View Full Version : How did you meet your loved one?

South-east boy
13th January 2010, 14:49
Now I know that a thread such as this was done several months ago, but as it's locked it's not possible to resurect it. Of course there will have been lots of new members to the forum since then and others that might have missed it or didn't contribute.

Being that I'm a bit of an old romantic, I love hearing peoples stories on how they got together - some a slight difference in circumstances would meant that they would never have met.

Me, well sadly I don't have a happy story yet, but with Suzie it was just on Filipina heart and the Filipina before was just on a Uk dating site. I didn't know that she was a Filipina at the time as her ancestry is mostly Spanish but also mixed with French and Filipino. I wish I could meet someone in a more romantic way, but I don't get many opportunities for that and meeting the right partner is more important than how it actually happened don't you agree?

So what are your happy stories?! :cwm38:

13th January 2010, 14:56
While working in Cebu for me.

South-east boy
13th January 2010, 15:05
While working in Cebu for me.

How did you actually meet her?

Arthur Little
13th January 2010, 15:20
... meeting the right partner is more important than how it actually happened don't you agree?

Indeed it IS, Tim ... :iagree:! But I shall leave it to others to recount THEIR stories, since [I think] you already know mine.

13th January 2010, 15:31
I wish I could meet someone in a more romantic way, but I don't get many opportunities for that and meeting the right partner is more important than how it actually happened don't you agree?

I know what you're saying, and I've thought the same, but in this day and age meeting online is the most convenient way, and it opens up avenues which weren't previously there. I'm sure 10 years ago there's no way I would have met somebody from the phils unless they were already in the UK.

Anyways, I met my girl through her cousin (brother-in-law of my ex) who I had met on a previous trip to Davao. We got chatting through friendster, and I visited her 6 months later. Our first face to face meeting was in a quiet coffee shop, kinda romantic :D Like you say - it's not how you meet that matters it's who you meet :xxgrinning--00xx3:

South-east boy
13th January 2010, 19:58
I know what you're saying, and I've thought the same, but in this day and age meeting online is the most convenient way, and it opens up avenues which weren't previously there. I'm sure 10 years ago there's no way I would have met somebody from the phils unless they were already in the UK.

Anyways, I met my girl through her cousin (brother-in-law of my ex) who I had met on a previous trip to Davao. We got chatting through friendster, and I visited her 6 months later. Our first face to face meeting was in a quiet coffee shop, kinda romantic :D Like you say - it's not how you meet that matters it's who you meet :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Yeah, I wish the internet was around 10-20 years ago as it wouldn't have made things easier to meet other people when I was younger.

It's good that something so good came out of a bad situation and if you hadn't have met the wrong one, you wouldn't have met the right one! :)

13th January 2010, 22:56
i met mine in a bar, strange thing is that is was a gay bar next to the hotel.

ok, we met as i was on holiday :D

14th January 2010, 00:28
not romantic at all, but another filipina dating site story.I had traveled round some of pi myself the year before. I did not know much about the philippines before i went but during the holiday, i totally knew that my future was there.When i returned, i joined cebuanas and met a really great girl.Although dating sites can be a nitemare i will always be grateful to cebuanas for the opportunity it gave leizel and me to meet each other

14th January 2010, 00:42
I met my Mahal while window shopping in Singapore on a busy sunday afternoon. I was just walking along Orchard Street, I was not going anywhere just walking looking, taking in the sights, when I noticed this beautiful girl walking at the same speed. We walked side by side, then apart as people walked between us then together, then apart for quite a way.
We exchanged a few smiles as we walked, as it seemed quite amusing, almost like she was already my wife. Then I stopped. I looked at her and she stopped too, then quite out of character I just asked her if she would like to have a coffee. Luckily, she spoke good english and she took me to a coffee shop near Lucky Plaza. We talked for about half an hour and exchanged numbers. Then she had to go, as she was going to a birthday party later that afternoon.
Not expecting to hear any more, the next day she called me, and we have been together ever since (although long distance mostly) I have recently come back from Phils after meeting her and the family, and we are deeply in love, good times!! We are now both looking forward to a future together.

14th January 2010, 00:48
love at first sight :xxgrinning--00xx3:
hope yous are together really soon

14th January 2010, 00:56
I met my Mahal while window shopping in Singapore on a busy sunday afternoon. I was just walking along Orchard Street, I was not going anywhere just walking looking, taking in the sights, when I noticed this beautiful girl walking at the same speed. We walked side by side, then apart as people walked between us then together, then apart for quite a way.
We exchanged a few smiles as we walked, as it seemed quite amusing, almost like she was already my wife. Then I stopped. I looked at her and she stopped too, then quite out of character I just asked her if she would like to have a coffee. Luckily, she spoke good english and she took me to a coffee shop near Lucky Plaza. We talked for about half an hour and exchanged numbers. Then she had to go, as she was going to a birthday party later that afternoon.
Not expecting to hear any more, the next day she called me, and we have been together ever since (although long distance mostly) I have recently come back from Phils after meeting her and the family, and we are deeply in love, good times!! We are now both looking forward to a future together.

Serendipity! What a good love story you have, Steve :) :xxgrinning--00xx3:

South-east boy
14th January 2010, 00:59
Serendipity! What a good love story you have, Steve :) :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Yeah, I agree, lovely story! :)

14th January 2010, 01:39
I met my wife one day in January 08 while passing time in a chat room, after all thats all i ever did in chat rooms just pass time, i mean i would never of thought i would meet someone that way and get married and start a family and be so happy.

After getting to know each other more we added each other to our messenger and got chatting more online (microphone and webcam) eventually we exchanged phone numbers and began to text each other i would call once a week.
I think it was October i decided to have a holiday in the Philippines...well to meet Arlene of course the woman i thought i fell in love with ( i never forget being together alone for the first time in the hotel room just talking and thinking to myself that we seem to know each other so well and neither of us feel like strangers to each other) i never really knew much about the Philippines before, i researched the country and people, culture on the net before i went. It was my first time to fly so far and also my first time to fly alone it was a real adventure and experience.

We had a full two weeks together, i stayed with the family after a couple of nights at a hotel got to know the family. we went traveling alone together and also with the family there.( i was also there with the family for new year which was nice)

Well i could go on i guess, i arrived back January 12 had a long 8 months at least preparing the visa, i wanted every thing to be correct and in order so not to get a refusal.
well thats my story...

14th January 2010, 02:38
really happy for you kenny,
even a place as cynical as a chat room can change your life when you meet the right girl for you.Totally know what you mean when you describe spending time alone with someone you know so well but have never sat beside in person.What a great feeling.Nice story, hope mines is as happy :)

14th January 2010, 11:19
To you south east boy, im sure you will soon find the right person for you. You seemed to be a nice guy. Just be patient and hope for the best. Start with meeting friends on line. I have a a filipina friend who works in dubai. MAybe you and her can have a chat and eventually become good friends. Try to contact her through ym, mariedent_27. Add her up, and who knows?:xxgrinning--00xx3::)

14th January 2010, 14:16
How did you actually meet her?

Introduced through mutual friends.

14th January 2010, 17:55
On a cruise ship in the Caribbean, I was the passenger and he was the waiter. It will be three years in October. Ive been to the Caribbean twice to see him, Alaska once, Manila once and have just booked to go to his ship in Alaska in August. I can't wait!!:cwm38:

14th January 2010, 20:10
Met my hubby at one of the restaurants in Emirates Tower Dubai in 2005. We were both wasn't looking for love that time until we bumped into each other. And from that day on... until now we are still together so much inlove..:luv4:

15th January 2010, 00:28
met my husband when working in his village, i used to hang out with his mother for some peace from the people I worked with and his father for some tanduay, then the sons....for cards, volleyball and fetching the water buffalo....

English Rose
16th January 2010, 16:01
My friend's wife died and his daughter, who lives in the UK, invited him here for 6 months. She put an ad on an internet friendship site for someone to help him with his English. It was only by chance that I saw the ad and thought it sounded interesting. As his daughter lived only 15 miles away from me, I answered the ad. We met up and went for a coffee. Two hours later we were still talking.

