View Full Version : Why's this section of the forum so quiet?

9th January 2010, 17:50
I always notice how the threads under "News - Phillipine" get very little posts. There's stories here if they happened in the UK would probably run a few pages long with people posting, but seems if it happens in phillipines nobody's that interested.


9th January 2010, 18:14
I always notice how the threads under "News - Phillipine" get very little posts. There's stories here if they happened in the UK would probably run a few pages long with people posting, but seems if it happens in phillipines nobody's that interested.


I read some of the articles normally, but it gets monotonous and repetitive with phil news.....:doh

They display the normal crab mentality, only in a magnified form as, it revolves, normally, around jealousy between politicians , or Gloria, or businesses.

9th January 2010, 18:51
The UK folk aren't that interested, and the Fil folk are glad to see the back of it :D

9th January 2010, 20:59
The wife will read phill newspapers but ignores the poltics and sadly most of the other phill news is bad news typhoons, mud slides, ferries sinking and people suffering:NoNo:

Doc Alan
13th January 2010, 14:58
I've tried to support this section of the Forum, but to no avail. My post on food poverty has received no response so far. Is it really that boring ?

13th January 2010, 15:39
I've tried to support this section of the Forum, but to no avail. My post on food poverty has received no response so far. Is it really that boring ?
Not surprised as with the server being down most won't try again till the early hours/tomorrow.

13th January 2010, 15:51
sadly most of the other phill news is bad news typhoons, mud slides, ferries sinking and people suffering:NoNo:

When typhoon ondoy hit there was plenty of discussion on here. Then with the Maguindanao massacre hardly a word was said. Surely that's a rare news story if it happened anywhere in the world, yet most members on here hardly had a word to say about it :Erm:

Doc Alan
13th January 2010, 17:50
When typhoon ondoy hit there was plenty of discussion on here. Then with the Maguindanao massacre hardly a word was said. Surely that's a rare news story if it happened anywhere in the world, yet most members on here hardly had a word to say about it :Erm:

I don't know how much time "Sir Keith" spends posting news items but I guess it's a lot ; I respect him for that and I'm very grateful. I was new to the site around the time of typhoon Ondoy but I'm glad to hear it generated discussion.
I'm a newcomer so I'm cautious what I say. However, it's beyond my limited intellect to grasp the relevance of certain threads to the Philippines and UK.

13th January 2010, 18:00
I don't know how much time "Sir Keith" spends posting news items but I guess it's a lot ; I respect him for that and I'm very grateful. I was new to the site around the time of typhoon Ondoy but I'm glad to hear it generated discussion.
I'm a newcomer so I'm cautious what I say. However, it's beyond my limited intellect to grasp the relevance of certain threads to the Philippines and UK.

It's a bot that scrapes rss feeds from other sites, not Keith posting each individual news story.

13th January 2010, 18:06
It's a bot that scrapes rss feeds from other sites, not Keith posting each individual news story.
So you think :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I could change it to sport & porn :cwm24:

Doc Alan
13th January 2010, 18:09
So you think :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I could change it to sport & porn :cwm24:

You might as well Keith ! But I guess you have a very good understanding of these news items and all credit to you.

13th January 2010, 18:52
I could change it to sport & porn :cwm24:

No objections here :D

13th January 2010, 19:30
No objections here :D
Or bring them together and have sporn :Erm:

Arthur Little
13th January 2010, 19:45
I always notice how the threads under "News - Phillipine" get very little posts. There's stories here if they happened in the UK would probably run a few pages long with people posting, but seems if it happens in phillipines nobody's that interested.


It's not just the Section YOU mention, mate. :NoNo: About an hour ago, I posted a new thread entitled 'An [Almost] Pointless Story' ... about an actual incident that occurred in the UK. And, in spite of my being confident of it receiving a fairly rapid response on account of its (dare I say?) *humorous - albeit decidedly *NOT for the poor man involved - content ... so far, zilch!

I HAD thought of :rolleyes: including my extract in the 'Humour' Section ... but desisted doing so for obvious reasons. So I ended up inserting it under 'News - World'.

On reflection, maybe my use of the word "pointless" put people off straightaway. In fact, I should probably have headed the article 'News [OF THE] World ... in deference to the (in)famous weekly rag!

13th January 2010, 19:53
I've tried to support this section of the Forum, but to no avail. My post on food poverty has received no response so far. Is it really that boring ?

Don't take it too bad.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

As long as the Filipino member's immediate families are alright, they don't seem to care much for home news.

For them it is all balik balik, they heard it before at home, nothing changes, why worry...?:Erm:

People do read the articles, even if they don't want to comment on them.
Check the ratio of views to replies....

13th January 2010, 20:29
The forum is still on/off at the moment while I fiddle under the bonnet, so a lot of folk will still be getting errors.

Arthur Little
13th January 2010, 22:30
... off at the moment while I fiddle under the *bonnet ...

:Erm: ... you're plaiting wifey's *tresses, then?

13th January 2010, 23:45
The forum is still on/off at the moment while I fiddle under the bonnet, so a lot of folk will still be getting errors.

I'm going to demand a refund if this continues :D