View Full Version : Stop Diarrhea

12th January 2010, 17:31


12th January 2010, 17:35
Expensive solution :D Does it have to be a champagne cork or will any cork do?

12th January 2010, 17:36
Depends if you think it's post diarrhea or not!

Arthur Little
12th January 2010, 22:40
I sometimes suffer from "verbal" diarrhoea ... :doh

13th January 2010, 12:34
I sometimes suffer from "verbal" diarrhoea ... :doh
We weren't going to say anything :rolleyes:

13th January 2010, 12:39
I sometimes suffer from "verbal" diarrhoea ... :doh

Only... "sometimes".....???:Erm:

13th January 2010, 23:20
i thought this thread was about my post's :D

my father used to tell me, to put a cork in it :Erm:

Doc Alan
13th January 2010, 23:23
I sometimes suffer from "verbal" diarrhoea ... :doh

YOU suffer Arthur ?! There's no cure, but it's not serious! We would miss you if it stopped ! Maybe while you're in Paris ?!

Arthur Little
13th January 2010, 23:31
YOU suffer Arthur ?! There's no cure, but it's not serious! We would miss you if it stopped ! *Maybe while you're in Paris ?!

:68711_thanx: for your comforting - and carefully-chosen - words of reassurance, Alan ... for *everyone else's sake ... as well as mine! :icon_lol:

15th January 2010, 10:51
I remember from history lessons that the slaves were actually forced to literally "put corks in it" when they had diahorrea on the slave ships...its terrible isnt it!!! (sorry to get all serious in the joke thread...)

22nd January 2010, 08:19
You need to learn how to spell diarrhoea Keith. I'm sure anyone who's been to the Phils is very familiar with it!

22nd January 2010, 09:58
You need to learn how to spell diarrhoea Keith. I'm sure anyone who's been to the Phils is very familiar with it!

You'll find both spellings are correct http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diarrhea