View Full Version : lover-or player?

8th January 2010, 15:49
hi all
so here goes...i met my phills gf online,she is extremely beautifull by any standards,a pt instructer working in dubai earning very good money.
so i went 2 meet her in dubai-im not innocent coz she was my 2nd choice but she didnt know that.
but b 4 i met her in dubai i asked her ..r we just friends..or what?
she said of course im your gf!
but i checked her phone and i saw a message from another man saying"i love you too" also,she had so many male contacts-so many that she couldnt even rememember who they were!!!so many men had given her their number.
while we were 2gether in dubai she constantly looked at other men,she even looked back at other men while we were holding hands.this caused arguments.
i took pics of us in the hotel room.1 pic was wiv her panties showing a little.
i became suspicious regarding her online activivity so i forced her 2 giv me her password and i found that she had sent that pic to another man in usa.she says he was just a friend.also,my pc kept crashing coz of the amount of incoming messages off other men.she had 6 different ids on dating sites.all different names.she says that she didnt take me seriously and now she does.she says she hated men coz she has been hurt b4.she calls me at least 3 times a day and she texted me maybe 10 times a day.she earns good money-more than me and she says she has ****ed up...HELP!!!

8th January 2010, 16:06
Any beautiful woman is going to have admirers and exes, but the fact she's receiving texts from guys saying "love you too" when she's with you doesnt look good. She must have been telling him she loves him as well. Your first time together in dubai and your arguing, thats not a very good sign. What happened to your first choice girl anyway?

She could have just been playing the game before she fell for you, but from what you say it sounds like shes still, at least, flirting with other guys.

There's plenty of filipinas who once you've won them over will be faithful and would never do the things you've mentioned above.

8th January 2010, 16:23
You've asked numerous questions about your chances of a successful visa application,
shall I do this, can I do that, etc etc,


you are still not sure if she's the one for you...
...or if she's being honest & straight with you ! FFS !

So, my FINAL, FINAL, FINAL comments on this ....

... as she's already in Dubai, in successful employment, earning bundles, why don't you
apply for a visitor's visa (at the British Embassy in Dubai) for her to come and see you ?
The chances of getting it are very high.
So... she comes & visits you for a week ..... and in 3-4mnths repeats the exercise.
This will allow you to get to know each other better... and REALLY decide if you/her are
for real.
... It';ll also give u an opportunity to organise yourself/finance in your new work environment.

If this all works out ... in 6-8 mnths you can go down the fiancee route, and with her 2 visits to
the UK already "in the can" , you are obviously gonna be successful.

END OF .....

8th January 2010, 19:16
hi all

im not innocent coz she was my 2nd choice but she didnt know that.
but i checked her phone and i saw a message from another man saying"i love you too" also,she had so many male contacts-so many that she couldnt even rememember who they were!!!so many men had given her their number.
while we were 2gether in dubai she constantly looked at other men,she even looked back at other men while we were holding hands.this caused arguments.
so i forced her 2 giv me her password and i found that she had sent that pic to another man in usa.she says he was just a friend.also,my pc kept crashing coz of the amount of incoming messages off other men.she had 6 different ids on dating sites.all different names.she says that she didnt take me seriously and now she does.she says she hated men coz she has been hurt b4.she calls me at least 3 times a day and she texted me maybe 10 times a day.she earns good money-more than me and she says she has ****ed up...HELP!!!

and she's your second choice and you kept that from her, did you give her your mobile to look at your contacts, and also your id's and passwords for all the sites you go on ?

did you show her your msgs to your first choice ? :NoNo:

9th January 2010, 01:40
and she's your second choice and you kept that from her, did you give her your mobile to look at your contacts, and also your id's and passwords for all the sites you go on ?

did you show her your msgs to your first choice ? :NoNo:

Good one! :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

i was also wondering why question her honesty when he himself is also keeping some secrets? :NoNo::NoNo:

relationship without TRUST is doomed to fail

9th January 2010, 02:38
P-L-A-Y-E-R! :xxgrinning--00xx3: :NoNo:


South-east boy
9th January 2010, 03:46
I have to say that I would find it quite hard to trust her after that and would need lots of reasurrance & proof after that.

Doc Alan
9th January 2010, 10:37
P-L-A-Y-E-R! :xxgrinning--00xx3: :NoNo:



9th January 2010, 10:53
It sounds you're both playing games and you're both loser.:omg:

If she consider you as friend before you meet her personally and no commitment yet, then she has the right to choose and collect as long as there is no attachement. IMHO

Same with a man, if you are in doubt and if you have safety factor:D, don't touch the woman.