17th January 2010, 09:52
On a cruise ship in the Caribbean, I was the passenger and he was the waiter. It will be three years in October. Ive been to the Caribbean twice to see him, Alaska once, Manila once and have just booked to go to his ship in Alaska in August. I can't wait!!:cwm38:


17th January 2010, 14:19
Thats a really nice story Steve.r; Lucky Plaza is a popular Filipino hangout.

I've told my story before, so dejavu for some; but myself and Marvie were both working on a cruise ship in South America. She was working as a Physio/Fitness Instructor and myself as Navigator. I spent a few months enduring 1:1 fitness sessions to spend time with her, as well as my dragging her ashore on many dates. After our contracts we met up in Manila and lived happily ever after :-)

Oh yes, and she made me change ships, and won't let me go back to cruise ships...

17th January 2010, 15:29

I met my girl on a dating website too and i do think nowadays it is commonplace for most, especially us older guys/girls who have outgrown the clubbing and singles scene (or who were never into it in the first place). We may think chatrooms are cynical and unromantic, well the singles scene in bars and clubs is a lot worse in my eyes!

I have been following your story on a previous thread and I hope the pain is easing a little. Continue your search with faith, perseverance and a good heart and I'm sure you'll find a genuine girl soon enough.

Your story resonates with me as I'm at the stage where I'm trying to save enough money to visit my girlfriend in Manila (Incidentally she's called Suzie too, but I hope that's where the similarity ends!) and like you am finding the financial constraints frustrating. I'm hoping that i'll be able to visit her in the spring/summer. She is constantly asking me when I will visit her and like you I don't want to lie to her and give her false hopes by saying I'll visit untill I know for certain when I can travel out there.

I know there is no substitute for meeting in person, but I do feel you can get to know and care deeply for someone, by other means of communication. Obviously the most important piece of the jigsaw is meeting and experiencing the thrill (or not) of physical attraction and chemistry and it is, of course, the only way we will truly know if the feelings we have will flourish and grow.

Best wishes

Scrutiny :)

17th January 2010, 18:45

Hehe!! I hope not!!:omg:

18th January 2010, 11:30
me and gary met on dating site called cebuanas,just a simple hi .....and we met in person last nov 2, 09,were engaged and planning to get married..yap online dating is cynical but when love strikes u, you cant stop it.

16th February 2010, 05:29
me and gary met on dating site called cebuanas,just a simple hi .....and we met in person last nov 2, 09,were engaged and planning to get married..yap online dating is cynical but when love strikes u, you cant stop it.

Sooo TRUE;)
LOVE is in the air:cwm38::cwm38:

16th February 2010, 08:05
me and gary met on dating site called cebuanas,just a simple hi .....and we met in person last nov 2, 09,were engaged and planning to get married..yap online dating is cynical but when love strikes u, you cant stop it.

Tama ka dyan Lyka... same here with me...I met my fiance online but not on a dating site. We met in Facebook as friends in 2007. We chat, email each other daily, exchanging views and infos on cultures & traditions and current events, especially on media advisories about Mindanao. Then he said that if he's going to visit Philippines would he be safe? and could he hire me as a personal tour guide, and i said Yes, he'll be safe and i can be his guide too. So after a year of being online friends, he finally decided to visit Philippines Oct-Nov 2008. He even asked me to file for a leave from work, and he'll pay me as tour guide:). He didn't even want to go home that time and wanted to stay, but he can't. We were both crying when he left. We knew then that we love each other but just afraid to say it. After a month, he already said that he wants to come back and that he loves me. April 2009, he came back for 3 weeks. The relationship has become deeper and deeper that we wanted to be with each others side forever. But there are things that should be considered so we did not decide right away for marriage. We decided to visit UK first, meet his family, observe the life there because it will be a big move for me and my 2 kids. Nov. 2009 he visited me again, and we filed for a visit visa, fortunately it was granted. In April, me and my 2 kids will be going to UK and see what ahead of us there and hopefully settle down later this year. wish us luck...!:)

16th February 2010, 08:55
Chatroom..Am a regular in one of the filipino chatrooms and it gets so boring so then i typed this message ''hi everyone,filipina,28y/0,with 8kids looking for a man to marry me'' it was just a joke but then the room became so loud and happy and asked me how it happened?? (hmm crazy innit?)
while i was too busy with pm this guy strikes my heart when he said ''I will marry you someday'' (aww sweet!!) this guy melts my heart,since then we started chatting 9hrs a day,ym msn and skype and he actually did his promise to me on our first chat we got married last December and made me the happiest woman in the world..

16th February 2010, 09:32
I was on holiday in Singapore last Autumn. My hotel was quite a long way out of town in a mainly residential area and one night I didn't feel like going into town, so I decided to check out the local bars and just have a few beers within staggering distance of my hotel. As it turned out the local bars were just for locals, they were all Chinese Karaoke bars where beer was about £10 a pint and the karaoke was all in Chinese, Hindi, Malay or Tagalog. In the end I found, a karaoke bar that had more of a pub feel to it and decided to have a few Tiger's in there. I was the only westerner in there, the rest of the clientelle were local Indians or Chinese. One singer caught my eye, and I started chatting to her, it also helped because she spoke fluent American. She said she was off work the following day, so we agreed to meet up for a date, everything started from there. Almost 6 months on, we Skype or IM everyday and I've been out to the Phil's once to see her, and am going back again in April.

16th February 2010, 10:12
Introduced through my sister-in law(also wifes cousin) as a penpal/friend to correspond with during cold winter evenings.Originally asked sister-in-law to find penpals for my two teenage children.

16th February 2010, 20:00
My background is Hotel Management...met my wife when we were working together in a Hotel in Edinburgh in 1979. She has somehow managed to put up with me for 31 years and probably deserves a medal..!!!

17th February 2010, 01:17
Hi Tim!! I was single for a year and a half before I met my boyfriend at a bank where I used to work. It was a saturday morning and I was grumpy as hell for having to work that saturday 'cos I was hungover from the previous night and oh well.. who likes to work on a Saturday? LOL :D. So our first meeting wasn't really that romantic 'cos I felt like :censored:, I looked like :censored: and at the time I had given up on finding a decent guy here in England. He was new at the bank so he was being shown around and I wasn't very nice to him 'cos he kept smiling and staring at me and for some reason that really bugged me :icon_lol: so I just blanked him out and pretended that he wasn't there beside me. But then I found out after he'd left that he was one of my colleague's son and I got scared that he might ask his mum who the meanie asian witch was at work so I was nicer to him the following Monday. We became friends and the rest is history! I'm so glad he didn't let our first meeting get in the way! :BouncyHappy:

So I know a lot of people have already told you this but I'm sure you'll meet the right person when you least expect it. I've only been a member here for a few days but can tell that you are a nice genuine person and people like you are destined to good things :D

17th February 2010, 13:36
Hi Tim!! I was single for a year and a half before I met my boyfriend at a bank where I used to work. It was a saturday morning and I was grumpy as hell for having to work that saturday 'cos I was hungover from the previous night and oh well.. who likes to work on a Saturday? LOL :D. So our first meeting wasn't really that romantic 'cos I felt like :censored:, I looked like :censored: and at the time I had given up on finding a decent guy here in England. He was new at the bank so he was being shown around and I wasn't very nice to him 'cos he kept smiling and staring at me and for some reason that really bugged me :icon_lol: so I just blanked him out and pretended that he wasn't there beside me. But then I found out after he'd left that he was one of my colleague's son and I got scared that he might ask his mum who the meanie asian witch was at work so I was nicer to him the following Monday. We became friends and the rest is history! I'm so glad he didn't let our first meeting get in the way! :BouncyHappy:

So I know a lot of people have already told you this but I'm sure you'll meet the right person when you least expect it. I've only been a member here for a few days but can tell that you are a nice genuine person and people like you are destined to good things :D

Its funny how a lot of relationships start off with the wrong impression, I've heard a few stories like yours. I met my gf online, we exchanged a few emails and then began chatting on ym. I thought she was a bit rude that first time we chatted, didn't even say goodbye. It was only next time I found out that her time had run out in the net cafe and she didn't have chance to say goodbye :Hellooo:

