View Full Version : visa

5th February 2010, 17:45
hi can i ask anyone for help , i am asking my new partner to come to england for a vacation after i went to the philippines ,but what visa do we need , its a holiday so a 6 month visa is what we need i think , but do we?? she thinks she needs a visa but saying i need to apply for it and have to say about my income and so on , but for a tourist visa do i??? we have none each other over 2 years and no marrige yet but one day we both hope, thanks steve

6th February 2010, 01:39
Yes she most certainly does need a visa. Take a look at my posts in the other thread on this subject. Best of British luck!

6th February 2010, 03:00
Your Ladyfriend will have to apply Steve and will need to demonstrate to the Embassy that it is a legitimate visit and that on the balance of probability that she will return to the Phils or at least leave the UK

You can support her application by offering accomadation and if needed support itsa bit of a lottery but a well prepared application will be better than a poor one.

Although it is possible to spend up to six months on a visitors visa that would be exceptional ,you say its for a holiday so give the time period some thought and any evidence such as family/propety/employment that ties her to the Phils will help as well as if possible evidence of sufficient funds in her bank there.A statement that travel insurance will be taken out for medical emergancies would also be useful :xxgrinning--00xx3: