
Visit my site for an employment jobs.:D



I really want to apply an IT Jobs but I'm not yet qualified. :Rasp:

Thanks, will do, sorry 4 the late reply:)

Been so busy, lol

20th January 2010, 09:23
Thanks, will do, sorry 4 the late reply:)

Been so busy, lol

I have read in one of our business park website that they hire foreign nationals. I have a neighbor who's working at Ford Motors and she said there are really some foreigners who works in their company.

GAP enterprises can avail of the following incentives:

•Income Tax Holiday, or exemption from Corporate Income Tax for four (4) years, extendable to eight (8) years.
•The option to pay only a 5% tax on gross income after the Income Tax Holiday, in lieu of all national and local taxes.
•Exemption from duties and taxes on imported capital equipment, spare parts, supplies, raw materials, breeding stocks ,and/or genetic materials, or the equivalent tax credit on these items when sourced locally.
•Exemption from wharfage duties and export taxes, imposts and fees.
•50% of the total cost of development training for labor and management can be deducted from the 3% National Government’s share of the 5% Special Gross Income Tax.
•Permanent resident status for foreign investors and immediate family members.
•Employment of foreign nationals.
•Simplified import and export procedures.


20th January 2010, 10:28
I have read in one of our business park website that they hire foreign nationals. I have a neighbor who's working at Ford Motors and she said there are really some foreigners who works in their company.

GAP enterprises can avail of the following incentives:

•Income Tax Holiday, or exemption from Corporate Income Tax for four (4) years, extendable to eight (8) years.
•The option to pay only a 5% tax on gross income after the Income Tax Holiday, in lieu of all national and local taxes.
•Exemption from duties and taxes on imported capital equipment, spare parts, supplies, raw materials, breeding stocks ,and/or genetic materials, or the equivalent tax credit on these items when sourced locally.
•Exemption from wharfage duties and export taxes, imposts and fees.
•50% of the total cost of development training for labor and management can be deducted from the 3% National Government’s share of the 5% Special Gross Income Tax.
•Permanent resident status for foreign investors and immediate family members.
•Employment of foreign nationals.
•Simplified import and export procedures.


Thank you Penny. Very interesting