17th February 2010, 16:16
Its funny how a lot of relationships start off with the wrong impression, I've heard a few stories like yours. I met my gf online, we exchanged a few emails and then began chatting on ym. I thought she was a bit rude that first time we chatted, didn't even say goodbye. It was only next time I found out that her time had run out in the net cafe and she didn't have chance to say goodbye :Hellooo:

LOL :icon_lol: but you know that's what I like about british guys. You don't let first impressions get in the way. If I had done what I did to my guy on our first meeting to a filipino guy who was also good-looking like my bf - he would've looked at me and gone " to heck with you " :Cuckoo:

South-east boy
17th February 2010, 17:38
Hi Tim!! I was single for a year and a half before I met my boyfriend at a bank where I used to work. It was a saturday morning and I was grumpy as hell for having to work that saturday 'cos I was hungover from the previous night and oh well.. who likes to work on a Saturday? LOL :D. So our first meeting wasn't really that romantic 'cos I felt like :censored:, I looked like :censored: and at the time I had given up on finding a decent guy here in England. He was new at the bank so he was being shown around and I wasn't very nice to him 'cos he kept smiling and staring at me and for some reason that really bugged me :icon_lol: so I just blanked him out and pretended that he wasn't there beside me. But then I found out after he'd left that he was one of my colleague's son and I got scared that he might ask his mum who the meanie asian witch was at work so I was nicer to him the following Monday. We became friends and the rest is history! I'm so glad he didn't let our first meeting get in the way! :BouncyHappy:

So I know a lot of people have already told you this but I'm sure you'll meet the right person when you least expect it. I've only been a member here for a few days but can tell that you are a nice genuine person and people like you are destined to good things :D

Thanks Ekks! :)

So has your boyfriend told you what his first impression of you was when you were a bit off with him?!

17th February 2010, 17:43
Thanks Ekks! :)

So has your boyfriend told you what his first impression of you was when you were a bit off with him?!

He told me he found me really snobbish :icon_lol: but that 'cos he instantaneously developed a crush on me - he thought he should not just scrap me altogether as I might just be having a bad day at the time :D

23rd February 2010, 22:04
Met mine in the Mandarin Restaurent - Davao,,,,,,,,,she served me chickens feet and that as they say was that !!! Five years and 2 kids later we're still rockin on

23rd February 2010, 22:44
Rochelyn was a waitress in a small restaurant on a small island and I was travelling............the rest is in the blog.

14th March 2010, 13:13
Asian Euro :)

20th March 2010, 16:57
I was competing in the king of the hills mountain marathon series in Sai Kung Hong Kong in June 2003, a stunning bottom clad in lycra ran past me heading up a particularly long ascent, kept me going for few hundered yards before I could not keep up any more. I Spoke to the owner of stunning bottom at the end of the race ( we shared an power bar and a iso tonic drink... how sweet eh) I enquired if she was competing in two weeks time on Lantau and she said yes. We agreed to meet up before the event and share the ferry journey over.

I could not wait for the next two weeks to pass, distracted at work, doing more training so I might keep up with her, texting her from my trip that week in China etc etc. As fate would have it I only had to wait one week as that weekend I was helping out some mates from Credit Suisse on their dragon boat team at the deepwater bay short course event and lo and behold what did I see...... the stunning bottom again this time in padded lycra paddle shorts competing with a ladies team Mes Amis Paddle Babes.

We had a great day and after event house party at a ridiculously well paid Credit Suisse paddlers place in Repulse bay. I was going on a junk trip on the Sunday with a South African friend and his mates and knew from previous trips most of them had partners so before we parted that night I asked Ligaya
if she would join us fully expecting this rather shy and demure filipna to say no.
She smiled,(that smile I will never forget) said yes and we have been together ever since and now have a lively 2 year old boy and beautiful 6 month old daughter and are here in Birmingham.

South-east boy
22nd March 2010, 13:49
So even if you hadn't arranged to meet up at the next event, you would have probably bumped into her again like you did at the boat race or the next even that you had arranged to meet at!

