View Full Version : What An interesting Theory You Have!

8th February 2010, 18:10
(A classroom scene)

Teacher: There are three birds sitting on a wall, and one gets shot, how many birds are left on the wall? :)

Young Boy: There are none! Because the loud bang from the gun will frighten the birds and they will all fly away!:D

Teacher: The answer is two, but what an interesting theory you have! :)

Young Boy: Miss I will ask you a question. There are three girls eating ice cream, one is nibbling it, one is biting it, and one is sucking and sucking and sucking it! Which one is a married woman?

Teacher: The one that is sucking and sucking it?

Young Boy: It's the one wearing a wedding ring, but what an interesting theory you have! :D

Teacher: :angry:

10th February 2010, 15:23
Hey Nige,
im surprised no ones made any comments.........now this one DID make me laugh

10th February 2010, 18:17

3rd March 2010, 18:18
You like this one then? :)