View Full Version : Paying For Medical Care

4th February 2010, 18:41
It looks like my gf may be ill. Fever, rash, aches, but it has also made her ulcer flare up. I do not trust the doctor she uses, and would like her to go to AUFMC. So this is my question:

If she goes to this hospital, can I contact the hospital and pass them my credit card details to cover her costs?

I suppose a second question might be: if she needed an ordinary bed (not ICU) how much per night might that cost?



Arthur Little
4th February 2010, 18:52
It looks like my gf may be ill. Fever, rash, aches, but it has also made her ulcer flare up. I do not trust the doctor she uses, and would like her to go to AUFMC. So this is my question:

If she goes to this hospital, can I contact the hospital and pass them my credit card details to cover her costs?

I suppose a second question might be: if she needed an ordinary bed (not ICU) how much per night might that cost?



:omg: ... not ANOTHER "potential scam" ... oh well, it's often said that "things come in threes"!!! Sorry mate, for sounding cynical ... but I've only just dealt with two OTHER tales of woe!!

4th February 2010, 19:03
when my mum was in hospital they wouldnt treat her coz they needed a certain amount as downpayment, i called them to try to pay via a debit card on the phone they wont have it. but u can try maybe hospitals has got a different policy on payments.

4th February 2010, 19:13

I have my eyes open. I have known her for several years and I know of her ulcer problem. I know the medication she takes, I know how often it flares up, what it feels like, and what causes it to flare up.

However, if this current bout of fever is a scam, then paying the hospital direct would be a way of protecting myself, geddit?

Also, having lots of friends and family in Thailand over the last 22 years, it sickens me when people think that getting sick MUST BE a tale of woe and a lie. People in third world countries get sick, and in the Philippines they often die due to expensive, crappy, and corrupt healthcare. In my experience, a filipina would rather sit at home worrying about the possible bills until it is too late - or am I wrong?

So, forgive me if, rather than say "no" to her I say "yes, but we do it my way".

4th February 2010, 19:25

Now I have calmed down a bit, everything is a potential scam. But it would be nice on this forum to have a simple question answered with some helpful advice rather than people commenting on my admittedly complicated relationship.

Arthur Little
4th February 2010, 19:36

Don't patronise me! I have my eyes open. I have known her for several years and I know of her ulcer problem. However, if it is a scam, then paying the hospital direct would be a way of protecting myself, geddit?

I am not some bloody naive newbie. Also, having lots of friends and family in Thailand over the last 22 years, it sickens me when people think that getting sick MUST BE a tale of woe and a lie. People in third world countries get sick, and in the Philippines they often die due to expensive, crappy, and corrupt healthcare. So, forgive me if, rather than say "no" to her I say "yes, but we do it my way".

Please accept my sincere apologies ... the very last thing I want to do is patronise or offend anyone in any way, believe me! It's just not part of my nature. :NoNo:

All I can say by way of mitigation, is that I REALLY HAD just answered two posts [see today's threads on the main forum] ... where it SEEMED patently obvious (to me - as well as several other respondents) that the guys involved WERE being scammed ... and, there again, I hope I'm proved wrong!

In YOUR circumstances ... yes, you're right in offering to help pay for the treatment of someone you've known for so long. And I commend you for it. But, in all fairness, I simply hadn't been aware of the relationship, and once again I'm sorry for having upset you in any way. Also, my very best wishes for the patient's speedy recovery. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th February 2010, 19:52

Sorry for over reacting. I am an old hand, but your reply came at just the time that I was having nagging worries about whether she was being truly honest with me. I am looking for a way to provide her with the best possible health care at the lowest possible risk to me!

The most likely situation is that because she hates asking for money she has left this too bloody long and may now be seriously ill.

But there is also a possibility that she is under pressure from her family and is scared to ask me directly. This is unacceptable and I need to protect myself against it whilst being aware of all of the things that she is probably having to dal with.

Arthur Little
4th February 2010, 20:27

The most likely situation is that because she hates asking for money she has left this too bloody long and may now be seriously ill.

Oh Christ, Ian ... I see what you mean ... about her possibly being too proud to ask for money! :cwm24: I really hope and pray that she's able to get the proper treatment and recovers quickly.

But there is also a possibility that she is under pressure from her family and is scared to ask me directly. This is unacceptable and I need to protect myself against it whilst being aware of all of the things that she is probably having to dal with.

Very true, :iagree: But in the light of your *feelings for this lady [*which have become crystal clear to me since typing my ill-timed post] I'm NOW fairly sure you'd be making the proper decision by offering to contribute whatever you can feasibly manage towards her treatment. I probably would too, in those circumstances. No amount of money can be compared to the immense value of easing human suffering ... all the more especially, the pain of a loved one.

Good Luck to each of you in the way forward, my friend.

4th February 2010, 20:29
People in third world countries get sick, and in the Philippines they often die due to expensive, crappy, and corrupt healthcare.
...and nearly every other country on the planet, or die through lack of money (even in the US) ..... and folk here complain bout the NHS :doh We are one of less than about 10 countries that has a choice. Don't like the NHS, go private and stop moaning.

Doc Alan
4th February 2010, 20:36
It looks like my gf may be ill. Fever, rash, aches, but it has also made her ulcer flare up. I do not trust the doctor she uses, and would like her to go to AUFMC. So this is my question:

If she goes to this hospital, can I contact the hospital and pass them my credit card details to cover her costs?

I suppose a second question might be: if she needed an ordinary bed (not ICU) how much per night might that cost?



Arthur is indeed the last person to offend or patronise ! He is very well respected on this forum:)
Your thread leads to many more questions than you have asked.:Erm: From what you have told us we have no idea what's wrong with your gf - there are many types of ulcer, and fever,rash and ache are symptoms and signs of many conditions. Why don't you trust the doctor? You need an accurate diagnosis from a doctor you CAN trust to have an idea of the treatment required (and hence cost). AUFMC means Angeles University Foundation Medical Center ...said to be the best private tertiary hospital in central Luzon. a good reputation. I guess I should apologise in advance if what I have said also appears patronising but, like Arthur, only trying to help !:)

Arthur Little
4th February 2010, 20:37
...and nearly every other country on the planet, or die through lack of money (even in the US) ..... and folk here complain bout the NHS :doh We are one of less than about 10 countries that has a choice. Don't like the NHS, go private and stop moaning.

:iagree: ... indeed, WE in the UK are very lucky in having such a choice.

4th February 2010, 20:51
Thanks. And Arthur seems like a nice chap, so sorry!

She first fell ill earlier in the week. She went to the doctor who took a blood test and gave her pills for fever and an allergy. Blood test was clear.

But now she says that the doctor actually wanted her to go into hospital, and that she now feels much worse, having suffered for two days before telling me because she was worried about the cost.

I don't want her to go back to the same doctor because I don't know if he is any good and don't trust him. I would rather she went to AUFMC. But when I suggested that she reacted badly - said it was impossible and didn't like the credit card idea.

So its possible she needs cash. But more likely she is terrified of going to a smart place and being treated like dirt.

As for what's wrong - meningitis is a real risk but would have shown up in the bloods. She recently ate squid, so some of the nastier things like hepatitis might also be possible. There are just too many possibilities in the tropics, aren't there?

Arthur Little
4th February 2010, 20:53
Arthur is indeed the last person to offend or patronise ! He is very well respected on this forum:)
Your thread leads to many more questions than you have asked.:Erm: From what you have told us we have no idea what's wrong with your gf - there are many types of ulcer, and fever,rash and ache are symptoms and signs of many conditions. Why don't you trust the doctor? You need an accurate diagnosis from a doctor you CAN trust to have an idea of the treatment required (and hence cost). AUFMC means Angeles University Foundation Medical Center ...said to be the best private tertiary hospital in central Luzon. a good reputation. I guess I should apologise in advance if what I have said also appears patronising but, like Arthur, only trying to help !:)

Many thanks for your kind words, Alan. There are so many factors to be taken into consideration in cases like this one :rolleyes: ... and in numerous others besides ... hence I can empathise with the anguish Ian is undergoing at the present time. Thanks too, for your valuable input here.

4th February 2010, 21:13
Hi Ian cant comment on that specific hospital but in the south for a private room between 2-3000piso per day will be a ball park why dont you ring the hospital direct and ask for there accounts department and ask if a deposit can be paid by cc or bank transfer:xxgrinning--00xx3:

+63 45 625 2999 hospital number

Doc Alan
4th February 2010, 21:38
Ian, all of us who have read and responded to your thread understand your anguish. It's hard enough when it involves someone near us. We have the NHS (although with the patchy quality of the current GP on call service, best not to fall ill between 6pm and 8 am :omg:). As you say, there are many possibilities for the diagnosis ; not only is that confidential information, but also quite impossible in any case for us here to do more than give general advice. Please let us know the outcome.