9th January 2010, 11:03
PLAYErrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr lol

9th January 2010, 11:03
hi all
so here goes...i met my phills gf online,she is extremely beautifull by any standards,a pt instructer working in dubai earning very good money.
so i went 2 meet her in dubai-im not innocent coz she was my 2nd choice but she didnt know that.
but b 4 i met her in dubai i asked her ..r we just friends..or what?
she said of course im your gf!
but i checked her phone and i saw a message from another man saying"i love you too" also,she had so many male contacts-so many that she couldnt even rememember who they were!!!so many men had given her their number.
while we were 2gether in dubai she constantly looked at other men,she even looked back at other men while we were holding hands.this caused arguments.
i took pics of us in the hotel room.1 pic was wiv her panties showing a little.
i became suspicious regarding her online activivity so i forced her 2 giv me her password and i found that she had sent that pic to another man in usa.she says he was just a friend.also,my pc kept crashing coz of the amount of incoming messages off other men.she had 6 different ids on dating sites.all different names.she says that she didnt take me seriously and now she does.she says she hated men coz she has been hurt b4.she calls me at least 3 times a day and she texted me maybe 10 times a day.she earns good money-more than me and she says she has ****ed up...HELP!!!

she is collecting men and you'll be lucky if she choose you.nah disaster! :NoNo::NoNo::NoNo::NoNo:

9th January 2010, 12:31
collect and select, its well known you did it too, base your suspiscions on how she treats you ... if you cant trust her then time to bail out as if you dont have trust you got nothing buddy...

12th January 2010, 14:28
Any beautiful woman is going to have admirers and exes, but the fact she's receiving texts from guys saying "love you too" when she's with you doesnt look good. She must have been telling him she loves him as well. Your first time together in dubai and your arguing, thats not a very good sign. What happened to your first choice girl anyway?

She could have just been playing the game before she fell for you, but from what you say it sounds like shes still, at least, flirting with other guys.

There's plenty of filipinas who once you've won them over will be faithful and would never do the things you've mentioned above.
hi my 1st phills gf,well ,everything seemed to be going well,i had booked my flight to dubai to go see her,then one day after 8 months,she phoned me and told me never to contact her again because she has a bf.i was very surprised to say the least as we had talked about marriage,kids etc,but hey what could i do but delete her?the strange thing was that while i was in dubai she phoned me and asked if we could meet up!!!i told her no of course(politely)

12th January 2010, 14:46
and she's your second choice and you kept that from her, did you give her your mobile to look at your contacts, and also your id's and passwords for all the sites you go on ?

did you show her your msgs to your first choice ? :NoNo:

after my 1st phills gf dumped me 2 months or so before my flight to dubai,i found a new gf quickly online or i would have been all alone in dubai.no.i didnt tell her she was my 2nd choice as i didnt want to hurt her.yes,i left my phone where she could see it even if i left the hotel room and when i returned to the uk i gave her my passwords as well.i am a very faithfull man and i dont believe in cheating on your partner in any circumstances.i deleted all messages etc from my 1st phills gf when she phoned me and told me she had another bf.

12th January 2010, 15:01
P-L-A-Y-E-R! :xxgrinning--00xx3: :NoNo:

:)thankyou jonathon,kelly,triple5 and southeast for your hepfull comments.
pinkblush jackson,d+g and jam....personally,i tend to ask questions and not immediately presume the worst of a person.i like to give people a chance,to i begin calling me a player etc-you are only exposing your complete ignorance.i thought this site was about helping people-not playground name calling?

12th January 2010, 15:39
thankyou jonathon,kelly,triple5 and southeast for your hepfull comments.
pinkblush jackson,d+g and jam....personally,i tend to ask questions and not immediately presume the worst of a person.i like to give people a chance,to i begin calling me a player etc-you are only exposing your complete ignorance.i thought this site was about helping people-not playground name calling?

Tycon, your thread title is 'lover or player?' I just answerd what your question is. I dont give further comments because its an already spot on answer. And it is not specifically meant to you but on the situtation that you wrote. Please.

12th January 2010, 15:47
hi my 1st phills gf,well ,everything seemed to be going well,i had booked my flight to dubai to go see her,then one day after 8 months,she phoned me and told me never to contact her again because she has a bf.i was very surprised to say the least as we had talked about marriage,kids etc,but hey what could i do but delete her?the strange thing was that while i was in dubai she phoned me and asked if we could meet up!!!i told her no of course(politely)

Thats unlucky :rolleyes: I would have done the same in your shoes, with the flight booked I would have arranged to meet another girl if possible. Doesn't make you a player imo.

12th January 2010, 16:15
Thats unlucky :rolleyes: I would have done the same in your shoes, with the flight booked I would have arranged to meet another girl if possible. Doesn't make you a player imo.

Meet another berd in Dubai....?:Erm:

12th January 2010, 16:30
Meet another berd in Dubai....?:Erm:

Yep, why not. Nothing wrong with having a plan B.

South-east boy
12th January 2010, 16:39
Your story with the first girl, sounds a bit like what has just happened with me (the what are you like with text messages thread) although i hadn't booked a flight.

Some women know that they are attractive, see how men admire them and take advantage of that. Now a nice girl would just want one guy and would refuse of ignore advances & attention from other guys & not flirt with them. But some girls will take advantage of the guys attention, flirt a lot even if they have a guy and have a whole list of guys phone numbers who take her out now & again when she fancies. This is the type of girl that you don't want and your girl sounds a bit like that.

Maybe give her a chance bit be very cautious & check up on her now & again - say she needs to earn your trust after that. Personally, I wouldn't feel comfortable with someone like that and it's a whole lot harder on you as in different countries you can't see what she is up to.