View Full Version : Webcam 1st !!

27th January 2010, 21:03
Just had to tell you guys what happened today.

I have been given a hard time by my Mahal recently about the fact that she wants to talk to my parents on Yahoo Messenger. When I say hard time, I mean she keeps asking.. when? when? Anyway, my parents have only just got their laptop, my mother is nearly 69 and my father is 75, so it is all new to them and they are scared to tuen the thing on, let alone use a messenger service.
I have over the last couple of weeks been giving my parents some yahoo training, I would be upstairs in the back bedroom and my parents in the front room. Then I would try to connect, start voice, then webcam, then turning off etc etc. They were getting the hang of it.............eventually :doh

Well, I was talking to my Mahal late last night/this morning on Yahoo as she is going back to Phil tomorrow for a funeral so I will not see her for a few days and she asked me again if I had done anything to get my parents using Yahoo. I said I had, but my mother was still scared of it, and I was sure they would be using it soon.
Later on today, I was at work with my yahoo open on my work pc, when up pops my Mahal and said she was online and could I sms my mother to tell her she wanted a chat. So I did!!! Now, they have only talked on the phone briefly twice so far, so this was going to be a first.
Next thing I know, the 3 of them have spent half an hour gossiping on Yahoo with voice and webcams and having a great time together. All the fears have gone and they are all looking forward to the next time they can talk.

I am so happy that this first time went so well. My Mahal was back on Yahoo telling me she was so happy to speak to 'Mum and Dad' as she calls them, and when I eventually got home tonight I had the same reaction from my parents too. It makes me feel quite relieved that they got on so well.
I just thought I would like to share this webcam 1st. How about any other members? any similar stories of the first time you met your partner's parents, online or in the flesh?

Steve :)

27th January 2010, 21:10
hurraaayyyyy for your parents who conquered the world of yahoo:D

27th January 2010, 22:04
ha ha........yes, not an easy job believe me! :icon_lol:

Arthur Little
27th January 2010, 23:03
Anyway, my parents have only just got their laptop, my mother is nearly 69 and my father is 75, so it is all new to them and they are scared to tuen the thing on, let alone use a messenger service.

Aw :cwm24: ... I can empathise with your parents, Steve ... but then, that's what it's like with us "golden oldies" :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol: and the latest technology ... !!!

27th January 2010, 23:19
Aw :cwm24: ... I can empathise with your parents, Steve ... but then, that's what it's like with us "golden oldies" :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol: and the latest technology ... !!!

Arthur, you're not so old my friend. You have mastered the internet ok from what I see. I think a lot of 'golden oldies' do fear this new technology, but once they see (like my olds) how easy it really is, there will be no stopping them. I am really chuffed tbh, I never thought I would see this day. Also the fact that they coped with Charie for the first time without me around, lol :D

Arthur Little
27th January 2010, 23:29
Arthur, you're not so old my friend. You have mastered the internet ok from what I see. I think a lot of 'golden oldies' do fear this new technology, but once they see (like my olds) how easy it really is, there will be no stopping them. I am really chuffed tbh, I never thought I would see this day. Also the fact that they coped with Charie for the first time without me around, lol :D

That's reassuring to know, Steve :xxgrinning--00xx3: ... and, for all I said earlier ... I'M "getting there" gradually, too ... and find myself picking up something new, practically every day now! Thanks, mate.

28th January 2010, 03:37
This is a very good thing. :xxgrinning--00xx3: I know how happy your Mahal right now Steve. Coz I felt same before and now I'm more happy because i know my in-laws love me more. They are one of the main reason why i took our relationship very seriously at very early stage even we haven't met him personally. After i introduced him to my family and show them through webcam. My husband did same thing he informed his parents about us, called me then i spoke to them and when they came to my husband apartment they wanted to see me. First i was very surprised, shy and speechless then Mum start our conversation and it went very well. Even i haven't met them personally they made me feel they like and love me and more now. Also aside from his parents he introduced me to his best friend and many friends. :)

I know most Filipinas here will agree to me aside from that we want to feel love from our partner we want also to be accepted and loved by our in-laws or future in laws. It also helps more to have peaceful and healthy relationship. So if one day we will have big problem we cant count on them or listen to us not just to their son/daughter. :)

28th January 2010, 07:31
This is a very good thing. :xxgrinning--00xx3: I know how happy your Mahal right now Steve. Coz I felt same before and now I'm more happy because i know my in-laws love me more. They are one of the main reason why i took our relationship very seriously at very early stage even we haven't met him personally. After i introduced him to my family and show them through webcam. My husband did same thing he informed his parents about us, called me then i spoke to them and when they came to my husband apartment they wanted to see me. First i was very surprised, shy and speechless then Mum start our conversation and it went very well. Even i haven't met them personally they made me feel they like and love me and more now. Also aside from his parents he introduced me to his best friend and many friends. :)

I know most Filipinas here will agree to me aside from that we want to feel love from our partner we want also to be accepted and loved by our in-laws or future in laws. It also helps more to have peaceful and healthy relationship. So if one day we will have big problem we cant count on them or listen to us not just to their son/daughter. :)

I am very happy for you also Simonline, I think you feel more contented knowing that you have support of the 'in-law's'

thank you for your post.
Steve :)

28th January 2010, 11:49
I know most Filipinas here will agree to me aside from that we want to feel love from our partner we want also to be accepted and loved by our in-laws or future in laws. It also helps more to have peaceful and healthy relationship. So if one day we will have big problem we cant count on them or listen to us not just to their son/daughter.

..Yeah this is correct,i can call my mother-in-law now and speak to her like my real Mum...lol and she always worry asked me 'how are you..u alright?'then maybe she can sense if me and her son is having a little sulky moments then she will tell me 'ok dear,doe's ur hubby needs to be told??? hmm shes such a very sweet Mum-in-law:cwm38:

..I also remembered when my hubby tried to set up own laptop for her Mum so we can see each other and chat ..it took about ages to teach Mum (78) she enjoyed it for awhile but then again chores (for mum) and work (me )occupied us so we rarely chat now but we call each other on fone as often as we can and sometimes hubby was amazed when i do join him on conference call with his Mum lol

'Dont be serious!!! Be sincere'''

29th January 2010, 00:26
never had the chance to chat with the in-laws nor talk to them on the phone before i came here... they just pass on their messages through my husband... the first meeting (in the flesh) was so natural to me.. seems like we have known each othe for a long time... well, i thing the pasalubongs to them every time my hubby visits me in Pinas did the trick.. hehehe