So who finished first out of you on the second marathan event?! Mountain ones must be pretty tough eh?!

22nd March 2010, 14:03
I met my husband on 'MY SPACE' website..and now we are happily married and expecting our first child....yohoooo!!!

22nd March 2010, 18:57
Ligaya finished futrther up the female rankings but I posted a PB so I guess honours even. Yeah they are tough especially on 90 degree 90 % humididty days but they are only about 20 to 25km so not totally crazy

22nd March 2010, 19:39
so nice to read all ur love stories here.. :) wish i could share my own here someday.. :rolleyes:

22nd March 2010, 19:52
tell us more about yourself and some lucky guy may read it?

22nd March 2010, 20:21
tell us more about yourself and some lucky guy may read it?

Ok.. ;) aside from the things i told in the "Introduce Yourself" section...I'm someone who loves to laugh..among my circle of friends, if there's a joker, i'm what u call the "laugher" (if there's such a word lol)..i can laugh at the corniest joke if the delivery is good..hehe :D i also try to be positive about life despite of the not so good things happened to me coz i know those are just challenges that would make me stronger.

I'm the eldest of 4 children..(hmm..technically 5 coz i have an older half sis from my mom :))..i enjoy spending time with my 2 nephews which i spoil a lot..if not working (i'm at work now btw, coz im on nightshift) i usually stay at home and spend time with my family or go out with some friends to watch a movie and have coffee..im addicted to starbucks! Oh and i collect havaianas..haha..got 20 pairs already and waiting for my 21st & 22nd pair..lol..

What else? Hmmm..lol..just ask me coz im not sure if u guys wud b interested..haha. :P

22nd March 2010, 20:25
Well I joined Filipino heart with no real expectations.I saw my fiancee's photo and was instantly attracted by her 'Cheeky' smile.So I said to myself I must speak with her! I sent an introduction email , but with no photo of myself.3 days later, heard nothing, so I sent another one.My fiancee was intrigued by my persistance so she accepted.She was not really expecting anything from the contact, but 9 months on we are completely and utterly in love, engaged to be married...

22nd March 2010, 21:00
Well I joined Filipino heart with no real expectations.I saw my fiancee's photo and was instantly attracted by her 'Cheeky' smile.So I said to myself I must speak with her! I sent an introduction email , but with no photo of myself.3 days later, heard nothing, so I sent another one.My fiancee was intrigued by my persistance so she accepted.She was not really expecting anything from the contact, but 9 months on we are completely and utterly in love, engaged to be married...

well, i guess it pays to be cheeky :D

22nd March 2010, 21:12
well, i guess it pays to be cheeky :D
You should know, I've seen you in a g-string :cwm24:

South-east boy
23rd March 2010, 17:31
You should know, I've seen you in a g-string :cwm24:

:omg: Did you enjoy the :erotic4: ?!

23rd March 2010, 21:13
Oh and i collect havaianas..haha..got 20 pairs already and waiting for my 21st & 22nd pair..lol..

Ok, thicko here need to know what these are?? Please tell Rayna :Help1:

23rd March 2010, 21:20
Ok, thicko here need to know what these are?? Please tell Rayna :Help1:
Jesus Creepers .... but I'm not saying that on here someone might hit me :Erm:

Spread the LUV :heartshape1:

23rd March 2010, 21:32
Ok, thicko here need to know what these are?? Please tell Rayna :Help1:

Havaianas is a brand of flipflops, originally from Brazil..hehe..it's very popular here in the Philippines now and causing stores that sell it to form long lines of buyers just to buy one..lol :D

23rd March 2010, 21:43
..... long lines of buyers just to buy one..lol :D
So a lot of people only have one leg? :crazy: :D

23rd March 2010, 21:56
So a lot of people only have one leg? :crazy: :D
One pair! Darn it! :doh U always managed u catch my mistakes..haha 2x already..one more and i'm already bingo! :doh:action-smiley-060:

23rd March 2010, 22:07
One pair! Darn it! :doh U always managed u catch my mistakes..haha 2x already..one more and i'm already bingo! :doh:action-smiley-060:
Funny girl :rolleyes: :laugher: ..... have we met .... I seem to remember you from my days of incarceration in "Um Foo Foo Mental Home" on "Ug Ug Island" :waver:

23rd March 2010, 22:49
Thanks Rayna ............I would never have picked on you like the boss :icon_sorry: ......much :D

South-east boy
23rd March 2010, 23:03
Ok.. ;) Oh and i collect havaianas..haha..got 20 pairs already and waiting for my 21st & 22nd pair..lol..

21/22 pairs?! :omg: Are you getting ready to open a shoe shop or something?! :icon_lol: You women and shoes! :rolleyes: :icon_lol:

23rd March 2010, 23:12
Thanks Rayna ............I would never have picked on you like the boss :icon_sorry: ......much :D
Haha..it's ok..he's the master so i should just say :yesmaster: most of the time..he also has :admin: and i dnt want to be kicked off here..plus..i dnt pick on :olddude:

23rd March 2010, 23:16
21/22 pairs?! :omg: Are you getting ready to open a shoe shop or something?! :icon_lol: You women and shoes! :rolleyes: :icon_lol:
Haha..well it's still no match to my cousins' which is nearing 100 pairs all in all!

South-east boy
23rd March 2010, 23:18
Haha..well it's still no match to my cousins' which is nearing 100 pairs all in all!

:omg: :icon_lol: Has she a dressing room full of just shoes?! Must take a while deciding on which pair to wear! :icon_lol:

23rd March 2010, 23:19
i wear flip flops on the beach but i collect wellies...:Help1:

24th March 2010, 00:11
Havaianas is a brand of flipflops, originally from Brazil..hehe..it's very popular here in the Philippines now and causing stores that sell it to form long lines of buyers just to buy one..lol :D

I wanted to import them here to UK, when I was in the Philippines, but they were fakes???? :doh

24th March 2010, 01:19
I wanted to import them here to UK, when I was in the Philippines, but they were fakes???? :doh

oh you must have bought them from sidewalk vendors? :Erm: well as every filipino here know, lots of here have ways to fake everything..:NoNo:so be careful in buying stuffs.. ;)

24th March 2010, 02:22
I met my Mahal while window shopping in Singapore on a busy sunday afternoon. I was just walking along Orchard Street, I was not going anywhere just walking looking, taking in the sights, when I noticed this beautiful girl walking at the same speed. We walked side by side, then apart as people walked between us then together, then apart for quite a way.
We exchanged a few smiles as we walked, as it seemed quite amusing, almost like she was already my wife. Then I stopped. I looked at her and she stopped too, then quite out of character I just asked her if she would like to have a coffee. Luckily, she spoke good english and she took me to a coffee shop near Lucky Plaza. We talked for about half an hour and exchanged numbers. Then she had to go, as she was going to a birthday party later that afternoon.
Not expecting to hear any more, the next day she called me, and we have been together ever since (although long distance mostly) I have recently come back from Phils after meeting her and the family, and we are deeply in love, good times!! We are now both looking forward to a future together.

I have worked for 6 months in Singapore (Nov2007-May2008) then I decided to come back here when my current company offered me a job, plus my family was asking me to come home already coz they know that i'm not enjoying my time there (too much work from my company there is really causing me sick all the time)..u both are lucky for finding each other. :luv4: i once thought that i already found my other half there too, but here i am still single..:Cuckoo:

24th March 2010, 08:11
oh you must have bought them from sidewalk vendors? :Erm: well as every filipino here know, lots of here have ways to fake everything..:NoNo:so be careful in buying stuffs.. ;)

Yes lots of wholesalers selling fakes, the original ones have a special tag on them or seal....can't remember now?

If i sold fakes in the UK, I'd end up in jail. :omg::Help1::NoNo::NoNo:

24th March 2010, 11:11
Yes lots of wholesalers selling fakes, the original ones have a special tag on them or seal....can't remember now?

Yes they have..plus they sell it waaaayyyy much higher! LOL! :REGamblMoney01HL1: