View Full Version : Emaill address on forum

13th December 2006, 11:31
Just a short message to remind everyone, please don't post your email address in full on this or indeed any forum, as there are spambots and webcrawlers around harvesting email addresses. We all know what a pain spam is...Always best to mask your address like this:

so if your email is Keithscouser@mail.com
try masking it so: KeithscouserATmail.com

Thanks and have a good Christmas :xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th December 2006, 12:45
so if your email is Keithscouser@mail.com
try masking it so: KeithscouserATmail.com

Thats a good example Rob :icon_lol:

13th December 2006, 15:29
:cwm23: :action-smiley-081: